Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 88: No Need to Endure after the Breaking Point

Chapter 88: No Need to Endure after the Breaking Point

The three brothers cried out in alarm.

Whats going on? Why is Lin Xiao giving them a beating? What did it have to do with them? Wasnt Lin Xiao the one who fed her the love potion?

Bastard, what are you saying? We didnt do anything like that! Harrison quickly explained.

Right, we didnt do anything, we just wanted to help her!

Lin Xiao, dont go around accusing innocent people!

Feeding a love potion to someone elses maid that was a huge criminal charge, if it got out, not only would they get beat by teacher Momm, they would also get expelled by Loran Academy! In the worst case, they might even get arrested by the city guards!

Although the three acted unruly and usually liked to pick up girls, skip school and get in fights, whoring and gambling, anything really, but they havent done anything bad or illegal!

In all honesty! They were innocent!

Hmph, still trying to make excuses? Take a look at my maid, she cant even stand! Were the only people here, if it wasnt you guys, who else couldve done it? Lin Xiao pointed at their noses and angrily lashed out.

The three brothers found it hard to explain.

Speechless? Ill teach you three baddies a lesson for my maid! Lin Xiao said full of righteousness.

Teach us a lesson?

At first, Harrison thought this guy was joking, but when he saw the large fireball coming towards them, he knew he was wrong, very very wrong.

Lin Xiao was for real!


The chant and the circuit was completed in an instant. Without waiting for Harrisons explanation, Lin Xiao threw the fireball over.

Bang Harrison had quick reactions, he drew his sword and sliced the fireball, although he wasnt injured, they choked on the smoke that came from the explosion of the fireball.

Cough you bastard, why did you do that?

After the smoke dissipated, just as scar faced Harden was about to curse him, Lin Xiao threw another fireball.


Cough, cough this damn bastard! the three brothers were infuriated.

They were fourth level warriors, even without a sword and they were actually hit by a fireball, they wouldnt get injured. How much power could a mere second level fireball have? But this guy didnt stop, he purposely used the smoke from the explosions to choke them, how annoying!

Big bro? What should we do? This guy is fighting us! Harden waned to rush over and duke it out with Lin Xiao.

D-dont be impulsive boss Sam already told us not to mess with Lin Xiao.

Peh! But hes messing with us! Big bro, we cant just sit back and take a beating, right? We would look useless!

No! Harrison clenched his teeth, Lets leave it at that today, well deal with this some other day!

But Big bro!

Quiet, lets go!

Okay, okay, youre the big bro, well listen to you!

Harden and Hart felt useless, but they couldnt do anything and could only hold back their complaints and prepare to run with Harrison.

But how could Lin Xiao let them do as they want?

You harassed my maid and you still want to run?

He stealthily snapped his fingers and a transparent wind blade shot forward!

Big bro, danger! This time it was Harden.

It was the same wind blade that almost cut his finger earlier, he wouldnt make the same kind of mistake!

He drew his sword, estimated the position of the wind blade and slashed!

The wind blade was split in half with a screech, and the two halves rebounded off to two sides, not harming anybody.

Ho, not bad. Lin Xiao nodded and muttered to himself, It wouldnt be fun if they didnt have strength.

Bastard Lin Xiao!!! The three brothers exploded in anger.

This bastard was clearly trying to go all the way!

Damn brat, dont force our hand! Harden roared.

Hmph, you three scum that assault women should shut their mouths! Lin Xiao stood on the moral high ground, and was adamant that they were assaulting an innocent girl, the three brothers shook with anger and even had killing intent!

Although Lin Xiao was coming on strong, he had no actual evidence, so even if this spread, it wouldnt mean anything with only his words. If the three brothers calmed down and thought about it, they would know he was just bluffing and using it as a pretext to provoke them.

But it was a pit, Lin Xiao shot off his mouth while he shot off fireballs, under attacks from both sides, those three were shamed into anger and couldnt think straight.

Ahhhh, damn hes just a mere magician, if it wasnt for boss Sams orders, do you really think we wouldnt do anything? Harden almost exploded.

To him, Lin Xiaos actions were no different than courting death.

There was a rule that everyone was well aware of in Eileen, before the sixth level, a magician had a difficult time beating a warrior of the same level.

Warrior relied on the strength of their body and could use various sharp weapons to fight, they were more nimble and agile and had stronger bodies, although magicians were also strong, they had to chant and complete the circuit before they could cast magic, that was their fatal shortcoming. Only when they reached the sixth level, then they could learn chantless instant cast, but before that, a magician definitely cant win in a 1v1 duel with a warrior.

Besides, it was a 1v3, Lin Xiao one, vs the three brothers!

Whos boss Sam? I dont know any Sams. I just know that you are going to pay for what you did! Lin Xiao wouldnt let go, and boldly said, You either kneel down and apologize to my maid! Or, you can wait until I turn you into a roasted pig!

Roasted pig? Finally, Harrison was angered to the point where he couldnt take it.

It was Lin Xiao that was provoking them, they werent messing with Lin Xiao. Even if boss Sam found out, he surely wouldnt blame them!

Thinking about that, Harrison lowered his voice and said.

Brothers, no need to endure anymore, make this brat shut his mouth!

Saying that he pulled out his sword.

Dont use the edges, dont kill anyone! Harrison ordered.

Hehe, just watch big bro!

Harden and Hart drew their swords at the same time and prepared to counterattack.

Are they finally getting serious? Heh, thats how it should be Seeing them prepare to counter, Lin Xiao was ecstatic.

To the three brothers, they were all fourth level warriors, and Lin Xiao was only a fourth level magician, he had no way of beating them. But what was reality like?

In reality, not only did Lin Xiao already break through to the sixth level, was a real advanced magician, he also possessed the most practical skill, chantless instant cast, taking care of those three would be a piece of cake.

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