Pick Me Up!

Chapter 70: Tryout (1) (2)

Chapter 70: Tryout (1) (2)

A few days later, in the evening, Anytng changed the affiliation of the heroes.

Velkist and Neryssa were summoned to the 2nd-floor plaza.

[Forming a party!]

[Drag and drop heroes!]

[Exclude Velkist () from Party 3.]

[Exclude Neryssa () from Party 3.]

Two core members of Party 3 were removed.

The meaning was clear. They were being promoted to the first-string lineup.

New members would be added to the 2nd-string Party 3.

[Changing the heroes accommodations.]

[Displaying the layout of the accommodations.]

[Drag and drop heroes!]

[Change the permissions of heroes.]

[Current facility list Dining Hall Lv.2, Bathhouse Lv.1, Lounge Lv.1, ]

Brief settings followed.

Iselles somewhat annoyed voice could be heard up to the 2nd floor.

[You two, pack your belongings and come up.]

I was in the private training area, practicing swordsmanship.

I put my sword in its sheath and stepped outside. Asher was looking at the plaza with a tense expression.

Newbies have arrived.

I smirked.

After a while, Velkist and Neryssa climbed up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Neither of them had changed much. Velkist had his usual self-assured expression, and Neryssa looked calm. They had been told to pack, but it seemed they didnt have many belongings. They only had their weapons.

Training is suspended today. Assemble.

The two were without a party.

By not assigning their affiliation, Anytng left it up to the leaders of Party 1 and Party 2. The members of Party 1 and Party 2, who quickly finished organizing, gathered in a corner of the training grounds.

It seems the time has come to fill our ranks.

Currently, Party 1 has one vacant spot, and Party 2 has two.

It was unexpected that only two people had come up, but nonetheless, it was time to bring in new members. I unfolded a foldable chair and sat on it.

Should I bring a coin for drawing lots?


Drafting might be necessary, but this wasnt the right situation.

First, the balance of members doesnt seem right. Moreover, it doesnt seem like Anytng is planning on performing advanced summons.

Does he intend to manage with just one party?

A considerable amount of time had passed since they cleared the 15th floor.

Delaying the climb any further could lead to losing our sense of actual combat.

Anyway, we had to decide, I didnt call them because I didnt want to drag them into this.

The two who had come up to the plaza immediately entered our training grounds. After glancing briefly around, Velkist muttered under his breath.

This looks decent. Quite different from the 1st floor.

The existing members were watching the newcomers with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Velkist chuckled.

Why are you looking at me like that? I dont bite. Ive only come to say hi.

Im not here to say hi.

Neryssa blocked Velkist and stepped forward.

Well probably end up in either Party 1 or Party 2. I heard it through rumors. Is that correct?

Its a pointless question, isnt it? Isnt it obvious?

Then Ill be straightforward.

Neryssa locked eyes with me.

Id like to be in Party 1.

I believe I wont be a hindrance. You wont be disappointed.

Velkist chuckled softly.

Then suddenly, he looked at Neryssa with eyes full of killing intent.

Girl has lost her mind. Learn to know your place.

Its not just strength that matters. Im acquiring various skills beyond combat.

Other than strength, what else is useful? Velkist ridiculed her.

If youve seen, youd know.

Neryssa stared at Belkist coldly.

Velkist frowned in displeasure and fell silent.

Edis stepped in.

Where you go isnt your decision.

I know. Either the Master decides, or you two decide.

Even while talking to Edith, Neryssas gaze was still directed at me.

I could sense a strange fervor in her eyes.

Jenna whispered in my ear.

Oppa, why is she acting like that? She seems really eager to get into Party 1.

Velkist was the same.

Until recently, it seemed like it didnt matter to them which party they joined, but suddenly their attitude had changed.

Why do you want to join Party 1 so badly?

I asked while sitting in a chair.

Neryssa closed her eyes and spoke.

I thought it was an exaggerated rumor.

What are you talking about?

The rumors about you. At first, I didnt believe them either.

Rumors about me.

I had a vague idea that strange, bizarre rumors were circulating among the people on the 1st floor. Whenever I approached, they would quickly move away, making it impossible to hear the details.

But then I saw it for myself.

Through the Regen Stone.

There was only one possible cause.

It could be used either by experiencing the boss floor firsthand or by watching someone elses records.

Regen Stones could be used in either of these two ways. While the former was the conventional method, Anytng had shown them the video of our mission using the latter approach.

How much did you see?


Neryssa squinted her eyes.

The rumors have been confirmed. I genuinely believe it. Its rational to stick with the strong for survival. The only reason I want to join Party 1 is for that.

What about Party 2?

Id prefer to avoid it if possible.

What are you saying? Our Party 2 isnt bad either!

Asher shouted.

Do you really think so?

Of course.

Neryssa gave a chilly smile.

A clear mockery. Ashers face turned red and green.

This brat, to think theyre challenging us!

Whether you come late or come early, what does it matter? If youre strong, you go up; if youre weak, you fall. This person came before us but still doesnt seem to know much about this world. Isnt that right, senior?

Velkist looked at me and chuckled. He leaned against the iron bars of the training grounds.

Anyway, I agree. Other than Party 1, I dont want to go anywhere. Im sure Id be more useful than that girl. I can guarantee it.

I sighed.

This is getting troublesome.

Neither of them seemed willing to back down.

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