Chapter 225

225 Chapter 225 Crushing Defeat

“Now I understand what Elaisa meant, it’s a good thing that I decided not to bring Kyuru with me,” Desmond said after having gathered the little mana he found in the atmosphere to create a water sphere to clean the blood on his gauntlets.

According to the information Elaisa had given him about this world, this was a place where aura rather than mana predominated as in other worlds that Desmond had been in, so a creature as connected to mana as Kyuru would have a hard time if come here as even Desmond felt somewhat uncomfortable with the low amount of mana in the atmosphere.

Of course, Kyuru had strongly insisted on accompanying him due to the problems that Desmond had been going through regarding his own mental stability but after Desmond’s explanation, she had to acknowledge that in a world like that she would be more of an obstacle than a help.

As for Sasha and Claire, they had opinions about letting Desmond go on a mission alone again but they also know that his abilities simply weren’t suitable for such a mission.

Thinking back in that conversation only now did Desmond realize that his original world had a fairly abundant amount of mana, at least compared to the world he was in right now.

But now Desmond realized a new problem, all his abilities were based on mana to some extent, that was especially the case for his more advanced abilities but even in his close combat Desmond used to rely on Full-Drive to increase their capabilities.

Now due to the lack of mana in the atmosphere Desmond would have a difficult time using his most powerful abilities and his resistance in combat would drop a lot due to his inability to collect mana from the atmosphere to replenish what was used while he Fights.

Even now Desmond was already having a hard time replenishing the mana he had spent in the previous short exchange, but such a thing was inevitable, in the end, everything had a price.

Desmond possessed a combat prowess and lethality that in no way matched his actual level, Full-Drive, the ability he relied on to increase all his physical abilities, used up an enormous amount of mana that increased almost exponentially the more Desmond pressed the limits of such ability.


Something similar applied to Desmond’s ruthless gauntlet, it took a huge amount of highly condensed metallic mana to carry out the creation of a semi-corporeal entity of that class, and each hit and impact that these gauntlets received spent a considerable amount of mana to maintain the skill structure.

In simpler words, Desmond sacrificed his ability to wage prolonged battles in exchange for powerful bursts of power in short periods, he was aware of the shortcomings of such a strategy but there was little he could do with the limited time and resources he had at his disposal.

Of course, not everything was so bad, besides the obvious fact that he had a mission to fulfill there was another reason why Elaisa sent Desmond to this world, and it was because this world rich in aura had what Desmond needed most ... Resources, specifically resources that strengthen the body.

Although Elaisa warned Desmond about the problems with training in multiple energy systems, she also said that one did not necessarily have to be training in a certain energy system to take advantage of the resources of that system and according to Elaisa the worlds where the aura was abundant were the best places to find resources that enhance and fortify the body that was just what Desmond needed.

With that in mind, Desmond prepared to leave the crime scene after going through the murderers’ bodies to see if he found anything interesting but a female voice interrupted him when he was just getting started.

“Stop there assassin”

As soon as Desmond heard that voice he knew two things, first, the owner of such a beautiful voice had to be a beauty; second ... the beauty believed that he was a ruthless murderer; Which wasn’t entirely a lie, but it was clear there was a misunderstanding of some kind.

But contrary to the usual scenario where Desmond did not give his enemies a chance to react, it was he who did not have time to say anything when he felt a powerful impact hit him in the ribs.

Desmond felt the shock wave cause him internal damage and knew that were it not for his unbreakable gale armor, he might be just a couple of steps from a grave.

Even so, the sheer force of the blow moved Desmond almost two meters leaving a groove of earth where his feet clung to his grip to prevent him from falling to the ground, just taking into account that added to the damage that Desmond received from the blow was enough. to say that the person attacking Desmond was a force to be reckoned with.

Pain still throbbed inside Desmond as he was forced to put his arms in front of his face to ward off a spinning kick that threatened to decapitate him, Desmond even felt the draft of air swirling around the leg that kicked him before the impact force threw him ten feet back.

Arms numb and his legs pinned to the ground barely keeping him on his feet, Desmond was forced to once again acknowledge his opponent’s strength.

The funny thing was that just judging by the tremendous physical power behind each blow, Desmond would expect the person in front of him to have the complexion of a giant made of muscles but contrary to his expectations the person attacking him was just a girl from light appearance; but Desmond wasn’t going to be fooled by appearances... not when the pain in his ribs and arms reminded her of how dangerous the woman in front of him was.

Without even hesitation Desmond went into Full-Drive and used overload to further increase his physical capabilities in an attempt to counter, Desmond used his overwhelming speed to try to land a couple of blows at the girl in front of him but he never expected the result.

Useless, completely useless, the girl didn’t even seem to be as fast or strong as him when he was in this state, but still, all of his attacks found themselves neutralized, not dodged but blocked and deflected.

With well-trained movements, the girl adopted a guard stance that Desmond loosely related to Kung Fu, and with only minimal movements on her part the girl used her palms, wrists, and the back of her hands to deflect all of Desmond’s attacks.

And for the first time in many years Desmond felt surpassed inability, his impatience brought out the best in him, and in a carelessness the girl counterattack.

The girl’s two hands were placed almost together in the center of her defensive stance and when Desmond tried to attack the girl changed her stance, her two hands clasped palms down opened in a sudden but forceful movement, with both palms now pointing to the sky the girl completely broke Desmond’s posture by hitting both forearms with the edge of her palms.

Unable to stop his momentum and with his broken posture Desmond watched helplessly as the girl retracted her palms slightly to the sides with her body gaining forward momentum and with a forceful movement both palms hit the center of Desmond’s abdomen in unison.

Desmond was sure that had he not used what little metallic mana he could muster to increase the defensive capacity of his armor that movement would have killed him destroying all of his internal organs with the sheer shock wave.

Even so, Desmond was unable to remain standing after that blow, the blow itself not only sent him flying for another couple of meters, but Desmond was unable to muster the strength to get up from the impact.

Now Desmond could only watch helplessly as this unknown girl approached him to finish the job, even now Desmond was having trouble accepting that just half an hour after he arrived in this world he was going to die at the hands of an unknown woman who did not even it was related to his mission.

And it was when Desmond felt the presence of the girl dangerously close to him and was thinking about how to get out of here alive that the girl stopped, she seemed to look at something close to Desmond for a moment before saying something with noticeable surprise in her voice.

“Wait, that lasso, they’re assassins from the league of purple crows.”

Desmond reacted to the girl’s words and turned to look into her eyes only to be surprised by what he saw, after the previous brief fight where Desmond was completely beaten he expected the girl in front of him to resemble a heroic beauty like the that is in martial arts novels and although the girl in front of him certainly fit the description of a big-breasted beauty; there was no heroic expression on her face.

Quite the contrary, the girl had a panicked expression on her face as she looked around her constantly, Desmond even noticed the girl looking at him with an expression that Desmond could only describe as apologetic.

It was then that Desmond remembered why the beauty attacked him in the first place, because of a misunderstanding, the beauty believed that he was some kind of ruthless killer and attacked him, but now it seemed that the beauty had recognized something in the killers and related it to an assassin organization; making the beauty realize the misunderstanding.

Now the girl was having an awkward moment trying to find a way to apologize to the stranger she had beaten up.

“Why is my luck always so bad?” Desmond couldn’t help thinking.

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