Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 44: Love is Bittersweet (2)

Chapter 44: Love is Bittersweet (2)

Elenas words woke Lin Xiao up.

Rosie couldnt see the situation objectively, her maiden heart was haunting her, thats why she firmly believes that the reason why Caesar was ignoring her was that he disliked her, but that was far from the truth. Instead of saying that Caesar was ignoring her, it was better to say that Caesar was afraid to face her!

Thinking about the situation from the perspective of a male chauvinist, the whole thing would be different

First of all, if a chauvinist and a cute girl were hiding in a tree and facing a crisis of life and death, what would he think?

Do you even need to ask, of course, he would want to break through the encirclement and save the cute girl!

However, the enemy was too strong, during the hard battle, just as he saw some hope of escaping, yet he found that the cute girl was taken away by the black and hard pervert. What would he think?

Do you even need to ask, of course, he would have regretted it and want to save the cute girl!

That night, because he lost too much blood, Caesar was already losing consciousness. If Momm hadnt appeared, he might have already been pounded to a pulp by the Jackalweres. Although his own life was saved, he later heard that Rosie was captured by the Jackalwere, facing the danger of losing her innocence, he could not help but blame himself for his weakness.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao saved Rosie at the last minute and saved her life and purity. The next day, when Caesar was awakened from his nightmare, there was only one emotion in his mind

Disdain? No. He only had regret, monumental regret!

Why, why am I so weak, why cant I even protect a single woman? Am I even qualified to be a hero? Elenas face was still expressionless, she only used different pitches to imitate Caesars tone, Im guessing that Caesar believes that what happened to Rosie was his responsibility, he wasnt strong enough, so hes scared to talk to Rosie, he feels ashamed.

It seems very reasonable Demon King, how do you know?

Because Ive seen people like that. Elena recalled something from a long time ago. There was a man who dreamed of becoming a hero. His wife was raped and killed by demons, so he brandished his sword and rushed me. At that time, his eyes were exactly the same as Caesars.

Oh how unfortunate. What happened to him?

I killed him with one swipe of my paws. Elena replied indifferently.

Lin Xiao felt a chill running down his back.

In any case, Elenas analysis was very reasonable. If Caesar ignored Rosie out of shame, it means that there was still room for improvement in their relationship, so that Lin Xiaos plan could proceed smoothly.

Elena, the task I assigned to you last night, did you remember it?

Hmph. Elena pretended not to hear.

Please! If you help me with this, Ill definitely repay you! Lin Xiao clasped both hands together and said earnestly.

No need to repay me. Elena was helpless, As long as you dont make me call you master again.

That cant be done. This is a matter of principle. If you are my maid, you have to call me master! Lin Xiao refused.

Elena really wanted to kill him with a swipe of her paw.

However, I promised to help you find out the truth! Lin Xiao patted his chest and promised, Mr. X, that guy who delivered you to my house, I will definitely catch him. In addition, I will continue to investigate the method of dissolving the slave contract and send you home as soon as possible. How about that, are you willing to help me?

Hmph, whatever you want.

Demon King, best wishes for our cooperation, I look forward to your performance!

Lin Xiao nodded and revealed a satisfied smile.


Rosies tent

Lin Xiao roping Rosie into becoming his accomplice this was the first step of his plan A, only success was allowed, no failures!

Excuse me, is Rosie here?

Lin Xiao shouted a few times outside the tent, but no one answered, so he changed a way.

Miss? Missy, are you inside? If youre not wearing anything, then Im coming in.

Lin Xiaos declaration was a bit strange, he seems to have gotten it backward.

Pervert, what the hell are you saying? If Im not wearing anything, you still dare come in! Do you not believe that Ill poke your eyes! Rosies delicate abuse came from inside.

Oh, so you were here. Lin Xiao squeezed into the tent. Miss, why were you ignoring me?

What do you want? Stop worrying about me and scram. the depressed Rosie sat in the corner, turned her head and glared at Lin Xiao, and then returned to hugging her legs and sulking.

Missy, dont be sad. Lin Xiao consoled.

I, Im not sad! Are you blind? How do I look sad? Rosie wiped the tears on her face and pouted in a quiet voice.

Actually, I dont think Caesar is scorning you. You misunderstood him! Lin Xiao threw his first bait.

Misunderstanding? Was I? As soon as Rosie heard that, her attitude became more friendly, but there was still some doubt.

Of course. Caesar felt guilty, he believed that it was his fault and he didnt protect you properly, so he is not willing to face you, he definitely is not abandoning you! Seeing this, Lin Xiao timely put Elenas theory to use.


Really! Lin Xiao nodded vigorously.

This young lady was tricked pretty easily.

Hey Lin Xiao, youre a weirdo. Rosie suddenly changed the subject.

Ah? Suddenly mentioned him, Lin Xiao was derailed a bit.

Am I wrong? You saved me, yet I didnt thank you, but lashed out and got angry at you. Rosies soft tone made ones heart ache, and the appearance of a tear-stained beauty was heartbreaking, Yet you were still willing to make a special trip to comfort me, youre so nice to me Lin Xiao, do you like me?

Lin Xiao almost choked.

Something is not quite right, this Rosie seems to have misunderstood something!

Lin Xiao, you saved me, Im very grateful to you, Ill definitely remember this in my heart, but please give up Rosie was like a shy quail, squirming and saying ambiguous things.

Lin Xiao couldnt keep up with Rosies thinking.

Seeing that he wasnt saying anything, Rosie continued to talk to herself: Lin Xiao, youre very outstanding, oh actually not that outstanding not that handsome, not that manly Ah, no, I didnt mean it like that. I mean the person I like is actually Caesar, so Im sorry, Lin Xiao, I wont like you!

Rosie closed her eyes, and was blushing, she did not dare to look up, for fear of seeing Lin Xiaos heartbroken eyes.

Sorry, we are not suitable! she said.

Pu hahaha.

Sad? Un, Lin Xiao was really sad now because for the first time ever, the expressionless Elena was amused, she was standing next to him while covering her mouth and almost laughing to the point of crying, the rejected Lin Xiao, on the other hand, was helpless, he didnt know what kind of posture and expression to use to accept this nice guy card.

This was the reason why he was not willing to save Rosie! Once he gets entangled in a complex love triangle, it was difficult for him to get out again!

I say Missy, arent you getting overly conceited? Lin Xiaos expression was as uncomfortable as if he ate a bug. I never said I liked you though?

Is that so? But you came to look for me, didnt you just want to take advantage of the fact that Caesar is ignoring me so that you can confess to me?

Un of course not! Lin Xiao was convinced by this girls imagination. Actually, I came to discuss an important matter with you.

Important thing its not a confession?


Oh Rosie awkwardly fiddled with her own hair, her eyes were evasive. What? If you had something you wanted to say, hurry up and say it, do you want me to be misunderstood before youre happy?

So its my fault again. Lin Xiao bitterly smiled, and quickly got back on track, Missy, join my team! I refused you before, but this time you cant refuse.

Team? I can but what do you want to do? Rosie wrapped her long hair around her fingers and curiously asked, Momm already left with the other students, and teacher Woos told us to stay in the camp. Even if I promised to team up with you, what do you want to do?

I want to find the Jackalwere leader and kill it!

Lin Xiaos remark was startling.

Eh? Rosie was stunned, and she stopped her fidgeting. Are you joking? Even if I was willing to take risks with you, teacher Woos wont allow us to leave

Although she didnt understand why Lin Xiao made such a bold proposal, Rosie did not want to get involved.

Seeing her retreat, Lin Xiao quickly took out his trump card and launched the offensive!

Who cares about him? Rosie, dont you want to mend your relationship with Caesar? Lin Xiao causally spoke those looming words.

Sure enough, after hearing Caesars name, Rosie instantly became interested.

Un what does this have to do with him?

The fish took the bait!

Hehe, Missy, havent you noticed yet? Lin Xiao cleared his throat and played the role of a teacher. Student Rosie! Question! What was Caesars grade in this times actual combat drill?

Answer! It was an A, teacher Lin Xiao! Rosie cooperatively raised her arm up and tacitly started the quiz game with Lin Xiao.

Thats right! Another question, what grade does Caesar want?

Answer, um Is it an S? Teacher Lin Xiao Rosies hand was a lot lower this time.

Yes, Rosie! An A cannot satisfy Caesar, his dream is to become a hero, so he must get a distinguished S-level score to prove his strength! Lin Xiao stuck up his finger, And now, the only way to get an S is to find and eliminate the Jackalwere leader before Momm and the other students!

Teacher Lin Xiao, you are right, but what about it?

Missy, use your brain! How could Caesar beat the Jackalwere leader just by himself? But if the three of us formed a team, the odds will increase greatly! saying that Lin Xiao suddenly lowered his volume, and changed his tone, Also, dont you want to take this opportunity to mend your relationship with him and eliminate misunderstandings? At that time, you guys will have a lot of alone time!

Really? Mmm Rosie was shaken.

The last sentence that Lin Xiao said really got to her, this may be a great opportunity to improve their relationship!

Well, Ill go and ask him to see if he would like to team up with us! But if he still refuses to see me, or refuses me then I cant help it. Rosie lost confidence and got quieter and quieter.

Hehe, rest assured, the chauvinist Caesar definitely wont refuse a cute girl! Lin Xiao calmly cheered for her.

Chauvinist? Cute girl? What are those? Rosie tilted her head, her pink ponytail drooped onto her shoulder, very cute. (TN: In raws, slang was used for both terms)

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