Chapter 244

244 Chapter 244 Stealth

In the darkness of the night, a solitary figure was seen emerging from one of the main residential complexes in the innermost part of the itinerant cloud sect, judging by his behavior and by the time he chose for his departure one could suppose that this figure I had no intention of attracting attention.

Such a concept was only reinforced by the course of action of said figure, it clung to the shadows making use of alleys and other means to stay as hidden as possible.

Just seeing the figure’s familiarity with the route one was taking could one get the idea that this person not only had experience in stealth but was also used to tracing their way to their current destination.

Without being aware of it a whisper arose in the darkness at a considerable distance from this sneaky figure: “It seems I was right, the Bai family couldn’t help but make a move.”

” And does it surprise you? you almost crippled one of their favorite children, even a normal family would not keep quiet much less a powerful and corrupt family like the Bai family “Another voice replied.

“This is not the time to argue about it, our goal will slip away if we don’t move soon” The first voice answered.

The owner of the second voice was silent for a moment before replying: “Okay, we have to move; I hope your stealth skills are as good as you promised ”

But this voice did not receive an answer, when the owner of the voice turned around he realized that her companion had already vanished into the shadows without causing any sound.

“Smug” the voice in the dark couldn’t help but say before following her partner in search of their target.


Soon the figure made its way to the eastern wall of the sect where it passed a small package to the guards after which they let it pass without any problem.

It was only when this individual exited the sect boundaries through the eastern wall that two additional figures emerged from an alley about a hundred feet away from where they lost track of their target.

Both figures were dressed in black from head to toe and they did not carry with them more than a couple of simple and discreet objects in their robes, from their complexions and the difference in their heights one could deduce that it was a male figure and a female figure.

And the female figure was the only one that carried two things that did not match her stealthy appearance, the figure wore a not very discreet sword tied firmly at the back of her waist, and in addition to that, the female figure wore beautiful black tall wooden slippers; the only strange thing is that she didn’t seem to cause any noise at all when walking.

“So, what can we do now? I would rather go out without having to deal with the guards, they are likely to identify me easily; my identity is too well known “exclaimed one of the figures with an extremely soft and beautiful female voice.

The other figure was silent for a moment before answering: “You know how often the guards pass over the top of the wall.”

Hearing her male partner respond, the female figure responded quickly: “There are fixed guards stationed every two hundred meters, one person walks the perimeter between each guard station every 150 seconds”

The male figure began to back down the alley making his way to a certain section of the north wall while sarcastically replying: “And to think that you would know the exact time, it seems that the little princess is more dangerous than she appears”

Too vague to respond to his partner’s mockery, the female figure asked a different question instead: “What are you planning?”

The male figure did not respond immediately but positioned himself at the exit of an alley that pointed directly to the base of the east wall and apparently drew out of nowhere a black arc that strangely combined the wild and the refined in its appearance.

The male figure took a couple of seconds to analyze the approximate dimensions of the wall and calculate the rotation time of the guards at the top based on the small shadow of the guards that could be observed walking on top of the walls.

As an additional detail due to the average level of physical prowess that people in this world had, certain tendencies were inevitable as was the case when buildings were constructed with extremely resistant materials.

It was a similar case with the defensive walls of the sect, these were not only built with some kind of resistant-looking black rock but according to the estimates of the male figure they were at least five meters or thicker and almost seventy meters height; things he had to take into account when preparing his shot.

Only then did the figure respond: “I plan to go over the wall in less than 75 seconds.”

Immediately afterward the figure took out an arrow whose tail was welded to a long, sturdy-looking string, the figure placed the arrow on the bow and without any further delay pulled the bowstring and fired.

To the surprise of the female figure, the arrow began its flight in complete silence, as if the wind did not exert any resistance or influence on the arrow, in this way the arrow reached the top of the wall without any obstacle.

Out of sight of the two figures, the arrowhead snapped open on a reverse hook clinging to the outer edge of the railing at the top of the wall, the male figure waiting a second before testing the tension of the rope after which only He briefly turned back and said: “Follow me”

With great speed and trained movements, the male figure climbed the side of the eastern wall with the help of the rope in his hands, the female figure on the other hand did not have that much experience but his movements were subtle and well calculated so it did not take long. a lot in catching up with your partner.

In less than ten seconds both people reached the top of the eastern wall with time to spare before the patrol returned to this section of the wall.

“You’re full of tricks aren’t you?” The female figure exclaimed sarcastically.

Too lazy to explain his partner simply retrieved his arrow in conjunction with the rope spending another three seconds in the process, he approached the outer side of the wall and leaned slightly outward, using that position he nailed the same arrow as before into the outer part of the wall is hidden right in the blind spot of the battlement on which he was standing.

That way in the darkness of the night only someone who knew in advance where the arrow was would find it, of course when dawn came the arrow would be visible from outside but by then it was unlikely that the arrow would still be there.

The female figure seemed to understand such a concept and could not help but reevaluate the ability of her partner, she silently watched as this occurred while she kept track of time.

With fifty seconds in their countdown, both figures went down without problems from the wall reaching the outside of the sect, on the way down the male figure was the last to go down and while doing so he was using what looked like small patches of the adhesive tape to stick the rope to the wall preventing it from hanging and moving with the wind, making it visible to the guards.

Once down, the female figure took note of this detail and reminded herself that she should ask her partner for advice and additional information about it; it was obvious that she found such a skill very useful.

Now with only thirty seconds before the patrol passed and probably less time for them to be visible to the patrol watching from above, both figures ran silently, melting into the shadows of the nearby trees with ease.

By the time the person in charge of patrolling the perimeter reached the place where both figures passed, there was no sign or clue to be found, nor was the guard looking; after all, both figures not only passed through this place incredibly fast but they did so in absolute silence.

Their bodies seemed to have no resistance to the wind and their steps seemed to have no impact with the ground under their feet, with their contained breaths and suppressed presences the pair of figures did not leave a single strand of heat or Ki behind to be perceived.

“And now that? I don’t see our target anywhere, he’s almost two minutes ahead of us “, the female figure exclaimed in exasperation.

“We just have to follow the trail” The male figure exclaimed simply.

“Can you tell what trail you’re talking about? this place is full of all kinds of footprints and unless you are an expert on the subject I doubt that you can identify which ones belong to our objective “, replied the female voice although her impatience did not seem entirely directed towards her partner but rather towards her current powerless situation.

“Who said I’m following in his tracks? Didn’t you notice? The person we are following is Bai Zifeng and I must remind you that Bai Zifeng has something that makes it very easy to track him. “The male figure explained.

“And what is it?” Intuitively responded the female figure.

“He’s hurt, we just have to follow the scent of blood” The male figure replied as he shrugged.

“Do you think I am a dog?” The female voice exclaimed on the brink of fury.

The male figure shrugged a second time after which he began to sniff the air around him, a few seconds later the blue eyes of the male figure sparkled with recognition; then he pointed to a direction and said mockingly: “You are not a dog, but at least you remembered to bring a wolf on the hunt”

It was only for a moment, truly only a brief moment but the female figure had to admit that his partner looked very cool at the time; very cool but also very dangerous.

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