Chapter 194

194 Chapter 194 First Week

Some people say that time flies when you are having fun, Desmond on the other hand believed that such a thing could only be said by those with a lot of free time in the first place.

It had only been a week since Desmond began his new life as a lieutenant and military instructor, and it could be said that his life had been anything but quiet ever since.

Every day he would get up early to train his mana manipulation skills followed by making breakfast for the maidens of the house who certainly weren’t in the habit of waking up as early as he was.

That applied to all the women who lived in his home, but it was, even more, the case for Claire who sometimes spent the night in his room, it goes without saying that since Desmond and Claire had their first night together their sex life had just started.

Although their nights were certainly not as intense and endless as the first time, they still managed to put Sasha and Kyuru through a couple of sleepless nights; in the end, Kyuru had to teach Desmond to make a sound barrier with wind mana.

The fairy had told Desmond that she wouldn′t allow him and Claire to have sex until he had mastered the ability and to Desmond’s surprise, Claire agreed; It turned out that the girl also felt very uncomfortable every morning when Sasha and Kyuru glared at her.

How would innocent Kyuru know that, with his monstrous talent and inherent lust, Desmond would dominate the wind barrier in less than two days? You didn’t know whether to marvel at Desmond’s talent or insult him for being a lustful bastard.

Fortunately for Desmond, there were no other issues with the girls besides the aforementioned, Sasha had been adjusting quite well to this new world and she shared occasional intimate moments with Desmond when the opportunity arose.

Claire on the other hand believed that she was already enjoying her love life enough so she turned a blind eye every time she caught Desmond and Sasha acting intimately; As time went by, Claire’s jealousy diminished and her relationship with both Desmond and Sasha improved so she had no complaints.


Kyuru for her part ... well, she was Kyuru, the fairy wandered and did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, besides eating and sleeping, the only new hobby of the fairy was following Desmond to work.

Speaking of work, in just one week the number of recruits that remained within the candidates for Desmond’s special unit was less than half.

Some couldn′t tolerate Desmond’s hellish training, while others were directly expelled by Desmond because of their incompetence.

Those who were left barely clung to their poor souls as they continued their training, the recruits had to take classes of theory and military code in the mornings followed by training classes with basic firearms and then taking classes in combat tactics; worst of all, those were just basic classes and they still had to attend Desmond’s training after that.

Desmond’s training wasn’t particularly complicated... it was just ridiculously difficult, Desmond would force each recruit to go through a hellish workout routine using body weights until they were exhausted to death.

As soon as they finished the exercise routine, Desmond made them go through training in hand-to-hand combat against him; Needless to say, all of the recruits received terrible beatings... all except Claire and Silvia.

Because of this obvious favoritism, some recruits complained directly to Desmond only to be beaten twice as hard by him; in his own words “Yes, it’s favoritism, what can you do about it?”

Such frankness completely left everyone present speechless, they knew that Desmond had his way of doing things, but they didn′t expect him to be so direct about it; Of course, Desmond didn’t leave things like that since it would cause discomfort among his unit so he explains in more detail.

“It seems like a lot of you don’t get it, but the main reason the training I give you focuses so much on increasing your physical strength and self-defense ability is because that’s an esper’s biggest weakness.

It is common knowledge that an esper with a powerful ability is powerful in itself by consequence, but that is a big mistake, unless an esper reaches a certain level of power it will remain as vulnerable as any normal human being.

That is why I train you to avoid death like a normal human being would, if you pass my training you will be able to handle a wide variety of situations without depending on your abilities.

As for why I favor officers Lynwood and Trevstone? That’s easy, it’s because their abilities are a lot much more powerful than yours, the fact that they are a couple of beauties is just an additional reason. ”

That was probably one of the only times Desmond bothered to explain himself to his rookies and it was mainly due to him seeking to encourage the recruits to complete their training, as well as prevent them from holding a grudge for Claire and Silvia.

Speaking of the latter, Desmond had been a little bit confused by the young girl’s recent attitude, for reasons beyond his understanding the girl seemed to hate him; every time they were alone she was being very rude and distant with him without Desmond knowing why.

Desmond had originally been interested in the girl because of her powerful ability and had wanted to make her his second in command, but due to the recent attitude of the girl, Desmond would have to think again.

It’s not that Desmond wanted the girl to like him or that he wanted her to fall in love with him, Desmond didn’t need that much from a simple acquaintance and subordinate; But he also couldn’t put someone who held a grudge against him in a position of power or it could cause him trouble.

Desmond tried to ask Kyuru who always accompanied him if she knew anything about it, but Kyuru refused to comment on it; in the words of the fairy “It is not for me to spy on the secrets of a maiden’s heart”

Hearing Kyuru’s response, Desmond almost wanted to yell at the fairy that he was not seeking the secrets of a maiden but if the maiden in question hated him enough to betray or endanger him.

But in the face of the fairy’s unexpected unshakable demeanor, Desmond could only keep his complaints to himself.

And so the days went by as Desmond tried to adjust to his new lifestyle, for his good or bad fortune when he was just beginning to adjust to his new rhythm; Desmond received a message from Elaisa who wanted Desmond to come to see her at headquarters.

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