Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 40: The Perfect as Ever Maid

Chapter 40: The Perfect as Ever Maid

And thats what happened, teacher, lets quickly go back!

Oh, oh, okay.


Elena sighed, but after all was said and done, she did not expose Lin Xiaos lies. She pretty much already understood Lin Xiaos intentionsLin Xiao described how he saved Rosie as just being lucky, this way he wouldnt cause a commotion, even Rosie, who was excessively frightened probably wont even be able to clearly remember what happened.

During this defensive battle of the camp, Lin Xiao once again perfectly erased his sense of existence.

On the way back to the camp, Rosie wouldnt stop crying.

She was after all, a noble lady that hasnt experienced anything, where would she have the experience of getting kidnapped by a pervert? If Lin Xiao hadnt helped, she would have been OOXX by the Jackalwere. Escaping from mortal danger made her lose sense of her soul. She could only find a bit of comfort through her tears.

Momm handed the poor Rosie to Lin Xiao and Elena for caring, and rushed ahead to open the way for the three. The huge axe was flying around, and the faint sound of the air being torn could be heard.


As Momm and his party got closer and closer to the camp, a shrill wolf cry suddenly came from their surroundings. Looking sideways, there was a huge Jackalwere in the forest staring at them, holding a broken giant sword, fully armed, and very different from an ordinary Jackalwere.

Is that the leader of the Jackalweres!?

Momm wanted to rush over and kill it, but suddenly horrifying howls came in succession from the depths of the forest, like some sort of signal. The scattered Jackalweres quickly gave up the attack after they heard it and escaped into the depths of the forest, the bulky leader also quickly disappeared.

Soon, there was complete silence in all four directions, no more clamoring Jackalweres, no more shouting and screaming, and Black Lake Forest regained its usual tranquility.

They retreated?

This was a great time to get rid of the leader! Momm had three children in his care, so he did not dare to try and catch up, he could only unwillingly give up, he then sped up towards the camp.

At the same time, in the camp center, Woos was still struggling to maintain the magic shield. After hearing the retreat signal, he repeatedly confirmed that there was no longer any danger before he dropped the shield.

With a crack, the huge ball of light shattered into countless small pieces, like beautiful fireflies floating in the dark night sky. After the end of the magic, Woos was sitting on a large rock, he causally leaned on the staff he was holding to support himself, panting and unable to speak.

The Jackalweres retreated, and Caesar was brought back by the search and rescue teachers. Although he was injured, he was finally safe, yet Woos wasnt able to laugh.

Because Rosie and Lin Xiao have not returned yet!

Teacher Woos!!

Suddenly, an unusually cheerful voice came from the forest.

Lin Xiao?

Looking over, Woos saw that Momm had led three young people out of the forest. Lin Xiao, Rosie, and the maid Elena, everyone was there!

Rosie, Lin Xiao thats great, youre all safe good He was already of age, but at the moment when Woos saw those youngings, he couldnt help but shed some tears .

Fortunately, everyone returned safely in the end, although the Jackalweres stirred up the camp, but everything was okay as long as everyone was safe!

After the battle, everyones magic consumption was very severe, especially Woos. Continuously supplying magic power for a long period of time to the large scale magic, magic shield has already exhausted him. If it wasnt because he got too excited when he saw Rosie and Lin Xiao, he might have not even been able to say anything.

Under Momms arrangement, the three, Caesar, Rosie, and Lin Xiao went to rest and recover from their wounds in a quiet place. Although the Jackalweres retreated, there were still many jobs remaining.

Except for some of the injured students, the remaining people started the repair work of the camp under Momms directions. The tents were all burnt down, and they didnt know whether the Jackalweres would catch them off guard again. They stopped using the torches and built campfires nearby to drive away the darkness, and then used their old clothes and other equipment to act as sleeping bags, and barely passed the night.

The entire camp was quiet, except for the sounds of work, you couldnt hear anything else. The students were still affected by the ambush. They still remembered the spectacular magic shield that teacher Woos had just displayed, reminiscent of their narrow escape from death.

The sky was becoming bright.

Woos finally recovered some energy after nodding off for a bit. He held his hands on his waist and trembled to find Momm, who was busy dealing with the aftermath.

Teacher Momm, come over he beckoned.

Woos, are you feeling better? Momm uneasily asked.

Its not too bad, my waist just hurts a bit cough, anyways. What happened during the search and rescue? He was too hasty earlier and didnt have the time to ask about what had happened to the three missing students.

Ah, it was like this. Caesar and Rosie were hanging out in the forest and ended up being surrounded by the Jackalweres. Caesar was outnumbered and almost killed, and Rosie was snatched by a Jackalwere.

Oh, then did you end up saving Rosie?

No, it wasnt me. Momm shook his head.

Then who was it?

Lin Xiao, and his maid.

What? Woos beard was blown upwards.

Momms answer surprised him.

The story went like this

Momm did not take credit for it, nor did he exaggerate. He told the story to Woos in full detail. At the same time, he also told the story of the wonderful Hero Saving the Beauty described by Lin Xiao.

After listening, Woos was contemplating something.

Whats wrong Woos, was there a problem?

No, no problem, your description was very reasonable. Lin Xiaos story wasnt strange either, it should be expected, but Woos stroked his beard. But I want to know, before meeting Rosie, how did Lin Xiao and his maid break through the encirclement of the Jackalweres and then escape from the camp?

I dont know, I didnt ask and he didnt tell me.

Oh. Woos asked thoughtfully. Dont you find something strange?

What is it, if you have something, just say it! Dont beat around the bush, I dont understand! Momm scratched his head and said with a sullen voice.

Idiot! I mean their clothes. Woos discontentedly chided.

Clothes? What about the clothes?

Look closely. All the other students are covered in dirt, with their clothes torn and even injuries are common. Even Caesars arm had a large piece of flesh bitten off. Rosie was caught by the jackalsbut, Lin Xiao and Elena, what about them?


After listening to Woos, Momm finally realized the problem.

Lin Xiao and Elena were not injured, they didnt even have a single scratch. What is even more strange was that neither their burqa nor the clothes they were wearing showed any signs of damage or tarnish. They looked no different from before the ambush, they didnt look like someone who broke through an encirclement and escaped, but more like a tourist on an excursion to the forest.

With Lin Xiaos strength as a third-level magician, he could never break through the encirclement of Jackalweres without any harm, let alone passing through a camp full of Jackalweres, not to mention that he still brought along a burdensome maid who couldnt do anything!

Even if Momm was in his place, he couldnt guarantee that he would be as elegant as Lin Xiao passing through a cluster of Jackalweres without a single scratch, as well as keeping the clothes spotless. How was that possible?

Could they be specters, ghosts, creatures that dont exist, and the Jackalweres couldnt see them, so they didnt attack them?

Or has Lin Xiaos strength gotten to the point where the Jackalweres couldnt even approach him?

Its impossible! Woos frowned, he couldnt find an answer no matter how he thought about it.

In any case, the fact that the students were able to return safely was more important than anything else. As for his doubt, it could have just been that Lin Xiao and Elena were extremely lucky, and they didnt encounter too many Jackalweres, so they were able to successfully escape the encirclement.

As for Rosie, the news that she was snatched by a Jackalwere has not spread. She was still a noble maiden, although she preserved her chastity, but the experience was still something unbearable, for the sake of preserving her reputation it was better to not spread the news. Therefore, although Lin Xiao saved her, but the students did not know and they thought that it was teacher Momm who saved Rosie.

This was the result that Lin Xiao wanted to see the most.

In the next two days, nothing new happened. The wounded ones recuperated, the ones lacking magic replenished magic, after the attack, both the teacher and the students needed a period of rest and replenishment.

However, the actual combat drill for hunting Jackalweres has not yet been completed, and there was good news and bad news

After last nights battle, the Jackalweres suffered disastrous casualties. Teacher Momms giant axe was like the Grimm Reapers scythe, who knows how many Jackalweres he cut down. It was not clear how many there were at night, but when daylight came, anyone who saw the mincemeat that scattered the floor and the mountain of corpses couldnt help but retch and deeply feel the power of Momms great axe, and silently mourned for the pitiful Jackalweres for a few seconds

After this battle, it was no longer possible for this group of Jackalweres to organize a large scale attack. This was the good news.

The bad news was that the leader of the Jackalweres is not dead.

The Jackalweres chose to withdraw into the depths of Black Lake Forest under the command of the leader to escape the pursuit of the hunting team.

Black Lake Forest was the Jackalweres home. If they decided to only hide and no fight, the students of Loran Academy would have no chance. Even if they grew four legs, they would not be able to catch them.

Disturb the enemy when theyre tired, retreat when they attack Was this group of Jackalweres playing guerrilla warfare!?

And with this, the actual combat drill fell into an awkward dilemma.

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