Chapter 317

317 Chapter 317 Complicated Girls

In the past when Desmond and Claire moved to Green Seed Town, they brought a few things with them, most of the furniture in the house was already there when they both arrived and only some maintenance was required to keep the house in tip-top shape.

In addition to a couple of beds, other small furniture, and home appliances that we’re unable to stand the test of time without any care while the house was abandoned; there were a few things that Desmond and Claire added to the place.

It wasn’t until this particular moment that Desmond felt that such an approach was a bit remiss on his part, in the first instance because of this the place didn’t really feel like home due to the lack of personal touch, but the reason Desmond was even thinking about it was because of his current situation.

Sitting on the small sofa in the living room, Desmond came to feel how uncomfortable and cramped it was when he found himself supporting the weight of two other people on top of him.

These two people were of course Claire and Sasha who had shared Desmond’s lap to use as a seat as they both leaned back comfortably on his chest with smirks on both beauties’ faces.

Due to the intimate closeness, Desmond could clearly feel the soft and abundant curves of both girls who did not show the least bit of shyness due to their current position.

Not that Desmond expected anything different, Claire was never a shy girl when it came to sharing her affection with him and quite the contrary as she got older she became more and more eager for intimate contact.

Sasha on the other hand was a girl a bit more innocent and shy by nature but she was also a girl who would easily put aside her shyness to show her affection or receive affection from him; although normally once the intimate moment was over she would turn red as an apple in embarrassment.

All said and done, there was no doubt that the trio was enjoying a quiet intimate moment free of lust or desire as Desmond told them about his experience in the martial sovereign world.


Desmond had decided not to hide anything about it and as his story progressed he could see some pretty interesting reactions on both girls’ faces.

When Desmond told Claire and Sasha about his first meeting with Mei Fei Long, both were quite upset to hear how Mei Fei Long almost killed Desmond on the spot.

Although the anger did not last long because both girls quickly understood how everything had been a misunderstanding. After that, both girls were quite interested in everything related to the sovereign martial world, sects, and martial arts; it was Sasha who seemed particularly interested as she had seen a lot of fiction on television that appealed to her and martial arts fell into that category.

Desmond could only smile wryly when he tried to ask Sasha if she was interested in learning martial arts and hand-to-hand combat as the vermilion-haired girl replied with extraordinary speed expressing her refusal.

It seemed that Sasha was only interested in being a viewer of such ancient martial arts dramas and she was not at all interested in actually learning about it. Not that Desmond could blame her either, Sasha was already an Elementalist with a mastery of the fire element that would put anyone to shame; For her, learning martial arts was a waste of her time and talent.

That was, even more, the case when he consider that she wasn’t even a fighting fan in the first place and she preferred to spend her time in her lab working on her alchemy projects when she wasn’t lounging lazily or watching TV.

Desmond could only keep his perverted desires to the bottom of his heart, that’s right, the reason Desmond seemed excited to teach Sasha martial arts was mostly because of all the opportunities this would give him to get his hands on Sasha′s temptresses curves.

Unaware of how she had saved herself from being taken advantage of by her lover, Sasha kept asking Desmond about his various encounters in the sovereign martial world and other related things. She was especially excited when she heard about how Desmond had spent some time working for an alchemist in that world.

There is no doubt that when the word alchemy was mentioned, Sasha’s always calm and soft attitude took a hundred and eighty-degree turn, leaving only an infinite curiosity to dominate her thoughts.

Originally Desmond hadn’t planned on bringing it up so soon but since Sasha seemed so interested, Desmond pulled out all the alchemy notes he’d made from his time there as well as the copy he’d made of that old alchemy book he found in the forest of the thousand beasts.

Only Desmond knew how close he came to losing this book to the hunter’s book transport restrictions, he never imagined that the hunter’s book or rather the hunters’ association would go so far as to analyze the intrinsic value of the knowledge recorded in the alchemy book.

Hence, Desmond discovered some of the parameters related to the information and technology restrictions that the association managed for exchange and extraction.

In a way, Desmond had to consider himself lucky that these restrictions were more focused on preventing the flow of technology and information not suitable for the level of civilization of Desmond’s world than on restricting valuable information as such.

With all of the above, the relative cost encompassed by this little book still encompassed a significant share in the resources Desmond was able to draw from the martial sovereign world.

Still, Desmond didn’t regret taking that book with him at all, he was never a selfish person with Claire and the same should apply to Sasha now so when Desmond found that book his first thought was to give it to Sasha; though in the end due to various reasons he ended up giving Sasha a copy of the book and not the original.

Her vermilion eyes bright with intense curiosity and thirst for knowledge, Sasha took the book from Desmond’s hands with disconcerting speed before she looked at him with passionate eyes.

In her excitement, Sasha ignored Claire’s presence and she merely glared at Desmond for a brief moment before the flames that burned within her overflowed propelling her to merge with Desmond in one intense kiss.

Watching Sasha kiss not once or twice Desmond but only begin to kiss him with an almost desperate thirst as her tender pink tongue became visible in the small gap that occasionally formed between their lips as she daringly sought Desmond’s tongue; Claire was speechless at her daze for a couple of seconds before a thought flashed through her mind: “She really is like fire.”

Having lived together for some time, Claire already had a rough idea about Sasha’s personality and knew that although she was shy and considerate most of the time, once her emotions flared up they were like a flame that wants to consume everything; such was the case when Sasha got excited during a research project leading her to lock herself in her lab for days or when she let herself get carried away in her intimacy with Desmond letting him take advantage of her to his liking.

Claire was also able to associate with this feeling, at least when it came to her intimacy with Desmond, whether it was his caresses or his kisses, once Claire felt her lover’s touch it was as if nothing else in the world mattered and everything that she wanted was to be consumed by all the love and pleasure she felt at that moment.

Claire could perfectly understand why Sasha even after a dozen seconds were still plundering her lover’s lips with reckless abandon...but it was one thing to understand and another to let it go.

Believing that she had already given Sasha enough freedom by letting her enjoy herself for almost twenty seconds, Claire interrupted the duo with an awkward smile causing Sasha to blush to the point where it looked like blood would come out of her cheeks if someone squashed them.

Too shy and embarrassed to face either of them, Sasha ran out of the room not wanting to show her face to anyone, though taking into account the direction she was running and her book in her hands; it was obvious that the young alchemist was going straight to her laboratory.

Feeling an intense gaze pierce the back of his neck as he looked in the direction of the now missing Sasha, Desmond turned his attention to the source of that piercing gaze only to find a pair of emerald green eyes staring back at him with complicated emotions gleaming deep within its pupils.

“Kiss.” Like a spoiled child wanting to be pampered with love, Claire stretched her slender arms out as she made an adorable little pout with her peach-colored lips.

Would Desmond have the willpower to resist this plea? The tigers would make friends with the sheep before something as absurd as that happened.

Desmond spent the next half hour finishing up his adventures in the sovereign martial world to Claire as they snuggled on the sofa and Desmond slowly but steadily showered her with subtle kisses and mischievous caresses trying to satisfy Claire’s need for affection expressed just a few moments ago.

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