Pick Me Up!

Chapter 93: Niflheimr (5) (2)

Chapter 93: Niflheimr (5) (2)

The recruits settled in as if they found it fascinating.

After confirming the number of attendees, all the other instructors left, leaving only Eldarkin.

Eldarkin stood in front of the recruits and spoke.

From now on, you will receive theory classes.


Half of your rigorous education will consist of acquiring theories and applications related to missions and combat. Detailed combat techniques will be taught in the latter part of the training.

Question marks appeared on peoples faces.

Eldarkin explained.

You must already know this through your experiences. This world is different from reality, different in its laws. So, what do you need to survive?

No recruit answered.

Its information.

You must understand the laws of this world. What the characters that appear before your eyes mean. What stats and skills are. How to apply them in combat. Starting from the basics.

Eldarkin said.

From there, we will cover various topics, from mission types and strategies, object usage, enemy types and attributes, to warfare formations.

Stats, skills, missions. These words sound familiar from somewhere.

Jenna muttered.

Well, that was true. I explained it myself.

Do they also know about it?


There was no way they didnt know.

The scene of a high-ranked individual passing on their memories to a newcomer was something I had seen many times.

If you have rolled and experienced it for so long, it should be normal to have a well-established system. I assumed that and operated accordingly.

The most important thing you must know is your current position in this world.

Eldarkin retrieved an object from under the lectern.

A black-and-white-painted square toy.

It was a chessboard.

There should be at least one in your domains. Its a game called chess.

Eldarkin placed a piece next to the chessboard.

A round, black piece. It was the lowest-ranked piece, a pawn.

Is this an analogy for players and chess pieces?

They said that chess was a basic item in the lounge, there would be no hero who didnt know that game.

The Masters

Eldarkins explanation continued.

It had a lot of side explanations, but the core of the analogy was simple.

Heroes were nothing more than playthings to the Masters.

And that they couldnt survive if they didnt realize this.

But there was no one looking shocked.

This shouldnt be a strange story for them either. Recruits werent newborn chicks who had just been summoned.

Missions, synthesis, and transformation were basics in the waiting room operation. If they hadnt realized that within the system, they were fools.

Eldarkin was clarifying the formation of the heroes, something the recruits were already partially aware of.

The tedious lecture continued.

Someone was already dozing off.

Since everyone had become accustomed to physical training,

It wasnt unreasonable for some heroes to find it boring.

Im feeling the same way too

It was more tedious than boring.

Because he was reciting facts they already knew.

In the afternoon, the class content changed.

This time, it was about defining stats and skills, as well as levels and experience points.

I half-listened, half-drowsed, looking towards the exit of the classroom.

Nisled was standing there.

Her lips were moving, judging by the shape of his mouth.

You can come out.

I shook my head.

It was fine for today.

But if it continued like this for the next two weeks


After returning to the annex, I opened the door.

The dimensional portal was open.

Beyond the mist, the garden was visible.

Is there anything else to do?

Dinner was over, and there was no reason to call Jenna and Aaron.

It was still early in the evening.

There was enough time to finish the reunion that was left unfinished yesterday.

I stepped through the dimensional portal.

The familiar garden welcomed me. Snacks and a teacup were placed on the table. Nisled was standing at the entrance, and Yurnet was sitting with her legs crossed.

Ive been waiting, Master. How was your day today?

Not great.

Shall I cancel all the education schedules?

I shook my head.

It was fine for today.

It wasnt of any use for me, but its different for Jenna and Aaron.

I have realized the importance of information several times. If they hadnt had this opportunity, I probably would have taken the time to explain everything myself.

I have something to say. Quite a lot, actually.

Please go ahead.

While playing a mobile game, I fell from Earth into Mbius.

After that, I somehow managed to survive and reached the account I was playing.

However, there were quite a few things to address.

How much do you know?

Its a complex question.

Yurnet smiled gently.

I have a general idea about this world.

Yes. I know that Im a chess piece, and I move for the Masters amusement.

You seem to know about the internet too.

Otherwise, you wouldnt be able to explain the recruitment posts on the bulletin board.

Yurnet replied.

Of course. Ive been learning about Earths culture. It has been helpful in various ways.

How did you know that I had fallen here? It should have been impossible through the internet.

Master, do you remember what I told you yesterday?

My conversation with Yurnet was not a one-time thing.

Still, I could infer the context.

Master and hero connections run deep.

You know that well.

Yurnet gently smiled.

If youre aware of the interference ability.

I am.

Then its simple. All our powers originate from the Master. As your grade goes up, as your power grows, the connection between the Master and the hero becomes stronger.

Yurnet held out her right hand, and a book appeared.

It had a white leather cover with a drawing of a mountain goat on it.

Naglepar, one of the five miraculous grimoires.

To cut to the chase, the five of us instinctively knew the moment the Master fell into Mbius.


Like destiny.

I dont like vague words.

Words like destiny didnt appeal to me.

I sighed.

It seems like that rule only applies to the 13th-floor members.

Its a matter of capacity.

Yurnet said.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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