Chapter 234

234 Chapter 234 Miao Xiauyue

(third-person POV)

Her hair was like lavender in color and essence, long, beautiful, and lush, with eyes the same color, skin clear as moonlight and smooth as silk, slightly shorter and less voluptuous than Mei, but in no way less beautiful.

Even so, she had a perfect hourglass silhouette that left nothing to be desired, her robe that was a little shorter than most of the women Desmond had seen so far showed her pristine legs and it was almost strange how soft these seemed; mainly for Desmond that refused to believe that those soft-looking legs did not hide an overwhelming physical power ... it was impossible that it was like that, she was an internal disciple.

Yet she was the perfect example of sometimes less, indeed, she wore loose feminine martial robes with lots of floral details on them, and as she climbed onto the combat platform the sound of her slippers clearly resonated in the environment.

Her name was Miao Xiauyue, core disciple number 1, the most beautiful woman in the roaming cloud sect, daughter of the sect master, and the person Mei looked at with eyes full of infatuation.

One can imagine how surprised Desmond was when he saw Mei look like this at the girl on stage and it’s not that Desmond was prejudiced about it, he just caught it off guard.

Mainly because within the little he had learned about the society of this world it was quite similar to some ancient cultures in his world and what little Desmond remembers from his history lessons these societies did not tend to take homosexuality very well.

Even today it is a somewhat controversial issue, one might think that after going through a bloody apocalypse people would learn to focus on more important issues and let the rest be happy and love whoever they want to love, but apparently, the vitality of intolerant people is as strong as a cockroach as many survived the disaster five years ago.

Leaving matters at home behind, Desmond now looked at the girl on stage with interest, he had to admit that she was very beautiful giving a refined and elegant impression, combining softness with gentleness; even the way she walked was calm.


But Desmond had learned his lesson and he would not judge the girl only by her appearance, this was a world that respected strength above all else, and if this girl was the number one disciple of the entire sect then calling her a monster in human skin would not it was an exaggeration.

And Desmond was not wrong, the person who challenged her was another central disciple which was unusual but not unheard of, even with that being the case that core disciple didn’t stand a chance.

Miao Xiauyue did not even receive a single scratch during the entire fight, she simply danced around her adversary gracefully like a butterfly flapping unpredictably, each step the girl took was accompanied by the sound of a drop of water falling into a pond; According to Mei, this was a characteristic of the movement technique used by Miao Xiauyue.

But as melodious as the sound of every step made by Miao Xiauyue’s was, Desmond was completely focused on something else, her movement patterns ... these just didn’t make sense, she seemed to completely ignore the laws of physics in the way she was it moved and appeared in all sorts of random positions without losing her momentum.

In the end, Miao Xiauyue got tired of playing, that’s right, of playing, from Desmond’s point of view the girl did not even look at the other person on stage as an adversary and had only taken the opportunity to stretch her magnificent legs a little bit.

Seeing that her adversary had nothing more to offer Miao Xiauyue appeared in an instant in front of him, then a burst of pink flashes and that same watery sound exploded in an instant and immediately everyone saw how the challenger fell unconscious.

That easy and that simple, even Desmond with his amplified senses and his bestial instincts could not discern the movement used by Miao Xiauyue, he could only accept that this girl had the right to be known as the strongest disciple of the sect.

But what if Desmond’s almost bestial instincts felt was intense aggression, someone at this moment was looking at him with barely contained hostile intent and Desmond immediately went into high alert.

Desmond did not hesitate one bit to enter Full-Drive and amplify his senses to the maximum with mana in an attempt to trace the source of that hostility, but he ended up failing epically, one would even wonder if such a feeling had just been his imagination, but Desmond was different; he trusted his instincts and he wouldn’t let his guard down so easily.

Without being aware of it because his concentration was on something else, an unexpected person approached where Desmond and Mei were, but contrary to Desmond, Mei immediately noticed this person.

And as this person walked her way with soft graceful steps, Mei tried to fix her robe and hair discreetly, she even took out a bronze mirror secretly to check that she had no strange stain on her face or something on her hair.

Only when this person got within a couple of meters from where Desmond and Mei were, did Desmond notice her presence, that beautiful face, those peach-colored lips, and those beautiful lavender eyes; she was none other than Miao Xiauyue.

“It was an interesting duel, Fei Long,” Miao Xiauyue exclaimed in a sweet and clear voice.

Mei did her best to hide her nervousness as she nodded and replied: “Miao Xiauyue don’t make fun of me.”

Desmond wasn’t sure, but he would swear he saw a hint of infatuation on Miao Xiauyue’s face before she returned to normal and she calmly replied: “I told you to call me Xiauyue.”

An almost imperceptible subtle blush stained Mei’s cheeks for a moment before it faded as she replied: “Okay... Xiauyue... your duel was much better than mine.”

Xiauyue smiled tenderly and replied, “Nothing really interesting, just enough to warm up a bit ... Who is your new friend?”

And there it was again that hostility that Desmond had felt before, it’s just that he couldn’t believe that the source of that hostility was this girl that he had never seen before in his life, and worst of all, Desmond was familiar with the feeling he was getting from Xiauyue... it was jealousy, intense and possessive jealousy.

At that moment Desmond did not know whether to be happy for Mei Fei Long who seemed to be lucky in love or to be sad because he was having bad luck again, Desmond could almost foresee that this girl named Xiayue would cause him problems in the future.

“Oh, this is Desmond, he comes from a distant continent, we met recently and I helped him join the sect as my servant,” Mei said without thinking too much.

Desmond almost wanted to cry tears of blood when he heard Mei’s thoughtless response as he could already feel Xiauyue’s killing intent like daggers aimed at her neck.

But once again, who the hell was Desmond Astryd? Dealing with someone’s jealous partner was nothing to a jerk ex-womanizer like him.

“My name is Desmond Astryd, it is a pleasure to meet you Miss Miao Xiauyue, I must say that you are as beautiful as Miss Mei had said,” Desmond said with an honest expression.

Taken by surprise and slightly flushed, Xiauyue replied with barely concealed interest: “oh, so did Mei tell you about me?”

Desmond on the other hand responded naturally: “Of course she did, I have little to know the young lady who was kind enough to take me under her care despite my ineptitude, but there are few times that she has mentioned your name and now I understand why; you are just like she said ... like a fairy ”

And so, with just one comment Desmond made it clear how tenuous his current relationship with Mei was to reduce Xiauyue’s jealousy, he made it clear that it was only because of Mei’s kindness that he could be here and now, thus giving an image harmless of himself and giving a couple of positive points to Mei and closed with one more compliment; All women love compliments especially if they were said by the person they are interested in ... or if they think they were said by these people.

And while Mei was having a short circuit trying to understand what the hell Desmond was talking about, Xiauyue on the other hand had a beaming smile on her lips, she nodded a few times to herself and proceeded to withdraw under the pretext that she had things to do.

But Desmond could tell that the girl was trying to hide the blush that now filled her pretty face, on the way to leave Xiauyue passed near Desmond and with a very discreet movement did two things.

She put a small purse in Desmond’s hand and whispered: “Keep up the good work Desmond, I’ll forgive you for lying to me this time, but make sure you keep yourself and other men away from Mei; you understand?”

What else could Desmond do besides nod? It seemed that he had underestimated Miao Xiauyue’s feminine instincts as well as her understanding of Mei Fei Long’s personality, it was obvious that Xiauyue did not believe that Mei had made such comments but instead of lashing out at Desmond she just highlighted the fact and gave him a slight warning at the same time that she found a way to use it to her advantage.

Desmond had to admit that Miao Xiauyue was not only strong but also capable, now looking at Mei Fei Long’s flushed face with shame and anger, Desmond had to admit that his luck hadn’t been any good since he came to this world.

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