Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 140: Ready and Waiting

Chapter 140: Ready and Waiting

Everyone pretty much understood where Caesar was coming from.

During the actual combat drill, Caesar and Rosie snuck away from the camp and were surrounded by numerous Jackalweres, nearly losing their lives. In a final attempt, they tried to break through the encirclement, but Rosie ended up being ambushed and captured, almost losing her chastity, and in the end, it was Lin Xiao who saved her.

Woos never expected that Caesar still kept that to heart.

This times competition wasnt playing house, it was with real weapons, and the enemies they will face are even more cunning and merciless than the Jackalweres from Black Lake Forest. Caesar couldnt protect Rosie last time, this time he had even less confidence.

Others may have forgotten, but Caesar never forgot that feeling of guilt.

Because of his powerlessness, Rosie was in danger!

Although admitting his powerlessness was a very painful thing for him, and he also wanted an opportunity to redeem himself, but he would never use Rosies safety as a gamble, that would be exceedingly stupid.

Thats why he objected to Rosie participating.

My god! Caesar, you really are sigh.

Hearing him, Woos had no idea how to proceed. Shen DaiYing was even more so, and could not understand Caesars thought process at all.

Um Caesar, since youre worried about her, why didnt you just say so? Lin Xiao said so uncomfortably.

Worried? No, I just dont want her to die meaninglessly, the Misses of the Childe household shouldnt take risks in this kind of place. Caesar denied it.

Uh but youre clearly worried about her, its better to say so frankly.

Nonsense! Why would I be worried about her? She has nothing to do with me. Caesar responded stubbornly.

Lin Xiao was speechless.

Other tsunderes were tsu but still had some dere, but Caesar was completely just tsun, no dere. He wouldnt relent unless you stripped him down.

Okay, okay, even if youre not worried about her why didnt you just explain yourself instead of just letting her take out her anger on you?

Usually it wouldnt be up to Lin Xiao to lecture him, but he was worried about Rosie and couldnt help but say a bit extra.

After all, they were still allies, if Rosie turncoats, then their operation would cool down.

Why should I console her? Who is she to me? Caesar frowned and seriously preached, Also Lin Xiao, you dont understand, Rosies temper cant be coddled, it was because her brothers spoilt her. So even if shes angry, you can just leave it and shell get better in a bit.

Is that so Lin Xiao pursed his lips and didnt express his opinion.

Perhaps Rosie could rely on her inner strength to get through previous minor quibbles, but it felt different this time.

It was the first time Lin Xiao saw Rosie cry because she was hurt.

Sigh, whatever you like. Lin Xiao shook his head, feeling deep regret for Rosie.

Did she owe Caesar something in her past life? How did she fall in love with this dunce? What a tragedy.

But teacher Woos, how was Rosie able to get a spot to participate? Lin Xiao changed the topic.

Cough you guys should know, shes currently Loran Academys bankroller.


Looking at Wooss meaningful smile, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered something.

After the actual combat drill, Rosie and the principal signed a two-year contract, turning the Childe household officially into one of Loran Academys bankroller. In other words, Rosie was Wooss boss, perhaps his monthly wages were doled out by her as well.

As the boss, wasnt it normal to get a spot? Who dares to object?

Oh you do? Okay, no wages for you this month, next month you dont have to come in anymore, scram!

What? You ask how dare Rosie be so unbridled?

Sorry, if youre the lady of the Childes household, then you can also do that, as long as you have money, you can do as you please!

Uh but teacher Woos, it indeed is too dangerous for Rosie to participate with her ability. Are her brothers not worried?

From what Lin Xiao knows, Rosie has many mysterious and powerful brothers and all of them are super siscons. But they actually allowed Rosie to participate, are they not worried that shell be in danger?

Hehe, you guys dont have to worry about her, you should worry more about yourselves. Woos stroked his beard and his smile carried a hint of jealousy, You really can do whatever you want as long as you have money, no matter how weak you are you wont be in danger, so you guys dont have to worry.

Ah? Lin Xiao was stupefied.

She wont be in danger since she has money? What kind of logic is that? Would no one bully her during the competition because shes rich?

Was Rosies plan to use large amounts of gold coins to smack her opponents to death?

Its unlikely, even if the opponent let her go out of greed, Caesar wont sit still with his personality, and would definitely take care of her.

Of course, this was all meaningless since the school already decided on the participants, they should just obey.

So the final list was, Caesar, Lin Xiao, Rosie, and Shen DaiYing.

And another half a person, maid Elena.

The opponents this time are no small matter, theyre all the top academies on the continent, but, there arent many thatll threaten you guys. Mainly there are three academies you have to watch out for, Ill tell you guys in more detail on the way there. Woos roughly explained to the group.

This time, the competition was held at Despair Island Lake, within the borders of the Heino Kingdom.

Heino Kingdom was to the East of Lombard Kingdom, it was very far from Winterless City. Its West territory borders Lombard Kingdom, and its East lasts until the sea, facing the Great Qin Empire. Despair Island Lake was the kingdoms largest inland lake, there was an isolated island in the center of the lake, surrounded by lake water as far as the eye can see, Despair Lake. Thats where this times competition was held.

There were two reasons why the competition was decided to be held there. One was because of its unique location, and the other was because of its name.

The students participating came from all over the continent and were all excellent that were carefully selected. These youths were undoubtedly humanitys hopes, and perhaps in the future legendary sagas may be written about one of them.

Humanitys hope, coming to compete on despair island, wasnt that very interesting?

Hehe, you guys have never been there before, right? I have. Saying that, Shen DaiYing smugly raised her eyebrows, I coincidentally passed by there when coming here, the scenery is amazing, with mountains and lakes, theres also a lot of tasty fruits, if we have the time Ill take you guys to play!

Play? Were not going for vacation, play what. Caesar responded with a stiff face.

Wu okay, then Lin Xiao Lin Xiao?

Caesar rejected her, so she wanted to ask Lin Xiao, but she noticed that he was absent-minded.

The previously talkative Lin Xiao was suddenly silent, he was faintly smiling and looking at Shen DaiYing, but who knows what he was thinking of.

He suddenly though of something unrelated.

Heino Kingdom, Despair Island Lake, Despair Island, humanitys hope there was nothing wrong, but it faintly felt like Lin Xiao overlooked something very important.

What was it?

Lin Xiao?

Shen DaiYing continuously called out to him, and he finally responded.

What is it, Sister Ying?

Hey, what are you spacing out for? Shen DaiYing pouted and said.

It feels like I forgot something oh right, its you!

Me? Hehe, what about me?

Seeing her appearance, Lin Xiao thought of it!

It had nothing to do with himself, or Loran Academy, but it was important.

The beautiful princess in front of him is actually an assassin, thats not actually important, whats important is who she met as an assassin, that Elena saw by accident.

That person was Archbishop Anderson! Anderson was involved with the assassinations and the lesser devils, but that still wasnt important.

Whats important is his sister Snow, now that shes Winterless Citys Saintess, that meant she had to face Anderson and work with him.

Thats troublesome.

Regardless of his character and whether he would make things difficult for Snow or not, just based on the fact that hes related to the assassinations and the lesser devils, then he for sure is dangerous.

How could he not be worried about leaving Snow with that kind of dangerous person? What would happen if Anderson was harboring unfathomable motives?

Damn, I should have told Snow that day! Lin Xiao muttered to himself.

When Snow came to look for him, he was completely lead on by her, teased and threatened, he completely forgot to tell her such an importat thing,.

Snow? Wasnt she that Saintess that came to Winterless City a few days ago? I heard that shes a beautiful girl. Shen DaiYing blinked, and asked curiously, Lin Xiao, you know her?

It might be too late Lin Xiao didnt answer Shen DaiYings question and anxiously asked Woos, Teacher, when are we leaving?

Heino Kingdom is very far, and we also have to check in beforehand, so we have to setout today afternoon.

Okay! Lin Xiao turned to Elena and said, Go home and help me pack, then well meet at Loran Academys main gate today afternoon.

Okay, What about you?

Im going to look for Snow.

Lin Xiao ran off after saying that.

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