Chapter 241

241 Chapter 241 Intervention

“Stop” He heard Desmond come from the audience but he only smiled in response, a sinister and bloody smile that did not bother to hide his provocation and mockery; it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what Desmond was planning to do.

Without giving anyone a chance to intervene Desmond retracted his right fist, opened his posture, and the muscles of his entire upper and lower torso were tensed so strongly that some of his contours were visible even through the robe Desmond was wearing.

The high-frequency mana vibrations coursing through Desmond’s body boosted his physical capabilities while the use of overload caused the muscular structure of his right arm to expand by almost fifty percent.

With a light but a highly compressed layer of metallic mana coating his right fist, it shot like a cannon straight into the skull of the man kneeling in front of Desmond.

And if you had an inside view of Desmond’s body you would see what looked like a tidal wave of mana making its way from the center of Desmond’s chest to his fist.

This process was long to describe but it all happened in an instant, the onlookers only saw Desmond take a stance and a metallic flash and a split second later his opponent’s skull had been blown backward in a blast.

The people who tried to intervene only managed to advance a couple of steps before witnessing this scene, defenseless they could only see how their companion became a corpse one that would not even be complete so that those who missed him could see at his funeral if it is I had one.

It’s that simple, a second ago that was a living person but now his entire skull had been reduced to nothing more than a prolonged cone-shaped stain that started from his body and spread for a couple of meters backward, the few fragments of solids leftover from his remains only made the scene seem bloodier and crueler; that was especially the case for the popped piece of an eyeball that had stuck to the edge of Desmond’s robe.

That nauseating iron smell filled the air around Desmond and he could still see a small cloud of bloody mist where his opponent’s head used to be; before it was replaced by the source of blood that came from the severed neck of the corpse.


Such was the result of Desmond increasing his physical capabilities to his maximum limit and amplifying the damage with various overlapping mana abilities, under those conditions his fist was no different from the physical incarnation of destruction.

Even Mei had to admit that such a blow would not be stopped by her defensive abilities no matter how absurd they were, although she certainly wouldn’t take as much damage as Desmond’s blow did but she would at least have a couple of slight fractures as a consequence.

Ignorant of the girls’ reaction, Desmond was focused on something else... the reaction of people who were just bystanders, and Desmond had to accept that even someone like him was uncomfortable with what he was looking at.

Excitement, euphoria, and joy at the misfortune of others, Desmond had just murdered someone in cold blood in an unnecessarily bloody and violent way but the people around him react as if they had seen the most entertaining and exciting thing in the world.

And for the first time since he came to this world Desmond came to think that perhaps it had been good that he was born in his original world and not in a world like this, a thought that crossed his mind more than once; but seeing this kind of savagery and insanity that thought had been forgotten.

His only consolation was that Mei and Xiauyue didn′t have the same expression regarding his actions, in them, you could see a bit of disgust, discomfort, and a hint of indifference to life; but Desmond preferred that a hundred times compared to the other option.

Be that as it may, the point was that Desmond had just brutally murdered his opponent, the people who had arranged this match were furious; especially the one that was closer to Desmond’s position.

The reason was that when this person saw Desmond’s opponent die, he was halfway into the combat arena and although he stopped in shock at the death of the man in front of him, he still managed to see the sardonic smile that Desmond was giving him.

Desmond smiled at him with almost palpable sadism and mockery that made him look incredibly sinister, with traces left by blood being fired at high speed in his face and some bloody bone fragments dirtying his robe.

Desmond’s attitude made it clear that he had known a few things beforehand before murdering his opponent and that he was not afraid of the consequences.

But such a thing was ridiculous or so the person in front of Desmond thought, as far as they knew Desmond did not have any kind of antecedent, and even if Mei backed him with her status as a core disciple that would not be enough to protect him; after all Mei was in a similar situation where she didn’t have any kind of important background to back it up.

“Assassin” shouted the person in front of Desmond and without bothering to hide his intentions immediately attacked Desmond.

His teammates did not even hesitate to continue attacking Desmond from three different routes, but Desmond made no effort to defend himself, in the first place he was not really in a position to do so; the mana consumption he had just passed through had already depleted half of his reserves and his regeneration rate was as slow as a snail.

But on the other hand, he had no real need to defend himself, not when his reinforcements were waiting to make their appearance, so he only looked at his attackers with a pitying smile; causing his three attackers to have a bad feeling.

But it was too late as a soft female voice resounded in his ears: “Oceanic dance”

Leaving in her way only the flowery trail of her robe and the sound of the aquatic bells Miao Xiauyue appeared in front of Desmond and her intentions were clear as two projections of herself formed by what seemed oceanic currents of blue Ki appeared to her right and left pointing the palms of her hands together at the three individuals besieging Desmond.

“Four seasons-flowers in the wind” From her sweet lips came a second angelic murmur.

But as beautiful as her voice was, it certainly did not cause positive emotions in her adversaries, not when they saw Mei’s right palm and her projections emit a pink light before Mei gave fifteen simultaneous palm strikes; five palm strikes with her right hand and another five extra strikes for each projection aimed at all of her opponents.

Even faster than they arrived, Mei’s three adversaries were shot like cannonballs and after hitting the ground they did nothing but writhe in pain on the ground in a fetal position.

“Don′t you think it is inappropriate to intervene Miss Xiauyue?” A voice said in a polite tone.

But his tone was not fooling anyone, not when his owner was carrying out a sneak attack on Xiauyue with a vicious smile on his lips.

“Echo fist” A second female voice with an aggressive tone interrupted the smile of the person who was attacking Xiauyue from behind.

It was Mei Fei Long who would not stay still while her friend and the girl she liked were attacked, with her tyrannical physical abilities Mei appeared almost by prestidigitation next to the sneaky attacker and with these golden waves like echoes of ki wrapping her right arm, she unleashes a devastating blow.

And a sound familiar to many of broken bones and flesh being ripped reverberated for the second time today, it was obvious that Mei hadn’t held back even a bit in her attack; And why would she do it herself? this jerk had attacked her Xiauyue and it was already a miracle that Mei didn’t split him in half directly.

The poor idiot who attacked Xiauyue hadn’t even gone half his way in the air to attack Xiauyue from behind before he flew back and crashed like a meteor leaving a small crater on the slabs of the training field.

Seeing the ridiculous offensive capabilities of the two young ladies who came to his aid and the fact that their opponents still survived made Desmond lament his current weakness; he knew that facing someone as strong as Mei or Xiauyue he would not last more than ten seconds if they used martial arts like the ones they used just now.

Seeing the ridiculous offensive capabilities of the two young ladies who came to his aid and the fact that their opponents still survived made Desmond lament his current weakness; Well, he himself knew that facing someone as strong as Mei or Xiauyue he would not last more than ten seconds if they used martial arts like the ones they used just now.

Nor is it that Desmond could be blamed as the people he was comparing himself to had trained for years in the use of more advanced and refined techniques; not to mention that Desmond was a Mana user comparing his close combat ability to an Aura user which was unusual enough.

But none of that was relevant now, not when Desmond and Xiauyue were waiting for someone to appear, now with the subordinates beaten on the ground it was time for the person who gave the orders to arrive; at least neither Desmond nor Xiauyue believed that after everything that happened that person would be able to stay out of it.

And they were right: “Can you tell me what reasons Miss Xiauyue has for intervening in this way?” an irritated voice interrupted the silence.

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