Chapter 230

230 Chapter 230 Mutual Gifts

Desmond who had just started to put on the robe that Mei gave him stopped when he heard her murmur, he looked at himself and remembered the scars he used to have.

Becoming strong was not easy, one had to overcome all kinds of tests, training, and battles to become stronger, the pure battles for resources were bloody enough to dye the sky red; so one could imagine the number of scars that accumulated along the way.

As for the reason Desmond had no scars? Well, it was something that had happened in Erack’s world, when he and Sasha ate a very special type of fruit that was used for cosmetic purposes.

Recalling such an event, Desmond looked back at Mei, as beautiful as she was, Mei was not without such marks, it was subtle, but Desmond could see a slight scar on her cheek, another pair of scars on her hands, and even one on her ankle; all of them were faint as they seemed to have healed well, but one could imagine that for a woman such marks were still a sore spot.

Thinking of all the scars that probably ran all over Mei’s beautiful body and how delicate the issue of appearance was for women, Desmond felt a little pain in his chest, he thought that this girl already had enough trust issues with the way the sect was treating her and adding also having a complex with her appearance was too much.

This was not entirely unfounded, as the expression on Mei’s face at this moment was a mixture of jealousy at seeing his body without scars and one of sadness for the marks that she carried.

Having thought so far Desmond couldn’t help but reach for his backpack and discreetly remove something from the notebook storage, it was originally a gift for Claire when she got mad about Sasha, but due to everything that happened that a couple of days he ended up forgetting it so he thought it wouldn’t be a problem to give it to Mei.

With a quick movement Desmond threw something at Mei who captured it with ease, looking at the strange fruit in her hand, Mei thoughtfully asked, “What is it?”

“A gift,” Desmond replied with a sincere smile.


Perhaps because of the good impression, Mei had of him or because the fruit itself smelled delicious, Mei did not doubt Desmond’s words or intentions and took a bite of the fruit, immediately a sweet and fresh taste flooded the palate of Desmond. Mei gave him a pleasant surprise, from the pure taste she knew that the fruit in her hand was anything but common.

Desmond on his own just looked at Mei’s expression of delight for a moment before continuing to dress in the robe she gave him. Similar to the robe Mei was wearing, Desmond’s robe was predominantly dark blue with the sleeves and belt. in black and some details in bronze.

Quickly wiping away the accumulated dust on the bedroom mirror, Desmond got a chance to see his current appearance and had to admit that it didn’t look bad at all, the clothing’s construction and materials seemed top-notch, although the design was odd. for Desmond it fitted his physique quite well and gave him a rather intense but contained image.

Curiously, another thought crossed Desmond’s mind when he saw their current appearance, that they looked like, it was something that he had already thought before, at first it was because of the similarity between the color of his eyes and hair, although later Desmond thought that it was also a personality question; but now wearing his robes Desmond thought that at this moment he looked a lot like Mei ... so much that they could pass for half-siblings.

Even Mei who kept taking occasional bites thought about the resemblance between her and Desmond right now.

Speaking of clothes, Desmond was quite surprised when he realized that he would not have to adjust the bust area as he had thought this type of clothing was quite loose by design and some belts and ribbons were used to adjust it to the body.

In the way that Desmond only had to pull a couple of straps and adjust the belt so that the clothes fit perfectly around him, it of course also helped that Mei’s complexion and overall height didn’t vary much from his own.

With that concern out of his mind, Desmond began to appreciate not only the appearance but the comfort of the clothes, because, unlike the clothes he used to wear this one gave him great freedom of movement, in a matter of minutes Desmond took him a lot of fondness for the style of clothing used in this world especially when thinking about training.

While Desmond looked at himself in the mirror with enthusiasm, Mei only looked at him with a nostalgic smile, it seemed that she was lost in some kind of distant memory, it was a pity that Desmond was too distracted to notice that detail.

Amid the distraction of both parties, Mei who had finished eating Desmond’s gift began to feel a slight itching sensation on her skin, at first, it was so faint that she ended up not paying attention to it, but the sensation was getting stronger by the second.

Immediately Mei noticed that the itchy sensation was more intense in some places and upon checking quickly she saw that the scars on her hands seemed to be fading, not just her hands, the scars on her body had started to heal. themselves.

Too excited to think correctly, Mei immediately ran in front of the mirror and began to examine her body carefully, noticing how some scars were fading and how others had even disappeared completely.

In the emotion of her Mei of her did not stop to think and simply opened her robes to look at her chest and belly, seeing that horrible scars that used to mark her were now barely visible from her Mei she almost burst into tears.

It was then that she remembered Desmond’s gift and holding back her tears she turned to look for Desmond to thank him, but what she found was Desmond’s slightly uncomfortable expression; A bad feeling began to take over Mei who immediately looked down to discover that her robes were still open and that she was showing much of her bare skin to the man in front of her.

It was ironic that the girl did not shed tears even as she watched the horrible scars that had marked her fade, but she still shed a couple of tears of shame when she realized that she was showing him her semi-naked body from her to Desmond.

Desmond could only watch with irony as Mei ran out of her room for the second time today while thinking about how nice the girl was, he had given her a gift and in return, the girl had shown him something; of course, if Mei knew what Desmond was thinking it was likely that she would beat up the damn pervert again.

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