Pick Me Up!

Chapter 57: Mission Type, Escort (1) (2)

Chapter 57: Mission Type, Escort (1) (2)

[Main Dungeon, current challenge floor is the 15th floor.]

[The door will open in 10 seconds. Prepare yourselves!]

The light gradually intensified, filling the rift of time and space.

And as the light dimmed, we found ourselves in an unfamiliar place.

I looked around.

The sky was clear. The time was daytime.

The 15th floor is also a city.

I surveyed the surroundings again, this time more meticulously. If the 10th floors city had rough stone-based buildings and a chaotic structure, this city was neatly organized. Multistory wooden buildings and well-maintained roads resembling a checkerboard caught the eye.

Is it really true?

We must go!

Two scruffy old men passed past us.

There were also many other people. Citizens were going about their daily lives in various parts of the city. Hagglers bargaining with shopkeepers at the fruit store. Children playing in the alleys. Passersby dressed for some destination.

However, these people didnt seem interested in us.

They were NPCs who couldnt see us.

An elderly woman with a hunchback met my gaze.

As if not seeing us, she ignored us and walked somewhere.

The atmosphere is different from the 10th floor.

Back then, I could clearly understand that things were turning for the worse. But this time, there was no foreboding. A peaceful everyday life was unfolding in the city.

And then, the mission window appeared in the landscape.

[Floor 15.]

[Mission Type Escort]

[Objective Protect the designated individual.]

The four of us focused on one point.

We were looking at the objective window.

There were no warning messages, no messages indicating enemy status and numbers. Only the objective window was displayed. I glanced at passing citizens and then spoke.


All four came closer.

I spoke.

As you can see, the mission is an escort. We dont have much time, as I mentioned. We need to find the designated person. Theyll probably die soon.

Who do we have to protect? We cant see any monsters, only people.

Who should we protect?

And where is he?

These were the key questions of this mission.

Does anyone know about this place?

I do, Hyungnim. Ive come here to sell things before.


Yes. Its called Adilt. Its a city with trade booming in every field. I dont know why were here, though

Aarons voice trailed off.

As expected, the stage of the mission is Townia.

I closed my eyes briefly and then continued speaking.

What are the unique places in this city?

Unique places?

Landmarks or historical sites, anything will do. If theres anything, let me know.

In the center of the city, theres a grand temple dedicated to a goddess. Its famous as one of the holy sites of the sect. Its called the Silver Hall. Except for the saints, its one of the few temples on the continent.

Ah, the Silver Hall! Ive heard of it. Its supposed to be huge.

Then, are these people going to that temple?

Most of the citizens on the street were moving in one direction.

Aaron looked closely at them and gestured.

It seems so. Looks like some event is happening.

Is it an event location?

Lets move. Lets go.

Where are we going?

To the center of the city.

If there was more time, I would have gathered more information, but it was time to move.

I took a step forward, and the party members followed.

I glanced at Edis, who was walking beside me.

Edis, were going to the temple as we are. Ill need your assistance.

Got it.

Edis darted into an alleyway adjacent to the main road, then began climbing walls. She was the most agile person in the party, and with her unique ability to wield a dagger and a bow at the same time, she was well-suited for this role. She would follow us and provide assistance in acquiring information.

There are so many people.

Jenna remarked, watching the pedestrians passing by.

She was right. As we headed towards the center of the city, the number of people increased. Moreover, their faces showed anticipation. I quickened my pace.

After about three minutes of walking, the outline of a massive building appeared in the distance.

And as we continued walking for a while, the scenery changed abruptly.

A spacious square emerged, crowded with people of all ages and genders. The entire population of the city seemed to be gathering here.

At the entrance of the square, two soldiers were conducting inspections. The soldiers were dressed in elaborate armor that glinted silver. Wings were engraved on the helmet in the shape of a cross.

Aaron murmured briefly.

Guards from the temple.

The soldiers, who had been watching the pedestrians, turned their gaze towards us.

As I approached them, they reached for the hilts of their swords at their waists.

Stop. You cant enter

I grabbed the head of one soldier, pulled him towards me, and smashed my knee into his nose.

The sound of bones breaking accompanied the spray of blood. The soldier fell without even being able to scream.

This kind of s-!

The soldier beside him attempted to blow a horn hanging around his neck.

I struck the side of his face with my shield, then grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

I did it three times before I let go of his head, and the soldier slid down the wall, groaning.

Hyungnim, why did you suddenly

Dont you get it?

I poked the soldiers side with my toe.

These bastards can see us.

That meant

Theyre enemies.

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