Pick Me Up!

Chapter 28: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (3) Part 1

Chapter 28: Paid 5-Consecutive Draw (3) Part 1

After a while, the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps returned.

Looks like we only encountered a bunch of weaklings!

Zacken playfully licked the blade of his axe.

No casualties.

No signs of surprise.

They entered and returned as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

The sight of those people trembling in fear was no surprise either.

They were different from the 1-stars, emanating an aura that made ones spine tingle.

And who might you be?

A man with visible scars in his eyes looked at me and spoke.

It was Avant.

I replied without much concern.

You dont have to worry about me.

Hey, who do you think you are, talking so arrogantly? Zacken shouted.

Well, you started with informality.

And who is this lady?

Thats enough!

Avant took a step forward and intervened.

Zacken, who had been scowling, fell silent.

I am Avant Dezick, the leader of the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps. And you?


Ah, youre armed as well. Were you a mercenary?

No, I was a farmer.

A farmer?

A fleeting expression of disdain crossed Avants eyes before quickly fading away.

Avant continued speaking, addressing me.

Are the people we met earlier everyone who resides here?

Why do you ask?

That will suffice.

[Wait a moment!]

Avant, who was heading towards the lodging, halted his steps.

Iselle hastily spoke up.

[Wait! The master still has matters to discuss with you.]

Matters to discuss?

[In any case, dont act rashly!]

Jenna leaned in close, whispering into my ear.

Oppa, earlier you asked me what I thought about those people, right? Ive come to a concord. Its not a favorable impression.

Why is that?

Their gazes are abnormal. Although Edis unni seems kind

I see.

[Master, youre about to initiate a 10-summon. Im excited to see which heroes will appear!]

An unexpected message materialized before my eyes.

Summoning ten heroes all of a sudden, at a time like this.

Ah, I understand now.

No, precisely because its a critical moment that he has decided to summon them.

I tightened my grip on the swords hilt, feeling the chilling sensation clinging to my fingertips.

[Clack, tuturu.]



[Master Anytng obtained]


[Master Anytng obtained]

The summoning hall doors swung open.

Both Iselle and I, along with every member of the Fangwolf Mercenary Corps, directed our gaze towards that particular spot.

After a while, ten individuals, both men and women, emerged into the square, each with their own unique appearance. They seemed unaware of the situation that unfolded before them.

[Master, initiating synthesis.]

[Drag and drop the hero you wish to sacrifice onto the hero you want to enhance! The sacrificed hero will vanish.]

This stubborn-headed guy, hes doing it again!

Iselle, discerning Anytngs intention, furrowed her brow, but defying a command was out of the question. Iselle raised her voice, issuing her orders.

Zacken, Dimaan, Lexigle! Head to the synthesis altar!

Who are you? How do you know my name? What are you

The master told you to go in! Shut your mouth and get inside! Dimaan, Lexigle! Which one of you is it? Hurry up and come out!

Zacken appeared, snapping his wrist joint with a decisive crack.

Jenna murmured with a stern expression.

No way

Oh, but it is.

Even though theyve just arrived!

Perhaps he think theres nothing to be seen in these 1-star heroes since its his first time doing a paid summon.

Anytng was committing a grave error at this moment. While it was true that most 1-star heroes were of little value, there were undoubtedly precious talents among them. Yet he was attempting to throw in freshly summoned 1-star heroes without any verification.

Are you Dimaan? You certainly look like him!


Follow me! I said follow me!

Zacken firmly grasped the man with his brawny arms and forcefully led him towards the synthesis altar.

Theres one more person. Who is Lexigle?

An elderly man let out a desperate gasp.

Zacken smirked and seized the old man with his other arm. The two of them were dragged towards the synthesis altar, unable to put up any resistance. The door closed shut.

After a brief moment.

[Synthesis complete!]

[Dimaan () and Lexigle () have transformed into radiant light and vanished.]

[Zacken (), level up!]

Hahaha, I feel a surge of strength coursing through me!

Zacken twirled his arms and emerged from the synthesis altar.

[Avant, Solior, Danil!]

What, what is happening? P-Please spare me!

Prevent them from escaping!

Following Avants command, the mercenaries unsheathed their weapons. Faces turned pale as they confronted the sharp, gleaming blades. Trembling with fear, the 1-star heroes huddled in a corner of the square, utterly helpless.

The members of the Fangwolf party cornered them with their swords unleashed, but Edis remained motionless.

What are you doing? Why Arent you following orders? Arent you a member of the Fangwolf?

Avant questioned, his longsword drawn, as he glanced back at Edis.

Edis, however, remained without wielding her weapon.

Edis bowed her head, biting her lip before finally drawing her dagger.

Jenna abruptly stood up, voicing her concern.

This is not right!

[Jenna () expresses dissatisfaction with the recent action!]

Whats gotten into you? If you dont want to get hurt, stay out of it!

At least give them a chance! Wheres the fairness in this? Oppa, what do you think? Do you believe this is right? Its just not!

I closed my eyes.

Since arriving here, I had witnessed numerous events.

There have been so many incidents. Indeed, people can change.

I opened my eyes.

Iselle, relay a message to the Master.

[Sure, tell me.]

Offer a suggestion to the Master. Let him know that he wont truly understand the potential of any 1-star hero unless he actually uses them.

[Huh? Well I didnt know that.]

Alright, now you do.

[Wait, hold on!]

Iselle, appearing flustered, fluttered her wings and vanished.

[Tips/You wont truly grasp the potential of any 1-star hero unless you give them a chance. Instead of rushing into synthesis, why not take the time to observe?]

The Masters manipulation came to a halt.

After a while, the doors to the synthesis chamber closed shut. The mercenaries, who had worn smiles on their faces, froze in an instant. Zacken approached me, a vibrant expression on his face.

Whats your deal why are you interfering?

Interfering? I merely offered advice.

You call that advice?

Well, what would you call it?

This guy must be out of his mind!

Zacken, who had been swinging his axe, abruptly halted.

Jennas arrowhead was pointed directly at his head.

Are you trying to attack us now?

Avant murmured.

I chuckled softly, drawing my sword from its sheath. Then, I aimed it squarely at Avants face.

Avant, lets call it a day. Its getting late

Just shut up!

Avant forcefully pushed Edis aside and questioned me.

Do you even know who we are?

I know very well. Youre one of them.

I gestured toward the scattered bones on the square.

Whats that?

Its trash.

  • God of Soul System

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