Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 12: Life-threatening Performance (2)

Chapter 12: Life-threatening Performance (2)

Lin Xiao ignored Elenas shouting and crudely rode on top of her. He pressed her waist down with his crotch while holding her wrists with his left hand and then pressed her against the ground.

The pitiful Elena laid flat on the ground in a position of surrender, both arms raised above her head, her legs curled up and was twisting futiley to try and escape from this scary man, but the touching and rubbing of their skin made the other person even more excited!

You, how dare you ride on me? You lowly human, let me go!

Hehe, do you think Ill listen to you?

Let me go, let me go! Elena shouted in panic.

Hmm~~ Demon King, you smell so nice. Lin Xiao lowered his head and exaggeratedly sniffed around Elenas neck.

The chilly air shocked Elena. She only felt a tingly sensation in her neck and then her entire body felt strange.

You, what do you want to do? Elena tightly closed her eyes and was afraid to look.

Arent you very clear on what I want to do? Hehe.

Lin Xiaos voice was next to her ear. Elena could even feel Lin Xiaos scorching breath. She found that Lin Xiaos other hand seemed to be moving!

No no, not that place! Ah, no!

Elena suddenly realized that Lin Xiaos right hand had fallen steadily on her chest and his fingers were outstretched and gently grabbing it!

Its so big. Lin Xiao expressed his thoughts.

This softness that one hand couldnt even fully grasp this happiness, Lin Xiao was finally able to experience it in his lifetime.

Bastard, remove your filthy hand! Elena was about to cry.

Shes never ever been touched by a male in her life!

Shame, anger, and annoyance, all her emotions intertwined. At this moment, she was thinking of only one thing, which was to completely pulverize this pervert into meat paste!

Remove my hand? Do you think Im willing to? Lin Xiao contemptibly laughed nonstop.

Human No, Lin Xiao! Im warning you, Im the demon king!!

So what? Youre already powerless. Lin Xiao laughed even more happily. Im a lowly human male that only thinks with the lower half of the body and you are my giant * breasted maid. Who cares if youre human or demon, as long as youre beautiful, alright?

Damn Lin Xiao! I, I

What? What did you just call me? During the conversation, Lin Xiao only moved his fingers slightly, but Elena was going crazy with madness.

Stop, stop rubbing perverted Lin Xiao! Let go!

Youre not addressing me properly, Elena, have you already forgotten your position? Lin Xiao gently rubbed it twice more.

Ah ahah!

Although it was separated by clothes, but the strange sensation from her body has completely paralyzed Elena. It was a wonderful experience that she has never experienced before. It didnt hurt and it wasnt itchy. At first it was a bit scary, but after getting used to it, it was unexpectedly comfortable

No, no! Its definitely uncomfortable! Elena was blushing.

She would have never thought that she would feel something after being crudely tormented by that man. The surging shame made her unable to show her face, it was worse than killing her!

Shame and resentment finally poured out at this moment, tears quietly filled Elenas eyes, she no longer had the strength to struggle and resist.

Hey, as a maid, how should you address me? Noticing that Elena was shaken, Lin Xiao seized the opportunity and forcefully asked.

Elenas brain was already mush, she couldnt hear Lin Xiaos question, but she understood that Lin Xiao was forcing her to say that word, an extremely shameful word.


Come on, what should you call me? Ill let you go when you say it.

Mas She almost blurted out that word, but her remnant consciousness didnt allow Elena to say such shameful words!

You were too quiet, I couldnt hear you. Speak louder.

No, I, I cant Struggling, confusion, Elena already didnt know what she should do.

What did you say? Do you want me to use more strength? Lin Xiao again applied pressure with his hand.

In an instant, the brazen salty pig hand completely destroyed all of Elenas pride and dignity. She was forced to yield, driven by her strong feeling of shame.

In order to protect her purity, Elena only had one choice

Ill say it Ill say it!

Tears slid down from the corners of her eyes. Eventually, Elenas clear voice, whispered the words by Lin Xiaos ear.

Master. You you are my master!

Un, thats right. Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction.


As if coming to new land, the happiness came too fast and too suddenly and Elena suddenly felt that the salty pig hand had disappeared and her body was free to move.

It turned out that when she said the word master, Lin Xiao had abandoned all of his actions and quickly retreated to the opposite wall as if afraid that Elena would chase him down.

You, why are youwerent you planning to Elena couldnt help but feel absent-minded towards the retreating Lin Xiao.

The original harmless Lin Xiao came back. His smile was still peaceful as before. However, where did the perverted Lin Xiao go?

Eh, are you dissatisfied? Lin Xiao said with a smile, Would it be better for you if I continued to transform into a pervert and take it one step further?

No, no

Or are you saying that you enjoyed what I did earlier?

No way!

Oh? Lin Xiao blinked and asked, Demon King, youre not a Do M, right? (TN: Do M is masochist)

Elena was stunned.

Whats a Do M? What is this guy talking about?

He he, well, you dont have to be afraid, that was just my acting skills. Lin Xiao had a smile like usual.

Acting skills?

Un, I didnt intend to do anything to you. Lin Xiao shrugged. And, I really dont dare to do too much to you. If you forcefully broke the seal and took me down with you, wouldnt that be a big loss for me? That, Im clear about.

What? It turns out that this guy already knew that she had a trick up her sleeve. Elena was shocked.

So, what Lin Xiao was doing earlier was all acting?

You were just scaring me? Sly human! Scum! Pervert! Elena resentfully shouted.

She didnt expect to be played by a mere human!

Yes, yes, go ahead and curse all you want, I dont mind. Lin Xiao said indifferently. But if you want me to take you in, you have to obediently be my maid, listen to my orders and never give me any more trouble.

Elena did not speak, but only cast a murderous look on him.

This time was just a warning. Next time, I am afraid I wont have as much self restraint. Lin Xiao touched his nose, feigned shyness and said. After all, Im still a pubescent male, how can I not think about a beautiful woman with such a good figure? If by any chance I couldnt control hehehe.

Pervert! Elena wiped her tears and whispered.

It doesnt matter. So, whats your answer?

Youre not anything? Do you want a repeat of what happened earlier? Lin Xiaos smile was still gentle with the innocence of a pubescent young boy, but to Elena, that smile was so wicked!

Because, while Lin Xiao was speaking, he raised his hands, stretched out his fingers and made a grabbing gesture.

That was clearly a threat, ** naked threat! Elena didnt want to experience anything that painful again!

I, I understand

She did not dare to resist and couldnt afford to die with this lowly human, because she still has an unfinished mission and a reason to live! Therefore, she could only choose to lower her noble head.

The silver-white hair was unkempt with a few strands of bangs covering her eyes. It was like a poor human girl was forced to bow down to the evil forces. She was trembling, her eyes were red and swollen and insincerely said those shameful lines.

I, I am willing to be your maid. Elena said.

However, Lin Xiao remain unmoved and added: You seem to have forgotten a word. What did I just teach you?

Eh? Elena bit her lip and quickly realized what he meant.

This damn pervert!

I, I am willing to be your maid Master! Elena changed her speech with tears.

Un, thats a good girl. Finally, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

After some business talks, he finally got an obedient maid. But to be honest, although he was good at pretending to be a wicked person as if possessed by a lust demon, but in fact he was scared to death!

God knows how much this demon king can endure. If he accidentally did too much and really touched her bottom line. If Elena couldnt withstand the humiliation and forcibly breaks her seal, then its all over!

Fortunately, he was able to well grasp it, it was just right, not too less and not too much Lin Xiao felt joyous after a close brush with death.

Whew, Im exhausted. Lin Xiao stretched, ignoring the tearful Elena and walked back to the bedroom. Elena, help me clean up the house, you can still eat the chicken legs after washing them. Im going to sleep.

Elena watched that pervert walk away as if nothing happened, but his indifference ignited her anger!

As soon as she thought about what Lin Xiao had done to her, Elena could only feel her chest bursting with rage!

Ah, my father was right. Theres not a single good human. One day, Ill eradicate all humans!

Just like this, an evil demon king was born.

Un, kill them, kill them, kill them all. Lin Xiao spoke through the door. Elena, I want to sleep. Please stop shouting.

Like the past couple days, Lin Xiao slept in the bedroom and left Elena to sleep on the floor in the living room.

Damn it, damn human Elena whispered unwillingly.

Eh, what did you just call me? Lin Xiaos ears became very sharp at this time.

Mas, master

Youre too quiet, I cant hear you. His ears became dull again.


Elena blushed and shouted.

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