Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 49: I Swear to You

Chapter 49: I Swear to You

Along with the sound of a huge explosion, the pitch-black lake was swaying with a dazzling light.

The first wave of attacks by Lins team was a sneak attack. The three of them followed the group of Jackalweres and quietly hid in the bushes to complete the magic chant and circuit formation, then they instantly threw three big fireballs out. The three Jackalweres in the back fell down and were fried by the fireballs.

Caesar immediately leaped out, closely following the fireballs. The moment after the fireball exploded, he slashed down his sword and cut another Jackalweres nape, another one was down! In just a few breaths time, another fireball flew over, seemingly protecting Caesar, and killing another Jackalwere who was just about to attack Caesar Lin Xiaos support was right on time!

In a blink of an eye, they killed 5 Jackalweres! Not counting the leader, there were still 8 left

Awooh! ! ! !

At this time, the Jackalwere leader finally realized that someone was attacking them, and it howled in anger. The other eight Jackalweres also howled and held up the sticks in their hands, spreading out their formation and surrounded the three of them.

After that, the Jackalwere leader shook its head and did not feel like bothering with these insignificant humans. He tilted his head and stretched out his tongue, gently licking the big beauty that he was carrying on his shoulder, but because Elena was wearing a burqa, its tongue only licked the dirt stuck on the exterior of the burqa. The bitter taste made it spit repeatedly, he then turned and walked away angrily.

Damn, that bastard is actually looking down on us

Missy, dont get careless. We were only able to kill 5 Jackalweres because we mounted a surprise attack, the real battle is about to begin! Lin Xiao whispered.

What about it, cant we just get rid of them?

Eh, thats easy to say but hard to do.

Lin Xiao, your support was very timely, Im handing my backside over to you!

Caesar, why did that sound so gay?

Im going!

Caesar did not know what gay meant, but the battle was still going on!

Fuu they really are difficult to deal with

After a bitter struggle, they finally killed all the Jackalweres, but they also paid a huge price.

The wound on Caesars left arm tore open again, and the blood was seeping out bit by bit. It hurt to the point where he couldnt grasp his sword properly anymore, and Rosie also consumed most of her magic, she could no longer use magic as heedlessly as she did at the beginning.

But now was not the time to rest!

After killing the annoying lackeys, the three rushed south and finally spotted the Jackalwere leader in a camp next to the lake!

The leader did not expect that these humans would be able to break through. It had already dropped Elena on the ground and was preparing to enjoy itself, but was interrupted!

Awoo~~! !

Hey, wolfie, are you angry? Weve already finished off all your lackeys! Its not too late if you want to surrender! Rosie shouted with her delicate voice.

Awoo~~! !

It seems to have been enraged by Rosies words. The Jackalwere leader raised the broken sword bigger than Rosie and walked over step by step!

Hmph, youre courting death fireball!

A deep red fireball was suddenly hurled over! Rosie stood proudly in the same place, ready to appreciate the painful expression of the Jackalwere leader, but she miscalculated.

A loud bang!

What? The scene in front of her stunned her.

The receiving party actually brandished the broken sword in his hand to explode the fireball! It was thought that the aftermath of the explosion would cause some damage, but when the smoke dissipated, the other party was completely unscathed!

The huge body stood in the dark forest, and the wolfs head was covered with green light, and the low humming sound was chilling.

Its the armor! The armor its wearing blocks the explosion! Fireball wont affect it! Lin Xiao commented.

How could this happen? Damn

The three wanted to make full use of their long-range advantage and use magic to chip away its strength before they got closer. But the combat power of the Jackalwere leader was several times that of an ordinary Jackalwere, not to mention its incomparable stature, along with a complete set of armor, their magic was incapable of harming it!

The magic attack was completely ineffective, and the three got caught up in an arduous battle!

Lin Xiao, use magic to hit its head, hes not wearing a helmet! Cover me!

I cant, its moving too fast ahhh!!!

Lin Xiao! Caesar shouted.

Lin Xiao was the first one struck. After approaching the Jackalwere leader, he avoided the deadly giant sword attack but was kicked flying.


Caesar! Rosie shouted.

The second one was Caesar. He had completely lost feeling in his injured left arm and had no way of grasping the broadsword for defense. He was also kicked flying by the leader.

How did you guys damn it!?

Soon, Rosie was alone on the battlefield. The Jackalwere leader didnt seem like it was going to finish her so quickly, it was probably because she was also a beautiful woman. The leader probably had a sexual interest for her and decided to have fun with her.

Lin Xiao, how are you doing? Puuu Caesar, who was also kicked flying, climbed to Lin Xiao side and before he even answered, Caesar spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Lin Xiao was lying sprawled out on the ground, with an expression of despair, and spoke with a self-deprecating tone.

Hehe, who knew that the leader is so much stronger than an ordinary Jackalwere, and that magic has no effect on it! We lost we cant beat it

Its over, its all over, magic has no effect at all, it simply tickled it, they simply cant beat the Jackalwere leader! They will all be killed!

Im sorry Caesar, I involved you guys, I Lin Xiao closed his eyes in frustration.

Weve already come so far, whats the point of saying sorry?! Looking at the Jackalwere leader who was playing a game of cat and mouse with Rosie, he stabbed his sword on the ground, and forced his injured body up, Lin Xiao, are you going to give up!?

Lin Xiao did not respond.

Rosie hasnt given up yet! I havent given up yet! Caesar wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and emotionally bellowed. Isnt Elena your cherished person? Dont you want to save her?


But, what! As long as we can find an effective attack method, we can defeat it! Speaking of that, Caesar hatefully stared at the head of the Jackalwere. Its armor can offset the magic attack, but it doesnt mean its immune to magic!

As long as the power of the spell was large enough, very large, they could ignore the armors defense and finish off the Jackalwere leader!

But the question was how could they increase the power of their spells?

A few days ago, Teacher Woos used double chant to increase the power of an ordinary magic shield by dozens of times! If they could also use double chant to increase the power of the fireball, they will be able to defeat the Jackalwere leader!

However, double chant could only be mastered by a sixth-level magician or above. All three of them were only third-level magicians. How could they use double chant?

Hehe, prince Caesar, you really are a natural born hero why dont you know how to give up? As if infected by Caesar, Lin Xiao slowly climbed up and finally recovered his fighting spirit. Since things have progressed to this point, I wont hide it from you any longer Caesar, Im actually from the Eastern Tribe.

Idiot, stop saying useless things! Everyone whos seen your black hair already knows!

No, you dont understand. As a member of the Eastern Tribe, I actually have a special secret technique. Lin Xiao whispered.

Secret technique?

Ah, its a powerful secret technique, and it is my biggest secret. Ive never been willing to tell anyone, Caesar, youre the first.

Lin Xiao Hearing this, Caesars expression became grave and he asked, Whats the effect of your secret technique?

Using the secret technique, I can use double chant. Lin Xiao confidently said.

What? Double chant? Are you sure? Caesar exclaimed.


After getting an affirmative response from Lin Xiao, Caesar was overjoyed. As long as they used double chant to amplify the fireball, the Jackalwere leader will be blasted into black ash!

What are you waiting for? Quickly, Rosie cant hold on for much longer! Caesar forcibly pressed the wound on his left arm and urged him anxiously.

Any longer and Rosie would once again be licked by the Jackalweres dripping wet tongue!

But Lin Xiao hesitated.

What the hell are you hesitating for? Looking at his complicated expression, Caesar suddenly understood something. Are you worried that Ill covet your secret technique? Lin Xiao, why are you worried about that at a time like this?

Caesar, thats my biggest secret, once its leaked Lin Xiao looked away with hesitance.

Lin Xiao, you bastard!


Ignoring the wound on his left arm, Caesar ruthlessly punched Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao, who was knocked down, climbed up feebly but saw Caesars angry expression.

Lin Xiao, are you looking down on me? Im the proud fifth prince of the kingdom, will I covet your secret?

Caesar felt that he had been greatly insulted. He held his right arm high, fingers pointing to the sky, and loudly spoke.

Alright, since you have doubts, then Im willing to swear to you! I, Caesar Alex, with my reputation and dignity on the line, will never reveal your secrets, and will not steal your secrets. If I go against it, may I be punished by the Gods!

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly and did not respond.

What, you still cant believe me??

No, its just Lin Xiao stammered. The secret technique consumes a lot of magic power, and there will be serious consequences. I cant restore my original strength within one month after using it. Ill become handicapped

What about it? asked Caesar.

After the actual combat drill, I still have a duel with you. Lin Xiao faintly said the line that he had prepared for a long time.

Who cares about that kind of thing?

Caesar fiercely waved his hand without any hesitation, a decision that he had never thought of, and a decision that Lin Xiao had long been awaiting, he finally said it.

Who cares about the duel, we can just cancel it!! he said.

Sorry Caesar I, I didnt hear you, what did you say? Lin Xiao lowered his head and his voice was a bit strange.

I said, we can just cancel the duel!

Sorry, I still didnt hear clearly Caesar, can you repeat it one more time?

I said, I want to cancel the duel!! Caesar roared.

Oh, yes, is that the case, if we canceled the duel, then there is no more problems

At that instant, Lin Xiao teared up.

Plan, success!

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