Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 166: Powerful Worker

Chapter 166: Powerful Worker

Shores of Despair Island.

A black-haired youth was angrily pointing at a male and female.

Damn it, what are you trying to do? Lin Xiao was angrily pointing and cursing, exploding in anger.

Lin Xiao, what are you yelling for? Did I do something wrong? Caesar frowned with displeasure while sheathing Dragon Slayer. The dark red light sword looked strange, like it wasnt a sword, but a piece of bone.

Of course you did! Did you forget about our plan? Lin Xiao sternly denounced.

He dares not own up to his mistakes?

It it was before, Lin Xiao wouldnt bother arguing with him, but now that they were a team, he wouldnt allow him to drag them down!

Plan? The one to escape and conserve energy? Of course, I remember.

My prince, you remember yet you dont follow it? Is there something wrong with your head?

Hmph, what right do you have to criticize me? We won the fight earlier, thats all that matters, is it not? Caesar answered as a matter of fact.

Its fine as long as you win? You damn Lin Xiao almost couldnt stand it anymore.

Originally, under his plan, their goal was to conserve energy and escape from fights until the end. Then they can start catching up in the end, so they could just laze oh no, maximize their goals.

But as soon as they arrived, Caesar started fighting!

Besides, Lin Xiao, that wasnt my fault. Caesar justified.

He also didnt want to fight.

In order to avoid fighting, Woos and Momm specifically picked a remote place to come ashore. It was the entrance of a small brook, with complex terrain and overgrown vegetation. Thanks to Wooss robust magic power, he was able to successfully land the shop there.

They thought they could successfully avoid attacks, but they still met enemies.

I saw a silver leaf and I was just about to pick it, then there was suddenly an arrow what do you want me to do? Caesar continued to explain himself.

Just as they came ashore, they found a silver leaf fruit hidden in the weeds next to the brook, Caesar was quick and immediately went to pick it up, but unfortunately, they were ambushed.

It was Luren Academy from Gotham Kingdom, an unknown small academy, so they didnt know of Loran Academys strength.

They saw that their team was composed of beauties and handsome dudes (other than Lin Xiao) and they even brought along a super beautiful maid, so they thought they were children of nobles, and were able to participate because of their family, so they ambushed Caesar wanting the plunder points.

Hmph, who cares if youre a prince or princess, its useless on Despair Island! So obediently hand over your crystals, otherwise, we Luren Academy wont hold back!

At the time, four people scuttled out of the shrubberies, three warriors plus an archer. They were one step ahead before Loran Academy and waited next to the shore to ambush newly arriving teams.

The silver leaf fruit that Caesar found was actually their trap. They originally wanted to take care of Caesar first, but it didnt go smoothly and Caesar was able to evade, so they had to confront them.

Luren Academy? uh, Luren, luren (pun on passer-by) this name sounds so strange. I say this brother Luren, were just passing by, we dont want to fight! How about letting us go?

In the start, Lin Xiao represented Loran Academy and put on a harmless smile and tried negotiating to avoid a fight, but they didnt appreciate it.

Stop wasting time! Do you think were spineless trash?

Uh so are you saying, that Im the spineless one?

Lin Xiaos face darkened, but still tried settling.

But before he was finished speaking, their archer was already moving!

An arrow full of battle aura flew straight towards Lin Xiao with a woosh, he clearly didnt want to waste time talking to him.

Lin Xiao was frustrated.

He didnt understand, why were these idiots so warlike? Couldnt they just peacefully coexist and gather fruits for points?

The answer was obviously no, among the hundreds of teams on this island, perhaps he was the only one who was that lazy and didnt want to fight.

They came here to fight, not to play, how could they get along with him?

Lin Xiao was helpless, his plan failed right from the start, so he could only use his instant cast to protect himself, and quickly finish off these idiots, but there was a flash in front of him.

A group of cherry blossoms floated by.

A beautiful shadowed appeared in front of Lin Xiao and drew her sword with a speed not visible with the naked eye, and split the incoming arrow into two!

The sharp blade accurately cleaved open the arrow, gently sliding through the shaft, like it was unobstructed, and the deadly arrow became two harmless sticks that fell to both sides.

Sister Ying? Lin Xiao realized that Shen DaiYing helped him block the arrow.

Judging by the speed and power of the arrow, that person was at least a fourth-level archer, the longbow he was holding wasnt ordinary either. That arrow was at least comparable to a fourth-level warriors sword at full strength, yet Shen DaiYing cleaved it into two like it was nothing.

Are you okay? Shen DaiYing asked with her back facing him.

I-Im fine

Of course, hes fine, the arrow was already split into two by her, what else could be wrong with him?

Although he wouldve been fine even if she didnt help, but he was still thankful for her help and felt warm inside.

Shen DaiYing didnt go support Caesar, instead, she went to help him, this tiny detail was evidence of something.

Hey, stop playing dumb, and come behind me. Lin Xiao glanced at Elena and impatiently warned her, Large breasts cant block an arrow.


Elena flipper her eyes at him, but still hid behind him.

These people are really annoying. Shen DaiYing squinted her eyes that were carrying killing intent.

Then, Caesar who was ambushed, finally couldnt hold it in anymore.

He already had enough of Lin Xiaos escape plans, so he wanted to let loose. Now that they were the ones who attacked, he couldnt hold back and unsheathed Dragon Slayer.

Hmph, you asked for this!

Just by drawing his sword, Caesar changed, power continued to pour out of his body, his short golden hair flying, like there was an energy whirlpool around him.

His green magic power was like a violent gale, the blue battle aura was fast and nimble lightning, the two different energies fused into one, and formed an extremely unstable power inside Caesar.

A magic swordsmans signature move, a fusion of magic power and battle aura.

Undulating blade, thunder wind slash!

The violently unstable power surged into the dark red sword, and an eye-piercing light poured out.

The people from Luren Academy was stupefied, where would they have seen fusion before? Suddenly facing that immense power, they were scared half dead, and almost dropped their swords.

My dear Caesar! C-c-c-calm down! Seeing him using that skill, Lin Xiao was anxious to stop him.

Although hes never heard of that move, he knew that it was definitely powerful.

If so, then it definitely used a lot of magic power and battle aura.

If it uses up a lot of power, then, of course, he cant use it willy-nilly.

There were still many days until the end of this competition, if hes going to use such a grand move to deal with such small fries, then what are they going to do later on? Caesars physical strength was limited, he wasnt Lin Xiao, who could regain magic power through sleep, if he uses up too much strength, then Lin Xiao would have to work!

No way! He definitely wont let that happen! Caesar was his most loyal worker no, most respected hero, how could he waste his precious energy here?

Just as Lin Xiao was about to stop him, he suddenly gave up on releasing his move.

Why wasnt he fighting anymore? Because there was no need.

A blood-curdling screech resonated on the island.


Caesar and Lin Xiao looked at each other with complicated feelings.

Caesar had a look of helplessness, as he slowing put away his sword.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao pressed his lips together, not knowing whether he should curse or praise.

Because in the instant that cry rang out, the three warriors all threw away their weapons, raising their hands up high to show their surrender and all got out their crystals ready to hand it over.

Why was it only three and not four people?

That was because the archer had a long cut across his stomach and was kneeling on the group clutching his stomach so that blood doesnt spray out, while bellowing in pain.

Along with the painful cries, there was a sharp metal sound.

Snow was sheathed.

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