Chapter 165

165 Chapter 165 A Long Forgotten Anger

(the City of Karx, two years in the past; Third person POV)

′′ Boy, here is your money, don’t even think about haggling, you know that construction work has been scarce within the city; Plus I shouldn’t even have hired you because of your age in the first place. ′′ A somewhat overbearing hoarse voice came from the stocky middle-aged man handing an envelope of money to a young boy with black hair and blue eyes.

Desmond having received the money limited himself to feeling the thickness of the envelope knowing that there was no point arguing with the person in front of him, although Desmond knew that the middle-aged man was taking advantage of his circumstances; Desmond still needed the money.

On the way home Desmond was dragging his feet slightly exhausted from the day’s work, but he still wore a smile on his face, anyone who knew the young man would know that the reason for his smile was the beautiful girl he cared for, Claire.

′′ did you listen? I have heard that there have been a series of rapes in the city, all the victims were very young girls, none of them can clearly remember the criminal who raped them, but they all say that although they were conscious all the time they could not resist. ′′

A conversation of a somewhat dark nature caught the attention of Desmond who decided to stop to buy some fruits to bring home, the conversation was taking place between some housewives who seemed worried.

′′ Yes, I hear something about it, there are rumors that the person who did it must be an esper with some ability of mind control or hypnosis; How do we protect our girls from something like that? ′′

Having listened this far, Desmond shake off his head as he thought to himself that the world had changed, even though the crime had always existed in the past; adding superpowers to the mix made everything more chaotic.

Still, Desmond had an uncomfortable feeling that he couldn’t shake himself off, so he ended up leaving the fruits on the counter and going home as fast as his body would allow.


When he got home, Desmond opened the door calmly as he had always done in the past and noticed that Claire’s backpack was already on the rack which made him feel more comfortable for a moment; but before he breathed a sigh of relief Desmond heard a couple of voices coming from the next the room.

′′ Stay still my dear, now take off your clothes. ′′ The first voice was of male origin, this was young, but it carried with it a twisted and sinister feeling.

′′ Yes, Desmond. ′′ The second voice was one that Desmond couldn’t be more familiar with, it’s just that Claire’s voice at this moment sounded monotonous and empty; not to mention that she referred to the owner of the other voice as Desmond.

Upon entering the room Desmond saw a scene that almost drove him crazy with anger, Claire was standing in the middle of the room with a distracted face as she finished taking off her clothes, at this moment Claire was only in her white lace underwear revealing her delicate skin.

In front of Claire was a young man in his twenties, the person in question was watching Claire with a degenerate smile and a look full of lust, the man’s eyes were shining strangely probably due to the use of some kind of esper ability and his hands were moving in a hurry as he tried to remove his clothes.

In the next second Desmond pounced like a crazed beast on the man in front of Claire, Desmond didn’t ask any questions or make any threats; he just brutally beat the man in front of him.

The person in question didn’t even have a chance to react or resist, at one point he was preparing to sadistically **** the beautiful girl in front of him, and at the next moment, someone was banging his head against the ground over and over again.

′′ wait. ′′ The young man tried to beg hoping he would have the opportunity to use his hypnosis ability to control his attacker, but Desmond didn’t even blink when he grabbed the man by the hair and slammed his face back to the ground.

After that, only sounds of low moans, bones breaking and blood being spilled what was heard in the room, Claire on the other hand just stood there like a puppet that had stopped receiving orders with a blank look in her eyes.

Desmond only stopped when the bloody mess that was once a person stopped moving and breathing, seeing his hands full of blood Desmond had a strange sense of familiarity that he couldn’t get out of his system; Strange memories invaded his mind, but he fought them down hard.

At this moment Desmond had greater worries, because at the same moment that the man died, Claire seemed to regain clarity and movement; when the young woman looked at her semi-naked body and the mess around her, she almost let out a huge scream, but Desmond managed to stop her.

It took Desmond almost an hour to calm Claire down and it took him all night to clean up the bloody mess in the living room, as for the corpse, Desmond just naturally buried it in the yard.

As reckless as this seemed, Desmond knew that in the city without a body to find first the authorities didn’t bother to investigate missing persons unless they were important people; Besides, if the idiot he killed had used his hypnosis ability to go unnoticed for so long it was to be assumed that no one around here would remember seeing him.

As he finished covering the hole in the patio with a dirt shovel, Desmond remembered that strange feeling when he had killed the man, for some reason, it disturbed him; was almost. . . almost.

′′ As if I had done it before but I did not remember it. ′′

(Erack, outside Sasha’s cabin today, Third Person POV)

Watching the scene in front of him, Desmond couldn’t help but remember the first time in his life that he completely lost control of his emotions; when he saw Claire about to be tainted in front of him it was as if something inside Desmond’s mind broke for a moment.

And at this moment Desmond was having that same feeling, in front of him was Sasha’s now ruined cabin, much of it had been destroyed with some parts of it on fire.

There were some signs of fighting in the yard and Desmond could see that there were all kinds of vandalism on the property, the words ¨Slut¨ and ¨witch¨ could be seen carved in the wood of the still-standing parts of the cabin and right on the At the entrance, there was a large sign carved into the ground that read: Divine Judgment.

Approaching the entrance Desmond found at least four or five projectiles on the ground that were similar to tiny-sized darts, using analysis on them he discovered that they were a pretty decent weapon that was covered in a powerful paralyzing poison.

That explained why the signs of fighting were so few and most of the destruction was by vandalism, it was clear that whoever had come for Sasha wanted her alive, but they feared her power so they sedated her.

It’s just that Desmond found the whole situation ridiculous, he and Sasha had spent all day fighting corrupt beasts and had risked their lives fighting the necromancer named Araszh to save the forest and prevent the death of the innocent.

Instead, the townspeople not only didn’t do shit, but they also came straight for Sasha when she was weakened from battle and captured her to give her divine judgment as the fucking bastards called it.

It was just so ridiculous to the point where it wasn’t even funny, at this moment Desmond was breathing chaotically and his eyes were bloodshot, he was clenching his teeth so hard that they started emitting a bizarre squeak and his fists were so clenched that his knuckles wouldn’t stop cracking; Right now Desmond looked like a vicious beast that had been hurt and just wanted to shed blood to ease his pain.

′′ With how much I hate killing people, but they keep coming asking me to cut their throats; well. . . well, in that case, I will have to endure the displeasure of having his blood spill in my path. ′′ Like an infernal oath, the voice that left Desmond’s lips was not something Claire or Sasha had heard in the past.

At this moment Desmond was at a point beyond raging anger where one was lost in that furious feeling, now Desmond seemed calm. . . Eerily calm, but the vicious smile on his lips said more than a thousand words.

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