Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 113: One’s Last Hope

Chapter 113: One’s Last Hope

Sorry, I never received that kind of order, so I cannot satisfy your request. Shen DaiYing responded to his unreasonable request indifferently, Rather than my legs, you would much rather prefer a medium well steak, right?

Was it ridicule? No, Shen DaiYings voice carried no emotions, it was like she was just a robot that made sounds according to a computer program, no emotions, no feelings.

With her like this, people might mistake her for being dead, and only an empty shell was left.

Steak? Indeed so, you know me well! Haha, Dont mind it, I was just making a joke! Although the fattys tone was frivolous, but he didnt actually dare touch Shen DaiYing. He was fully aware of how powerful this woman was, if he angered her, it wouldnt be enough even if he had a hundred lives!

How about it, princess, that fellows pretty powerful, right? Hehe, thats a power that even high level demons cant defeat! The fatty changed the topic.

Un, I saw it, it was very powerful. Shen DaiYing nodded her head, and replied like a machine.

Haha, as long as youre satisfied however, princess, youre also very powerful!

Me? Shen DaiYings gloomy face showed a slight trace of puzzlement.

Thats right princess, those two old bastards, David and Jackson, always had it out for me, and drove me crazy, but you killed them all so easily! Isnt that very powerful? The fatty spoke excitedly while making a cutting motion on his own neck.

I was just completing my missions. Shen DaiYing shook her head, and continued on emotionlessly.

No, no, no, those two old bastards were not easy to deal with! I heard that Jackson hired a body guard, a seventh level warrior! And there was a high level ice magician by David, someone who specialized in dealing with assassins, proficient in ice magic and various magic traps, with a nickname of Unbreakable Ice! To be frank with you, Ive hired assassins many times before to assassinate them, but they all failed

Speaking there, the fattys mood dropped then suddenly ran very high!

But princess, yet you succeeded! How did you do it? Its too amazing, well deserved of the reputation of the Eastern tribes number one assassination technique!

Oh. Facing the fattys unbridled praise, Shen DaiYing just tilted her head and stared at him in a daze like a malfunctioning robot that didnt know how to continue the conversation.

And on this side, Elena almost made a noise!

The killer who killed the merchant Jackson and the deputy financial minister was actually Shen DaiYing. There was no doubt, she even admitted to it herself!

What was even scarier was that the seventh level warrior bodyguard and the ice magician that specialized in dealing with assassins couldnt stop Shen DaiYing!

How could she still be considered a princess? Those assassinations could put her in the top one or two in Lombard Kingdom! Other than the king, there was no one she couldnt kill!

The doubts within Elena were growing: lesser devils, Great Qin Empire, terrifying assassination technique She was originally only curious so she followed her, but now she discovered that this had something do with her!

The Great Qin Empires princess was secretly helping a power that possessed a lesser devil conduct assassinations Why?

Could it be that the attack and rebellion Elena met with in the Forest of the End was a plot by the Great Qin Empire? Dont tell me that mysterious Eastern country tried to kill the Demon King, then destroy the entire demon tribe?

How did that benefit them?

Taking a step back, if all of that was true, what was Shen DaiYings role in all of this?

Wait a second

That fatty!

Elena suddenly realized that the terrifying person wasnt Shen DaiYing, but actually that fatty!

From what she could determine from their conversation, Shen DaiYing only came today to see that monster, and the real owner was that fatty!

Who was that damn fatty?

The questions followed one after another, so Elena decided to follow until the end!

She was a demon king, not a coward, the emergence of the lesser devils caused her to lose her throne, and loved ones, forcing her to leave her home, and even ending up at a humans house and humiliatingly becoming a maid. Now the fellow that possessed a lesser devil was right in front of her, that damn fatty was her enemy! How could she easily let him go?

Although she lost her power, and has no way of killing him here, but she at least has to find out his identity!

All out magic detection radar! Although she wasnt good at tailing someone, but by relying on her perception she became the most troublesome stalker. The only reason she was played by Lin Xiao last time in the alleys was because of soul rebound, now that she had Lin Xiaos magic crystal, she definitely wouldnt lose anyone!

And so, a comical scene happened, a beauty wearing plain clothes and carrying a basket in one hand, was stooping down with a bent waist and hiding left and right in the outskirts, she looked like she had a mental disorder to onlookers.

However, no one noticed her.

Shen DaiYing and that fatty said a couple of words in front of the door before walking towards Winterless City together. On the way, the fatty tried to chat with Shen DaiYing, but from start to end she maintained her robot-like expression, other than the occasional sounds she made in response, she was staring blankly all other times, who knew what she was thinking about.

Was she thinking about her family? Or was she thinking about the pitiful people that she killed?

After entering the city, their discussions became much more low-profile, finally stopping at a fork in the road.

Princess, whats wrong? The fatty asked curiously.

Shen DaiYing didnt answer, she continued staring in one direction. Following her line of sight, the fatty saw two girls with ragged clothes, they were hiding at the corner of a wall doing who knows what.

Like she was possessed, Shen DaiYing began walking towards that direction, as she got closer she noticed that these two girls with messy appearances were beggars. The shorter one was probably the younger one, and the taller one was the older one.

The older one had a dirtymantou in her hand and used strength to split that hard and dirty mantou into two halves. She kept the smaller piece for herself and handed the larger one to her younger sister.

The younger sister looked at that half then looked at her sister, and wouldnt agree no matter what she said.

Sister, I already ate half an apple today morning, Im still not hungry you havent eaten for two days already! You can have this entire mantou!

The younger sister stared at those watery eyes, and firmly wouldnt take the precious half of the mantou. The older sister was also firm, and had to give the larger piece to the younger sister no matter what.

As the two were quarreling endlessly, they suddenly noticed a beautiful older sister walking up next to them.

The two girls were frightened!

Although this older sister was very beautiful, but her appearance was too strange, too scary. She wore high-heels and carried two swords at her waist, her expression was gloomy, like she could kill someone at anytime.

Could she be a bad person?

The younger sister was scared frozen, the mantou in her hand almost falling to the ground, her sister took a step forward and blocked her younger sister, then sternly questioned: W-who are you, what do you want?

Shen DaiYing didnt say anything, she just silently squatted down in front of them, and continued to stare at them with a apathetic robot-like expression.

Seeing this, it seems like the fatty understood something.

Haha, princess, you really are refined and elegant, but I still have something to do, so Im counting on you for the next mission, I await your good news!

Un. Shen DaiYing nodded her head, but her gaze was still on the two little girls.

The Fatty waved his hand to bid farewell, then headed towards the other direction in the forked road.

Goodbye, princess.

When he turned to leave, Elena finally saw his appearance.

At the same time, Shen DaiYings voice arrived unhurriedly.

Goodbye, archbishop Anderson.

Anderson?Elena cried out in alrm.

Elena could already guess when she saw the fattys appearance, but after hearing Shen DaiYing say Anderson, she couldnt keep her cool.

Anderson, the archbishop of Winterless City!

Why was it him?

Elena was thoroughly confused.

Archbishop Anderson was hiding a lesser devil in the outskirts of Winterless City, and also took the Great Qin Empires princess for a tour? The Holy Light Church, Great Qin Empire, Lesser Devils, how did these completely unrelated things gather together?

Elena was her with her thoughts in a whirl, and remained bewildered despite much thought, but she forgot that this wasnt the time to let her guard down.

Her cry earlier aroused Shen DaiYings attention!

Whos there? Shen DaiYing who was crouched in front of the beggar sisters finally noticed she was being followed.

She unsheathed the long sword at her waist in front of the beggar sisters, then walked step by step towards where Elena was hiding on her high-heels.

In the instant she unsheathed her sword, Shen DaiYings killing aura poured out of her body, the trembling Snow made a low buzzing sound, the two girls were scared stupid. The older one could still clench her teeth and endure, but the legs of the younger sister went soft and she kneeled onto the ground.

It didnt look good for Elena.

With Shen DaiYings skill, there was no way she could escape. If it was revealed that she had been following her, Shen DaiYing would unhesitatingly kill her! You have to know, Shen DaiYing was a genuine killer, she just assassinated two high-profile people a couple of days ago, she could even easily defeat a seventh level warrior and a high level magician, it would be very easy for her to deal with a weak maid like her.

What should she do? Should she take out her trump card, turn into a redeyes black cat and fight with her to the death? No, Elena didnt want to expose herself in a place like this.

If possible can someone come help her?

Lin Xiao? It was pointless counting on him, that damn pervert was for sure sleeping at home!

As Elena was nervously cowering in the corner, she suddenly heard a familiar voice.

S-sister Ying?

That voice came from behind Shen DaiYing.

Like she was grabbing onto her last hope, Elena quickly stuck her head out and looked towards that voice!

She saw an unremarkable black-haired youth.

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