Chapter 305

305 Chapter 305 The Butterfly And The Dragon

“Burning breath pill, you must be desperate” Mei Fei Long exclaimed with a flat tone that could not hide the clear disappointment that showed on her face, it was clear that Mei did not expect that a person with a reputation as famous as the holy son would resort to such low methods.

Lost in anger or perhaps lost in the berserk effects of the pill he had just ingested, Bao Tantian responded with a malicious growl before spitting out extremely venomous words: “Shut up bitch, winner takes all, so what if I ingest a pill as long as I can fuck that bitch Miao Xiauyue.”

Needless to say, this comment did nothing but increase the fury Mei Fei Long was already feeling and bloodthirsty killing intent soon formed in her heart as she looked at Bao Tantian as if he were a dead man.

Bao Tantian for his part was intoxicated by the sensation of power transmitted by the pill he consumed at the same time that his Ki went berserk and a vicious expression was plastered on his formerly neat face.

Ignoring the crazed expression on Bao Tantian’s face, Mei Fei Long was preparing to kill the man with his most powerful move when her expression changed ever so slightly as if she heard something in her mind.

Unbeknownst to the public, Desmond had communicated with Mei using his mana to convey a very simple idea: “Don’t...kill...we need...plans.”

Even with the message being so basic and primitive, Mei still understood that she couldn’t kill the asshole in front of her unless she wanted to completely ruin the relations between her sect and the sacred lotus sect thereby making it more difficult to execute Desmond’s plans.

But even if she couldn’t kill Bao Tantian, she would still make him feel true pain and true regret.

It was then that a scene unbeknownst to all but Desmond unfolded, where Mei erupted with unprecedented speed and power before unleashing a barrage of as fast as a machine gun.


Of course, a lot of people had seen Mei use before so that wasn’t the part that baffled the audience, no, the part that baffled everyone is that it doesn’t matter how intense the silver waves of destruction unleashed by each of her blows are... There was not a single sound at all or sign of destruction near Mei who was unleashing the technique or Bao Tantian who was receiving said attack.

This attack of course was none other than the most powerful and deadly martial art known to Mei Fei Long and probably only Desmond and Xiauyue knew the name of said ability.

“” Precisely the name of her martial art was the only sound that echoed in the arena before the spherical silver area formed by the residual energy of the skill collapsed revealing a calm Mei Fei Long and a Static Bao Tantian.

The silence that filled the arena seemed strangely deafening just before a frankly bizarre sound broke the silence.

Such a sound was none other than the sound of flesh tearing and bone-breaking accompanied by the continuous noise caused by blood spilling out, and the source of all this was none other than Bao Tantian who collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

The brutality of the scene caused many in the audience to regard Mei as a mad and ruthless woman, but only Desmond knew how bloody the scene would have been if Mei hadn’t held back; after all, Desmond had seen a man burst like a water balloon after falling victim to Mei’s .

Looking at the mock person lying on the ground in front of her, a look of disgust filled Mei’s eyes as she said a single word with a mixture of contempt and disgust: “trash”.

Needless to say, her voice was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the arena which instantly drew the ire of the people from the Sacred Lotus Sect.

It was a shame justice wasn’t on their side this time, not when their champion broke the rules so blatantly and expressed herself in such venomous ways.

Ignoring the response she got from the crowd, Mei removed the silver Ki scales that covered much of her body thus returning her to normal.

Desmond could have sworn he heard many people around him gulp as Mei withdrew her draconic form and he understood the sentiment perfectly, with her beautiful legs displaying an elegant yet wild beauty like a cheetah; no man should be able to look away from her right now.

In the same way, of course, no man dared to make any lewd comments or gestures about it, not after seeing the broken rag doll named Bao Tantian being carried away from the arena by the medical staff.

As soon as Mei reached the waiting area she was immediately greeted by the sight of Desmond holding out his hand with another set of robes for her as he said with a hint of genuine surprise, “For a second I thought you would kill him.”

Taking the robe, Mei managed to adjust her previous mood before replying in a mocking yet aggressive voice, “That bastard can be considered lucky.”

To which Desmond couldn’t help but reply as he pointed to something in the distance, “I don’t think he feels lucky right now.”

Knowing exactly what she was referring to, Mei ended up letting out a small mischievous giggle before heading off to a private place to change her robes.

Slightly tired from the previous battle, Mei actually ended up taking a few minutes to rest in private while she changed out of her robes which ended up causing her to return to the arena only to hear the deafening noise caused by the audience clamoring fervently.

Confused by the commotion around her it wasn’t until Desmond’s voice reached her ears that she managed to figure out what was going on.

It turned out that while she was changing her clothes and resting, the Roaming cloud sect master stepped forward to announce the arrival of the protagonist of this event, the princess of the Roaming cloud sect and one of the most beautiful women known; Miao Xiauyue.

Of course, that was not what drove the audience crazy because many of those present already knew her while another part assumed that they would barely be able to see a part of that legendary beauty while she sat in the box with the important people of the various sects.

Thus when it was announced that Miao Xiauyue would perform a sword dance in the center of the arena, the audience went wild.

And no one could blame them, even Mei was excited to see the woman she loved to perform a sword dance demonstrating not only Xiauyue’s beauty but also her talent and elegance.

Minutes passed and soon the figure that everyone was waiting for arrived at the center of the arena. Dressed in an absolutely exquisite gown made of undine silk with vivid and intense floral patterns that highlighted her perfect curvaceous figure, Xiauyue wore precious glass slippers with an exquisite butterfly pattern, in her hand, she also carried what looked like a luxurious ceremonial sword of a violet-blue color full of small bright points like stars that had a long ribbon of similar colors hanging on its pommel.

Xiauyue was not only exquisitely dressed, but she was also a work of art created by the gods themselves, her face had a beauty difficult for mere mortals to attain, her eyes were calm as the surface of spring, her long eyelashes seemed to shine every time she blinked and her lips were no different from a forbidden fruit anyone would kill to taste.

For the second time in a single day, nothing but an intense silence filled the arena, but unlike the previous occasion where the silence was caused by the shock and brutality of the scene in front of the public; this time it was Xiauyue’s beauty that took the breath away of the entire world around her.

Even Desmond felt that words were at a loss to describe how beautiful Xiauyue looked right now, though in the next instant Desmond felt like vomiting blood when he saw the smug look on Mei’s face who seemed to say to Desmond, “That woman is mine, die of envy”

The only reason Desmond resisted the urge he felt to curse out loud was because onstage, Miao Xiauyue had started her sword dance.

And her dance was...just divine, Desmond basically didn’t have the words or the artistic acumen to describe beyond that.

Every swing of her sword, the way Xiauyue seemed to flutter across the stage letting the ribbon on her sword pommel paint beautiful patterns in the air, the tranquility and sublime beauty on Xiauyue’s ever-smiling face was enough to steal the soul of anyone.

But as if she believed that her performance was not enough, Xiauyue began to pour her purple Ki into her sword adding a dreamlike tone to her dance while semi-translucent butterflies of Ki began to form in the background around her.

And when the audience thought that the show was about to end as Xiauyue slowed down her pace, she did something that left everyone with a look of utter stupidity on their faces.

Xiauyue slowly approached the place where Mei Fei Long was while the butterflies around her all swirled together forming a much larger and more corporeal butterfly.

Already a few meters from Mei, Xiauyue let go of her sword before manipulating it with Ki and using both the properties of the sword and her Ki to form the illusory form of a dragon.

With the sword right in the center of the dragon’s mouth, the entire world watched in disbelief as Xiauyue finished her dance by making the butterfly and dragon land together as she gave a loving smile to the person in front of her who of course was none other than Mei Fei Long.

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