Pick Me Up!

Chapter 40: Mission Type-Defend (5) (1)

Chapter 40: Mission Type-Defend (5) (1)

The cavalry numbered around 500 brave souls, preparing to face their formidable foes.

Even with potential reinforcements, the allied forces couldnt surpass a thousand. Numbers alone were not in their favor.

But, it was the quality of these soldiers that set them apart.

Clad in heavy armor and wielding sturdy spears, their majestic steeds armored for battle, the cavalry exuded an air of determination. Their appearance was a stark contrast to the citys defenders, clad in shabby armor and trembling in fear.

Though a few were carried away by the rivers strong current, most of the troops successfully completed the perilous river crossing.

A man, likely their commander, observed the surroundings near the riverbank.

What are these monstrous corpses.

Our eyes briefly met under the trees shade, but he quickly averted his gaze. Instead, he drew his sword and pointed it towards the northern part of the city, where the battle raged on.

Form up and charge! Lets sweep away the enemy all at once!

The horses snorted, and the sight of hundreds of cavalry lined up in the rain was truly impressive.

Jenna couldnt help but whistle in admiration.

Wow, thats impressive. It feels like our part in this mission is done. Can we just lie down and watch now?

I wish that were the case.

The main problem was resolved, but it wouldnt be surprising if the difficulty level rose beyond three stars. I glanced at the horses wandering near the riverside, their owners swept away by the current during the river crossing.

Can you ride a horse?

Horse? Sure.

What about you two?

Aaron shook his head quietly, and Eolka, struggling to reply, gulped down a mana potion.

Do you know how, Oppa?

I dont.

It doesnt seem very useful if only one of us can ride.

Just bring one over for now.

The cavalry was getting ready to charge.

Jenna climbed onto a horse without an owner and took hold of the reins. The horse was startled at first but soon calmed down as Jenna gently stroked its neck. After a moment, the horse Jenna rode trotted over towards us.

Is this enough?

I looked up at the sky.

Anytng must have been watching everything unfold.

In essence, the master couldnt directly interfere in the battle, but their influence could be felt. I recalled the anti-fear potion I had drunk during the tutorial.

So, are you gonna help or what?

Skill Book Request: Intermediate Mounted Magic.

[Han () is requesting the Skill Book (Mounted Magic). Upon purchase, the hero will acquire the skill. The cost is 500 gems. Would you like to proceed with the purchase?]

[Yes (Select) / No]

A shimmer of blue light in the air emitted, and suddenly, an old book descended.

I grabbed it and unfolded the pages, and a rush of knowledge and experiences about mounted magic flooded my mind.


[Skill Awakening!]

[Han () has acquired Mounted Magic!]

W-What was that just now?

A magic book.

Mounted Magic.

One of the skill books available at the Pick Me Up battle shop.

While direct acquisition of combat-related skills wasnt possible, supportive techniques could be learned through these skill books.

I mounted the ownerless horse, gripping the reins. From mounting and holding the reins to changing direction, moving forward, stopping, and acceleratingtips and know-how about mounted magic came naturally to me.

The horse I rode joined Jennas side.

You said you couldnt ride.

Now I know.

I chuckled, affirming my new skill.

Well follow their lead and disrupt their plans.

Disrupt their plans, you mean?

Do you think itll end here? Aaron, get on behind Jenna. Eolka, youre with me. Without a saddle, it might be uncomfortable, so hold on tight to my back.

With Jennas assistance, Aaron settled in behind her on the horse.

Next, Eolka approached, looking pale. Although she had replenished her mana with a potion, the mental fatigue seemed inevitable. I helped Eolka onto the horses back. Up ahead, the cavalry was finalizing their charge preparations.

Prepare for the charge! Get ready!

Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!

Responding to the commanders orders, the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in unison. On the northern plains, the goblins alerted to the situation, positioned their spears against the charging cavalry.

We watched the scene a few meters away from the frontline.

Dont join the charge. You might find yourself in a tough spot. Slip towards the forest and assess the situation.

Aaron, hold on tight so you wont fall.

Sure thing.

The cavalry commander swung his steel sword over his head, taking aim at the goblins.

Charge together! Show those rascals the fiery might of the Iron Cavalry!

The commanders white horse galloped across the plains.

The horsemen with their red flags led the way, followed by a thundering charge of hundreds of soldiers and horses. The resounding cheers of the soldiers and the rhythmic pounding of hooves in the rain filled the air.

Lets go.

With a firm grip on the reins, I urged the horse forward.

The horse exhaled and picked up speed. Faster. Each nudge resulted in more vigorous strides.

Surprisingly, just by reading a book, I gained the ability to handle a horse.

It seemed unreal, but there was no need to be astonished or overjoyed.

I warned Jenna, who was trailing behind, Move to the side! Get out of the arrows range!

Ping! Pew, pew, pew, ping!

Dozens, even hundreds of bolts flew from the goblin side.

Most bolts either missed their targets or got embedded in the ground. However, a few found their mark.


An unfortunate soldier was struck and fell from his horse.

The soldiers behind trampled him into the ground.

I lowered my head slightly.

A stray bolt barely grazed past my head, causing Eolka, holding onto my waist, to let out a small scream.

Get away!

As I pulled the reins to the right, the horse turned.

The cavalrys main target was the goblin force stationed at the north gate. We swerved to the right and headed towards the forest, with Jenna close behind.

Soon, the cavalrys vanguard clashed with the goblins.

Hundreds of goblins, impaled on spears and crushed under the hooves, were turned into a lifeless heap.

They were smaller creatures than humans, unable to withstand the destructive force of several hundred kilograms of a horse. The cavalry spread out like a wide broom, swept through the goblin forces with ease.

As the wind gradually lessened the impact of raindrops on our faces, I kept a watchful eye on the surroundings while riding through the forest. Faint growls echoed between the trees.

[Goblin Rider Lv.??? X 211]

As I suspected.

They had been lurking in the forest, preparing to ambush the cavalry.

The moment the cavalrys momentum waned, they would strike from the sides. Wolves lacked the necessary breakthrough power to face cavalry head-on, and measures were in place to suppress the cavalrys momentum.

[Ogre Lv.??? X 23]


Ogres burst forth from the dense forest.

Having broken through the first line of defense, they charged at the cavalry, which was regrouping after the initial clash. In the distance, the cavalry commander raised his sword once more, and the second clash ensued with a symphony of clanging metal and resounding screams.

I turned to Eolka, who was riding behind me, and asked, Eolka, do you have enough mana?

Ill manage somehow, she replied.

You saw it too. Itll be troublesome if those goblin riders join the fray.

As the rain ceased, a renewed sense of urgency filled the air.

I raised my right index finger to determine the wind direction.

A northerly wind. I made a decision, From now on, well ride through the forest. You ignite the flames.

Eolka nodded, I can do that, but the firepower might be weak.

Just make sure they cant come out. Better yet, disrupt their formation.

If the goblin riders managed to strike the cavalrys flank simultaneously, the consequences would be dire.

We didnt need to eliminate all of them; the main objective was to prevent them from coordinating effectively. Eolka understood the plan.

Jenna, you and Aaron dismount from the horse. When the flames spread, pick off one or two of them at a time.

The two dismounted, each clutching their bow and spear.

Although magical combat skills would be ideal, we had to work with what we had. Their determination was evident.

Lets do this.

Eolka closed her eyes and began chanting a spell.

My gaze shifted towards the north gate.

The cavalry and ogres clashed fiercely. Most of the original goblin forces lay dead or incapacitated. A few desperate goblins attempted to scale ladders and breach the outer walls but retreated in failure.

No need to pursue them all the way to the inner walls, I muttered to myself.

With a swift tap of my heel on the horses flank, we surged forward.

The horse picked up speed, and I locked eyes with the goblin on the far left of the forest. His hands caressed the fur of a wolf mount, and his eyes glinted with defiance.

Eloka raised her right hand.



A torrent of flames erupted from behind the horse, quickly catching on branches and leaves, spreading like a blazing inferno. The rain had subsided, and the wind carried the fire towards the surrounding trees.

The horses path scattered embers, spreading the flames in all directions.

The fire rapidly engulfed the area.


Finally, the goblin riders burst out of the forest, met with a wall of fire and chaos.

Most of the human cavalry were focused on killing ogres, while a few of the goblin riders followed us.

Direct confrontation with the ogres wasnt worthwhile, so I swiftly turned my horse and increased our pace, setting the forest ablaze as we raced through it.

The flames were not exceptionally strong, and casualties were minimal, but that wasnt our main aim.

We wanted to scatter the goblin riders and instill fear of the fire they wielded.

When the goblin riders formed a united front, they became a formidable force, but when dispersed, they were like scattered needles.

The Iron Cavalry showed no sign of losing their momentum in their fight against the ogres, while the goblin riders struggled and wavered. In the forest, Jenna and Aaron took up positions, engaging with a few of the goblin riders, their weapons blazing.

Finally, we completed our circuit around the forest.

Dismounting swiftly, I thrust my sword backward, piercing the wolf lunging at me, and impaling both its brain and the heart of the goblin rider on top of it. They were the ones who had chased me relentlessly.

I withdrew my sword.

The wolf and goblin fell silent and lifeless.


The horse neighed and shook its back.

Eolka, who was on top of it, trembled precariously, barely managing to keep her balance.

The horse that had dismounted Eolka didnt even spare a glance and ran off in the opposite direction.

Are you alright?


You did well.

It was a horrifying sight.

Eolkas complexion had turned deathly pale. If she used more magic here, she risked a magic overload.

Excessive use of magic posed a dangerous risk for magicians.

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