Chapter 197

197 Chapter 197 New gear.

The armor was a dark almost black color without any ornate or luxury design, the design itself was the kind that one would see in a medieval fantasy novel and Desmond was pretty sure that if he wore it he would look exactly like the dark knight of the tale.

The gauntlets on the other hand were showier, more than just being a piece of armor to protect their hands, these gauntlets were a lethal weapon, predominantly black, they had very fine silver details engraved giving them an elegantly sinister appearance that only looked amplified by the small silver tips at the end of each claw.

The daggers could be considered the least flashy item in the set as they were a set of twin silver daggers with dark handles without any flashy details, their construction was similar to old German daggers and the only peculiar thing about them were the lightly engraved runes on the back of this.

Desmond was extremely satisfied with the level of the equipment obtained and the effects of it, he could not help but make the comparison between the equipment that he had obtained through matches or preset rewards and the custom-made equipment.

Speaking of custom-made gear, Desmond directed his attention to the last piece of equipment on the table, a small, fragile-looking dark gray comet shield with a dark purple gem in the center.

The shield honestly didn’t seem like the toughest thing in the universe, but Desmond didn’t seem bothered by it as he already had some idea what the shield was supposed to do.

The shield had been designed specifically for Claire’s personal use which wasn′t that unusual considering how overprotective Desmond was towards her, although Desmond was quite surprised at first when Elaisa told him that Claire would need an arcane artifact; Desmond at that time didn′t know the difference between arcana and mana so he hadn′t asked questions about it.

Desmond nodded softly to himself as he finished checking the equipment and his only regret was that he had to stop wearing Sasha’s upgraded armor so soon, although in fairness without that upgraded armor it is likely that he would have died on at least two separate occasions in his fight against Araszh so he could tell that the armor had done its job well even if your time was short.


As soon as Desmond had a free moment to look at Elaisa again a couple of notifications sounded in his hunter’s book, upon reviewing them Desmond had a strange expression on his face for a moment as he looked at Elaisa who was still concentrating on the holographic screen in front of her.

Seeing that Elaisa had no intention of saying anything about it, Desmond opened the two messages sent by her.

As soon as Desmond opened the messages, a pair of holographic windows unfolded in front of him, showing him the image and description of a couple of accessories.

The surprise was not enough to describe what Desmond felt when he read the description of both objects, it was not only the fact that they were extremely useful for all kinds of scenarios, but that their functions were far from what Desmond had seen in the last.

“That is the great advantage of arcanists, they can do all kinds of strange things with the right knowledge and power.”

Elaisa’s soft, but somehow detached voice took Desmond out of his surprise, she had at some point gotten up from her desk and approached Desmond with a holographic screen floating next to her.

Without giving Desmond a chance to reply, Elaisa continued her explanation.

“I imagine you are wondering why I sent you the description of both objects, the truth is that I have a mission in mind for you and these will help you in it; of course its usefulness is not limited to just that ... in any case that brings us to the last two items on our agenda ”

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