Chapter 264

264 Chapter 264 The Blood Scorpion Sect

Seeing that Xiauyue and Mei were too distracted enjoying the faint romantic aura that surrounded them at the time, Desmond decided to use the analysis function on the corpse of the tyrant bee in case he discovered anything interesting.

And to his pleasant surprise, there was actually something useful that the girls didn′t collect, according to the analysis function the tyrant bee had a venom gland attached to the stinger on its tail, and Desmond found the effects of the poison quite interesting.

<Tyrant Bee Venom. One star class, high level.

Effects: Powerful neurotoxic poison that attacks the nervous system once it enters the body, causes severe pain, nausea, sensory loss, and inhibits the poisoned person’s ability to control Ki.

Additional note: Tyrant honey is the ideal antidote to this poison.>

Without even thinking twice Desmond immediately tucked the poison gland inside the hunter’s book and made a mental note to extract the poison and find a way to refine it into something useful.

Having finished collecting the venom from the Tyrant Bee Desmond turned around to face the pair of girls in love only to find them looking around in discomfort; It seemed like their little moment passed and both girls were too clueless to know how to comfortably extend their intimacy.

Helpless Desmond rolled his eyes before interrupting Xiauyue and Mei’s awkward moment.

“It seems that today is our lucky day, we not only have an extremely valuable shipment of honey but you had your own moment of sweetness; now who wants to go find treasures? ” Desmond exclaimed as he ignored the blush on both girls’ faces and pointed the way the tyrant bee had arrived.


Slightly confused by the way Desmond spoke of finding treasures, Xiauyue couldn’t help but comment, “What are we supposed to find there?”

But it was Mei who responded instead of Desmond with an excited look: “The home of the tyrant bee, Desmond you are a genius, if that creature loves precious flowers normally it would live near a place that has an abundant quantity of these for so if we trace its steps back to its nest we may find some treasures along the way ”

To which Desmond responded with a shrug as he said, “Mei couldn’t have explained it better.”

Having already lost a couple of hours dealing with the army of idiots who came asking for a beating at the beginning of the day, the trio did not want to waste any more time so they immediately left after the trail left by the tyrant bee that was not subtle at all.

As the trio moved further and further into the mountains the foliage became denser and the noises of animals fighting in the distance became more frequent, at some point even the sky became difficult to see through the dense canopies of the trees.

Perhaps due to the enormous natural wealth enjoyed by the mountains of the thousand beasts, no matter where one is within them, there would always be abundant vegetation, fertile soil, and creatures of all kinds fighting for their survival.

In a sense, the many disciples from the various sects who were venturing into the mountains were nothing more than one more animal in the forest competing for the riches of the forest with their lives at a stake.

Barely a couple of hours had passed since the harvest festival began, but the number of people killed was already counting in the dozens and approaching the hundreds.

It was just as Xiauyue had said, this competition was cruel, especially to the rookies who made up most of the deceased people, which was not so strange if one thought about the reckless way these people ran into the mountains thinking that they became rich overnight without seriously considering the consequences.

But however tragic their deaths were, the truth is that nobody cared even a little, in this world where force reigned supreme, only the law of the fittest was respected; even Desmond’s group wouldn’t feel bad for the people who lost their lives.

This was especially the case of those who lost their lives at the hands of the trio itself because the people who had met so far more than one had nefarious intentions towards Desmond or the girls so they had no mercy against their adversaries.

Or maybe pity never took place in the Hundred Beast Mountains, it was hard to say, but one thing was for sure whether it was Desmond, Xiauyue, or Mei; none of them took their lives lightly so they would never think of such a ridiculous concept as pity when faced with people who came after their lives.

Such was the nature of the trio, there were few people they trusted and at this moment they only had each other so they gave everything they had to protect each other and they are always alert.

And such behavior had its rewards, for during their little tour of the trail left by the tyrant bee the group had found some precious herbs of considerable value while evading all kinds of threatening poisonous creatures that were hiding near these herbs guarding them with suspicion.

“Be careful, if you cut too much the bile from the deep emerald snake it will no longer be useful” Desmond commented with a few drops of cold sweat falling from his forehead as he watched the careless way in which Xiauyue tried to collect valuable material from a rare poisonous snake that they found next to a medicinal herb.

“Leave her, at some point she has to learn to do these things on her own, she cannot always be the little princess of the sect, even if she breaks the bile, it does not matter, we will find more” Mei replied in an almost overprotective way defending Xiauyue with a look loving and satisfied.

But Desmond was in no mood to enjoy as a spectator the little romantic gestures between the girls so he replied almost in exasperation: “Easy for you to say, you could uproot an ancient oak tree with your bare hands; I’m the one who needs supplements to strengthen my physique ”

Such an argument lasted almost five minutes which was the time it took for Xiauyue to extract the snake’s bile intact and to the surprise of the two arguing people, even though Xiauyue had taken her time; the bile was in perfect condition.

“What do we do now? Do you want to continue following the trail of the tyrant bee? ” Asked Desmond who did not know the forest well enough to decide on his own.

Instead of answering, Xiauyue pulled out from his sleeve a well-detailed map showing the main regions of the Thousand Beast Mountains as well as their main dangers and resource areas.

After looking at the map for a moment and doing some mental calculations, Xiauyue pointed to the map while explaining: “Our harvest has been quite abundant so far, it would normally take me three days to find this amount of resources and even then they would not necessarily be resources of that good quality; but we have also gone quite far into the mountains and are beginning to approach the main hunting area of ??the blood scorpion sect. ”

Not aware of the real meaning of meeting the sect called the Blood Scorpion, Desmond asked directly, “How bad would it be to meet them?”

Hearing his question, Xiauyue and Mei exchanged a serious look before nodding after which Mei replied with a solemn tone: “For anyone who bumps into them it is the worst day of their lives, those bastards specialize in using their numbers and tactics to slaughter the strong; their martial arts are also sinister enough to cause fear. ”

Feeling that perhaps Mei was being too pessimistic with her assessment, Xiauyue added, “Normally Mei and I would have no problem dealing with those idiots even if they have the numbers on their side but if we ran into a large group of them besides some of their core disciples; we will be in trouble ”

During the explanation, the trio advanced slowly and Desmond was about to make a comment when something entered his vision range causing him to stop immediately and signal the girls to stop as well and be quiet.

“You mean a group like that,” Desmond whispered in a voice so low it was no different than the buzzing of a mosquito as he pointed to something far away.

Following the direction Desmond pointed and focusing their senses with Ki, Xiauyue and Mei were speechless, just a few moments ago they had talked about how bad it would be to meet a certain group of the bloody scorpion sect, and now looking at the horizon it was a group like this what was approaching them.

The trio did not know whether to curse their bad luck for meeting these people just when they were talking about them or to thank the gods that at least it seemed that the other group had not seen them until now.

At that point it wasn’t even a need to talk about it, the trio immediately turned away from the direction the other group was advancing and made a huge detour pushing their stealth abilities to the limit to stay behind their enemies unnoticed.

It was a tense couple of minutes until the trio began to lose sight of the Blood Scorpion Sect disciples but when Desmond and Xiauyue were about to breathe a sigh of relief it was Mei who almost gave them a heart attack when she commented. : “What if we follow them?”

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