Chapter 311

311 Chapter 311 Blood Is Paid With Blood

Hearing the Roaming Cloud Sect Leader’s imposing statement, Mu Caolang found himself in a state somewhere between disbelief and anger, he just didn’t understand how the hell he had provoked Miao Taolong and the Roaming Cloud Sect to cause them to declare war.

Seizing the opportunity, Miao Taolong stepped forward and announced the blood scorpion sect’s seemingly endless crimes, beginning with the plot to assassinate one of the Roaming cloud sect’s most valuable blacksmiths and continuing with a list long enough to fill a library.

To be fair, almost 90% of the content on that list was nothing more than mere nonsense that Miao Taolong had made up on the spot to brand the Blood Scorpion Sect members as filthy scum, criminals that not even the heavens themselves would tolerate; the huge irony was that as more crimes were mentioned the worse the expressions of some random members of the blood scorpion sect became.

With the Blood Scorpion Sect being a long-standing devilish sect, the truth was that the crimes they had committed and the tragedies they had instigated were enough to make ghosts cry.

Mu Caolang however did not believe any of the nonsense that came out of Miao Taolong’s mouth, being someone who stood at the pinnacle of power in this region, Mu Caolang was very clear that with the enormous consequences involved in starting a war; there was simply no way this war could be caused by something as ridiculous as justice.

Involuntarily Mu Caolang’s gaze landed on Mei Fei Long, the last descendant of that clan from which his sect had benefited so much, at that time such a clan was believed to be extinct so he would never have imagined finding a survivor with the blood of dragons running through her veins.

Noticing Mu Caolang’s gaze, Miao Taolong left his act of justice and made a statement that was only heard by those in the upper box: “Your sect has flourished for years feeding on the blood of others, it is time for you to learn that the blood is paid for with blood, you can only blame yourselves for leaving the one who is now my daughter-in-law alive... it is time to pay debts Mu Caolang”

As soon as Miao Taolong’s statement ended, cries of pain erupted from the throats of various Blood Scorpion Sect members around Mu Caolang accompanied by a rather sickly crackling sound.

Consumed with fear, the Blood Scorpion Sect Leader didn’t even want to look back after hearing the sound of bodies hitting the ground, but curiosity kept pulling at the strings in his heart causing Mu Caolang to turn around to see how at least half of his men had collapsed to the ground with clear signs of poisoning.


Seeing the Five Poison Sect members standing around the bodies of his men, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened, the only question in Mu Caolang’s mind was why.

But even though it didn’t matter anymore, Mu Caolang would have to be stupid not to realize that this attack, this declaration of war had been planned very carefully and that he was on the losing side.

That thought was reinforced when he saw how even the people from the Sacred Lotus Sect who are famous for their neutral stance began to draw their weapons aiming at the few remaining high-level members of the Blood Scorpion Sect.

“Lost...all is that case I will take as many as I can with me.” Unable to accept the truth before him, Mu Caolang seemed to fall into denial before falling into complete insanity as a horrifying bloodlust began to set in. emanate from him.

Unlike the elders and deacons who were killed in the sneak attack carried out by Mei and Xiauyue, Mu Caolang was not only several levels stronger but due to his paranoid personality he never went anywhere unarmed or unprotected; on the contrary, Mu Caolang always wore his best armor and carried his best set of swords.

It was because of that and his current berserk state that the four sect masters who had allied against the blood scorpion sect did not dare to be careless, they did not come to the position that they currently had just by coincidence and they knew very well how dangerous a cornered beast could be; especially a beast-like Mu Caolang.

“I guess this is the older generation’s turn to step up,” Miao Taolong exclaimed as his blue Ki erupted in a blaze of extraordinary power and intensity.

Taking out from his scabbard a near meter and a half long black Tang sword, Miao Taolong’s aura completely changed from his usual serious and calm air to a heroic and invincible spirit.

Even his allies had to gulp when they felt Miao Talong’s indomitable temper and saw him draw his sword, after all, Miao Taolong was not only the Roaming Cloud Sect’s master but he was also the undisputed number one swordsman of this region.

Feeling embarrassed by their brief carelessness, the other three sect masters also revealed their auras and Ki flares preparing for battle not wanting to be overshadowed by Miao Taolong.

The aura of the sacred lotus sect leader was noble and majestic like a buddha who suppresses all evil under heaven, taking out from his sleeve a fan apparently made of white jade of exquisite craftsmanship; Just by the way he held the fan one could tell that this was his most prized weapon and possession.

It was fortunate that a certain mountain god named Kryzsha was not present or with her smug attitude she would not hesitate to sneer at the leader of the sacred lotus sect rubbing in the poor man’s face that even her beloved maids were made of better materials.

Although of course, as ridiculous as Kryzsha’s existence was, the truth was that this draconic-looking creature could look down on any man under the stars because no one was as fucking rich as her.

Back to the situation in the main box, the rest of the sect leaders also did not hesitate to draw their best weapons and prepare their trump cards if necessary, seeing Mu Caolang’s mad look; none of them wanted to end up biting the dust because of an oversight.

On the other hand, both Mei and Xiauyue could only bite their lips as they resigned themselves to retreating from this battle by following the clue hidden in Miao Taolong’s words.

Barely detecting the movement made by both girls, Mu Caolang fixed her bloodshot eyes on Mei, she was to blame for all this, if he was going to die at least he had to take that bitch with him.

With his mind filled with vicious thoughts of desperate revenge, Mu Caolang used the blood scorpion sect’s specialty of speed to attempt to close in on Mei only to be repelled by a masterful sword strike made by Miao Taolong who nearly decapitated him with just that move.

“Didn’t you hear me, this is a fight between the previous generation” Miao Taolong commented with chilling calm while his sword was in the same position as it had been a few moments ago as if it had never moved in the first place.

Even with his mind full of hatred, Mu Caoloang still felt the enormous danger his life was in just now and realized that if he continued to act recklessly, all he would do would be to give his enemies his head on a silver platter so as much as he felt unwell; Mu Caolang only coldly watched as Mei and Xiauyue left the box.

As soon as Mei and Xiauyue were halfway down the path back to the arena, two things happened almost at the same time, the first was the start of the battle in the box between the sect masters with huge Ki blasts lighting up the place for, In moments, the second thing that happened was that a small army of Blood Scorpion Sect disciples stormed the arena trying to run in the direction of the box to seek the protection of their elders.

As for why these disciples were running for cover... well, it was probably because they were being chased by various disciples from the other sects who were led by some deacons.

It was clear that although not all the top brass of the four sects had been told what would happen today, they had still been given orders on how to act in various scenarios, not unlike how the military worked, these deacons obeyed faithfully orders even without understanding the reasons behind these.

Seeing the always arrogant and ruthless Blood Scorpion Sect disciples run pathetically, a wild and bloodthirsty smile appeared on Mei’s lips, for her part Xiauyue who noticed the spiteful look on her future wife only gave a helpless sigh before preparing her sword.

Having learned of Mei’s past and how her entire clan had been eradicated only to be harvested as cultivation resources, Xiauyue did not have any feelings of mercy towards these people; perhaps her defenseless posture was because she didn’t like to see this violent side of Mei.

Whichever the case, having fully armed Mei and Xiauyue at the peak of their strength clash against these random Blood Scorpion Sect disciples was no different than seeing a pair of tigers in the middle of a flock of sheep.

Only a few occasional talented disciples managed to put up any kind of resistance but even then these individuals were distant from each other not to mention that their resistance did nothing more than buy them a second or two more to live.

In the end, it was just as Miao Taolong had said a few moments ago, these people had spent their lives harvesting the blood and lives of others without any mercy or conscience and now it was their turn to pay in blood.

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