Chapter 222

222 Chapter 222 Creating a Home for a Clueless Harpy

“Did you bring the things I asked Desmond?” Kyuru asked after giving Sasha time to get used to the changes that had just occurred.

Sasha still hadn’t quite finished assimilating her recent understanding of power and Kyuru′s question brought her out of her daze a bit, even so, Sasha took a moment to respond by nodding her head as she pulled out a small bag from a backpack.

“Then it is time to start, we already lost a lot of time with other things and I am sure that Desmond has to return to the city soon,” Said the fairy.

Only then did Sasha look around and realize that at some point the sunset had come, she was not even fully aware of the passage of time since they arrived at this place so seeing the sun hiding on the horizon left her somewhat puzzled.

“Don’t worry about that, we won’t take too long; now I need you to return to your liberated form “, said the fairy, noticing that Sasha was distracted again.

“I’m sorry” Sasha apologized for her carelessness, it was obvious that recent events had left Sasha with little capacity to respond to the constantly changing events, but the girl put away all unnecessary thoughts and concentrated once more, remembering how she felt a few minutes ago.

Much faster than last time, Sasha took her true form or the liberated form of her, the crimson dress, the elongated horns, and the fiery hair; Besides the slight fatigue on her face, Sasha looked identical to the last time she used this ability.

Kyuru noticed the fatigue in Sasha and guessed that her state of release was consuming a large amount of Sasha’s life energy so she decided to end this soon.

“Well, I need you to create a seed, a seed where you put as much fire as possible and in a similar way to how you did recently I want you to give shape to your will, it wants the fire that you create to have unlimited vitality like the sun “Kyuru gave her instructions, but deep down she knew that there was a good chance that this little experiment would fail.


Sasha did not think about things so much, she had come to trust a lot in Kyuru who seemed to know a lot about her powers and decided to follow her instructions to the letter.

From Sasha’s hands, two blazing flames ran rampant until Sasha tamed, shaped, and entwined them, placing her hands on her chest a short distance from each other with the flames colliding in the center of her.

Right in the center of Sasha’s chest a seed formed, a fiery seed, its color was neither vermilion nor crimson like most of Sasha’s flames and strangely enough, the color of the flame was an incredibly yellow almost golden yellow similar to the color of the sun.

Strangely enough, although Sasha now seemed to be holding a small sun in her hands, the temperature of the place did not change greatly, in addition to a feeling of extra warmth it was almost as if nothing had changed.

Kyuru was the first to feel the incredible vitality of the seed and that made the fairy smile and nod to herself, she had to admit that Sasha’s talent was incredible even by genius standards.

The process took a few minutes for Sasha, but soon a burning seed the size of an apple formed between her hands, it was like a small sun in the hands of the beautiful Sasha whose liberated form had begun to fade.

“Now it’s my turn,” The fairy said when she saw that Sasha’s work was done.

Kyuru took the small bag that Sasha had brought and using the wind as an extension of her arms she took the contents of the bag, then a colorful variety of seeds floated around her spreading evenly in an arrangement already planned.

Three seeds covered almost the entire contents of the bag, a blue seed with green streaks, a yellow seed with brown spirals, and another green seed with turquoise streaks.

Such seeds were arranged in a particular order around the tree in the center of the clearing almost reaching the outer edge of the clearing, the earth opened by itself to give way to such seeds and they sank into the earth with ease.

The whole process was fast and fluid, demonstrating the mastery of the fairy over multiple elements, but of course, such a thing was only natural when it was a fairy of origin like Kyuru, as long as it was not a matter of controlling the elements on a large scale, Kyuru had no problem. with manipulating up to four elements at the same time.

Then there was only one seed left in front of Kyuru, a seed of intense brown color with small obsidian freckles, She took that seed, and with a gesture of her hand, the trunk of the tree in the center of the clearing opened by itself giving space to the entrance of such a seed.

What followed left everyone present with their mouths open, Kyuru took with her bare hands the solar seed created by Sasha and ate it ... indeed the fairy ate the burning seed created by Sasha, such an action, such a notion was ridiculous, but denying reality in front of one’s eyes was just as ridiculous.

A golden thread emerged from the seed straight to the sweet and fragrant lips of Kyuru who in a matter of seconds consumed the entire seed, as the golden thread flowed and the seed shrunk; something different happened to Kyuru.

Her wings expanded to a size larger than Athena’s wings, following the change of her wings, Kyuru herself also began to grow into a human form similar in size to Desmond.

Looking at Kyuru’s adult form, Desmond felt as if someone was pouring magma on his back, it was no secret that Desmond found Kyuru incredibly sensual but usually the small size of the fairy kept Desmond from thinking too much about it; now seeing Kyuru’s abundant milky breasts barely covered, that plump butt and those exquisite legs; Desmond had trouble calming the lust he was feeling at the time.

Kyuru of course felt the lust coming from Desmond and although she didn’t turn around to face his young hunter, a smirk of satisfaction and vanity couldn’t help but creep on her lips.

Knowing that she could not hold this form for long with the vitality she borrowed, Kyuru raised both hands with open palms pointing to the sky, in one hand a sphere of green mana filled with limitless tenacious vitality formed while in his left hand a blue mana sphere filled with soft vitality took shape.

Then the right palm was turned to point to the ground and the green sphere plunged into the earth giving rise to a green pulse that covered the entire clearing, where the pulse passed, the grass grew, the flowers bloomed and the earth strengthened; this until the pulse of energy extended to the edge of the clearing where the seeds were planted and were concentrated there.

Now with his left hand pointing to the sky, the blue mana sphere rose a dozen meters before bursting into a soft and pure rain that nourished everything under the sky in this small clearing.

Now fed with this vitality of dual nature, the seeds on both the outer edge and the tree in the core of the clearing began to grow, in just seconds the entire outer edge of the clearing was filled with bushes and flowers of three different colors that reached up to the meter in height.

Thick roots emerged from the center of the tree, blending into the original trunk, giving rise to a tree made up of two interlocking sections of wood of different shades, one a healthy oak color and the other a darker, almost mineral color.

The tree also grew to almost thirty meters high, the tree canopy was wide and abundant in foliage, so that a small house could almost be placed on top of the tree; which was more or less the intention.

The flowers in the bushes outside the clearing finished developing until they reached their maximum maturity and began to attract mana from different elements towards them, just seconds later a strange mist began to form around the bushes and spread to cover an area of at least twenty or thirty meters around the bushes; leaving only a 15-meter radius area in the center of the clearing free of fog.

By the time the whole process was over, Kyuru had returned to her normal size of 20cm tall and her wings seemed somewhat dull compared to her usual appearance; It was obvious that the fairy spent more than a little energy to create such a feat, but looking at the private garden that the fairy had created, she was proud.

Now it was only necessary to explain a few things to the clueless harpy and everything would be ready, Kyuru thought before Desmond took her in his hands and placed her in his jacket pocket at the height of his chest.

Feeling the warmth of Desmond and the beat of his heart the fairy fell asleep in a matter of seconds leaving everyone present with nothing but doubts and a beautiful garden surrounded by mist.

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