Chapter 236

236 Chapter 236 Hierarchy

Nothing hurts more than a wounded ego or a good plan that goes to hell and Desmond was experiencing both right now.

It had been a week since he arrived in the martial sovereign world but the progress on his mission was currently close to zero and the reason left Desmond quite helpless.

Discrimination, Desmond thought that being in another world he would not have to deal with the old, but never forgotten discrimination, but one can imagine his surprise when he realized how wrong he was.

Not a racial or ideological question but a question of strength and status was what left Desmond in the dust as it turned out that his plan to infiltrate the roaming cloud sect was far from being as perfect as he thought.

The reason was very simple, although he had managed to enter the sect avoiding the examination where they would examine his aura, Desmond also obtained the lowest possible status within the sect on the way; the servant.

Desmond didn’t know it at the time and Mei didn’t bother to explain it, but the status of a servant within the sect was not very far from the status of a commoner among the nobility.

Such a thing was not among Desmond’s forecasts and one could not blame Desmond for it, it was normal for a person from modern society to overlook the level of discrimination or rather the type of discrimination that existed in an ancient society.

The reason was quite simple, in Desmond’s world the problems of discrimination were almost always focused on racial or ideological issues, in recent times the discrimination between men and women had decreased greatly but that was probably the only case that improved.

Of course, there was also a certain type of oppression of those in power, mainly the military but it could be said that they were as discreet as possible about it, in any case, all of the above was different from the almost omnipresent discrimination of this world who despised the weak.


That being the case, Desmond found himself in a dire situation where not only did the people around him not even bother to answer his questions when he investigated but there were occasions where he could not even enter certain areas of the sect that were only for disciples.

There were even a couple of incidents where some low-ranking disciples tried to cause trouble just for fun, from declaring out of nowhere that Desmond had stolen some object or treasure to simply declaring that they would beat up the rude servant; but one can imagine what kind of destiny awaits all those people.

Nor is it that Desmond was a fool, in the short time that he had been in this place the number of times that someone had come out of nowhere to provoke him was quite frequent or rather too frequent; Desmond would have to be blind not to realize that someone was trying to make things difficult for him and the only reason for that would be his relationship with Mei Fei Long.

In these circumstances the investigation progress was so slow that it could be said that it had not even begun, helpless Desmond had to turn to Mei in search of a solution.

Mei found Desmond’s sudden change of mind on the subject of being a servant or disciple disconcerting, but she was too distracted by the idea of ??training in the afternoon with Xiauyue so she ended up replying to Desmond without thinking too much about it.

According to Mei, there were two reasons why one voluntarily became a servant of the sect, the first being that the pay and living conditions were quite good once you ignored the harassment suffered by low status.

But it was the second reason that interested Desmond, the inability to meet the standards of an external disciple. According to Mei some people desperately wanted to join the sect but did not meet the requirements for disciples so they entered the sect as servants in the hope of gaining some money and experience to become strong enough to become disciples.

Of course, the percentage of people who eventually became disciples was pathetically low, but it was not zero either, with this in mind Desmond without any shame at all asked Mei to sign some papers requesting a duel so that Desmond would be a disciple of the sect.

That’s right, a duel, for reasons that Mei was too lazy to explain, when a servant wanted to become a disciple of the sect they did it by having a duel with an external disciple of intermediate rank, if they managed to defeat said disciple then the evaluated will be recognized as a disciple of the sect.

Regarding such a method of evaluation, Desmond had his own opinions on the matter and they were not very positive, for a very simple matter, of what Desmond had seen in the week that he had spent in the sect the external disciples had, in general, a force that It ranged from the high level to the maximum level of the zero-star class.

That meant that if a person became a servant because he did not pass the original exam, his level would be lower than the mid-level zero-star since in his evaluation to become a disciple he would face an adversary who would probably be at the maximum level of the zero-star class; then there was only one possible outcome ... death.

And although Desmond knew that this was not the case one hundred percent of the time he still found the practice quite unreasonable, in simple terms, such practice was not intended for servants to become disciples but to use the death of those who failed as a reminder of how low the status of the servants was and how inferior they were; As for those who passed the test? They were the hope that kept the lie alive.

Such was the cruel reality faced by the weak in this world, they were destined to serve the strong or to use their lives to enhance the greatness of the strong.

But for a pragmatist like Desmond none of this mattered, at the end of the day, he was not here to fix the world and if he could use this deviant system to his advantage he would not hesitate to do so; Of course, it helped to think about his goal.

At least knowing that his mission would help this world get rid of a monster in human skin Desmond found a slight comfort, not that he needed more, after all, he was never the type of person who would cry for the misfortunes of the world.

Rather it was the world that had to be grateful that Desmond was not causing some kind of misfortune just because it served some kind of purpose for him, in that sense the world was fortunate that because of the upbringing that his parents gave him, Desmond had a moral compass that will prevent him from harming the innocent.

As for the rest of the poor twisted bastard’s Desmond sent to his graves? It was very likely that due to his actions some innocent would not have to suffer and even if that was not the reason why Desmond did things it still helped to think about it.

In any case with the papers given by Mei, Desmond had the opportunity to request a duel to be admitted as a disciple, although due to reasons unknown to Desmond the duel had been postponed for a week.

On the way home after having made the respective arrangements Desmond began to have a bad feeling, there were not many, but Desmond still managed to hear some disciples talk about the duel that Desmond had just requested.

Such a thing made no sense, it was not just the fact that Desmond was literally a stranger with no reputation in the sect, but the rumor spread abnormally fast, having used similar tactics in the past Desmond acknowledged that someone was stoking the rumors.

It wasn’t until Mei Fei Long’s name started to be mentioned in unkind and insulting ways that Desmond recognized the problem, it was Mei or rather the person who had been targeting Mei since before Desmond met her.

“I guess everything has a price,” Desmond muttered to himself as he thought about how much he had used Mei Fei Long’s status in recent times.

But would Desmond worry too much about it? The answer was a resounding no, in the first place worrying excessively was not his style and neither was acting shy when faced with a challenge but it was his confidence in his strength that allowed him to act so calmly; at the end of the day it would take someone of Mei Fei Long’s level to put his life in danger and Desmond doubted he would be assigned an opponent like that.

And if Desmond did, he wouldn’t hesitate to even show up to the duel or even flee from it, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to die for a matter of pride; not when he had a couple of lovely girls who loved him waiting for him at home.

In the end, Desmond decided not to think too much about the subject, he already had a notion of what would happen during his duel to become a disciple and he even had an idea of ??how the result would be, so there was no point in worrying; in any case, he would take the opportunity to gain an advantageous position for himself and in the process let Mei look good ... after all, he owed it to that nice girl.

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