Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 90: Demon Princess

Chapter 90: Demon Princess

Sigh, Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, get over yourself.

After the previous shock, Lin Xiao understood that he was too naive.

Speaking of which, he doesnt even know why he likes Shen DaiYing.

Was it because of her alluring slender legs wrapped up in black silk? Perhaps.

Was it because of her affectionate eyes when she smiles? Probably.

If he really wanted to find out why, although Lin Xiao had no evidence, but he stubbornly believed that Shen DaiYing wasnt a princess, she was just a pitiful and frail girl, and that he should protect her.

When he looks at Shen DaiYing, Lin Xiao doesnt feel charmed, his heart just aches she must have shed a lot of tears, right?

Thats what he couldnt help but think every time he looked at those half open half closed eyes.

Shen DaiYing was clearly a noble princess, and shes so strong, why would she cry? Or why would she need someone elses protection?

Lin Xiao didnt know the truth, but he was willing to use sincerity to get it.

After chasing away the three brothers, Elena rested for a bit, she was fine after the soul rebound disappeared. Shen DaiYing was afraid those three might come back, so she planned to send Lin Xiao home safely and the three began slowly strolling.

They came to a tacit understanding and neither Shen DaiYing or Lin Xiao mentioned yesterdays confession, as if the confession was a dream.

But, if they didnt mention what happened before, what should they talk about? Shen DaiYing was out of ideas.

It was always the males who struck up a conversation with her, she had no idea how to start a conversation.

Speaking of that, why did she have to cozy up with Lin Xiao?

Lin Xiao wasnt her fianc, Caesar was.

Shen DaiYing was confused.

Um. Sister Ying, h-how are you and Caesar doing? Lin Xiao couldnt help but take the lead and broke the silence.

Unfortunately, it was a strange topic the instance he opened his mouth

Him? Shen DaiYing remembered what had happened earlier, Not well he spoke to me for the first time today.

Is that so? Caesar must be very pleased with a fiance like you, right? Although Lin Xiao felt like his heart was being stabbed, he still had to force himself to smile.

Pleased? No, its the exact opposite, it seems Caesar likes Rosie more than me. Shen DaiYing pouted and said unhappily, It seems like Rosie hates me, sigh even though I treated her like my sister!

Rosie, is it? Seeing Shen DaiYing troubled, Lin Xiao quickly followed up, Sister Ying, is there anything I can do to help?

Help? its not really a big deal. Shen DaiYing thought for a while then said, Lin Xiao, can you tell me how I can get closer to Caesar? It seems like hes extremely guarded against me.

She only realized that the question would be awkward for Lin Xiao after she asked it, Lin Xiao likes her yet she asked for Lin Xiaos help to approach another man wasnt she just a bitch?

Shen DaiYing regretted her foolishness.

From what she can remember, this is the first time she acted this way in front of a man.

Get closer to Caesar? That Lin Xiao pursed his lips with a complicated expression.

As for the problem, he actually had a great way! But he didnt know whether he should tell her.

If he said it, it was akin to pushing the person he likes towards Caesar, then when they get closer and closer, wouldnt he lose a lot?

But if he didnt say anything, he would lose the chance of helping her, and he couldnt increase her favorable impression of him!

What should he do?

Favorable impression? Or peace of mind?

Peh! Of course its favorable impression!

Even if she married Caesar, he would still have chances!

As long as the attraction meter is full, there are no girls you cant get! Thats the true essence of love! (TN: Referring to those Japanese Dating Sims)

Lin Xiao clenched his teeth and made a decision.

If you want to get closer to Caesar, its actually very simple! When he said that, although there was a smile on his face, he was actually bleeding blood on the inside!

But for the attraction meter, he has to finish speaking even if he dies, that is more important than anything else!

The Intramural Selection Competition is staring the day after tomorrow. He seriously analyzed, Caesar is definitely fully set on the competition, so as long as you tell him youll help him practice his sword skills, then drag him to the practice range as a training partner, hell obediently listen to you!

Caesar was extremely interested in things like swords skills and raising his abilities, coincidentally Shen DaiYing was strong in that aspect, if she suggestto train with him, he definitely wouldnt refuse.

A training partner, this was something only Shen DaiYing could do and Rosie couldnt.

That was Rosies biggest weakness! And is also where Shen DaiYing had an advantage!

Oh! Thats a great idea! Thanks Lin Xiao!

It seems like Lin Xiao didnt mind the rude question she asked earlier, so Shen DaiYing breathed out in relief.

No worries. Lin Xiao was smiling, but only he knew the pain inside his heart.

Finally, along with the painful and happy torture, they stopped in front of an old and worn down house.

Is this your house? After arriving, Shen DaiYing happily smiled, Then, Ill be going ahead!

Oh Lin Xiao answered in a daze.

If it was possible, he wanted to walk next to her for eternity, but happiness is short-lived.

Before she left, she turned and waved towards Lin Xiao and her half opened eyes curved into beautiful arcs.

Thank you for your method, Ill try it out! She was wearing high heels, yet her pace was abnormally brisk and she was gone in a flash.

Lin Xiao?

Call me master

Yes, master. Elena unexpectedly gave in rather easily, and she even took up a respectful tone, Master, I would like to ask you a question.

Un what question?

Master, will you be attending Caesars and Shen DaiYings wedding next year? Elenas clear voice was pleasant to listen to.

Plop that was a knife stabbing into Lin Xiaos heart.

Elenas question was that knife in Lin Xiaos heart!

Their marriage was the decision of the king of Lombard Kingdom and the queen of the Great Qin Empire, the decision of the leaders of two countries wont change because of your delusions. Elenas cold tone made one felt despair, So, theyll definitely get married.

Plop another knife.

Even if they werent engaged, Shen DaiYing would still choose the outstanding and handsome prince Caesar as her husband, as for you? Youre only a child in her eyes. Elena continued stabbing Lin Xiao.

A-a child? Lin Xiao widened his eyes.

Oh, no, not a child

Elena was unable to maintain her indifferent expression. She raised her head and the corners of her mouth lifted, like the melting of a thousand year iceberg.

Hehe, Lin Xiao, do you still not understand? In her eyes, youre just an immature little brother.

L-little brother?

Plop that was the last knife.

After taking three knives, Lin Xiao finally fell down.

Thats right, perhaps Shen DaiYing only saw him as a little brother, she probably didnt even take his confession seriously.

Lin Xiao slumped to the ground, not moving at all.

Haha! hehe cough cough

At the start, Elena purposely laughed exaggeratedly to mock Lin Xiao, but she quickly realized he was already heartbroken, and she didnt have to hit a person who was down, so her laugh became a dry laugh which became silence.

What was she laughing at?

I guess this is what the saying everyone has a weakness means, as the Demon King, she had supreme skill but couldnt deal with this pervert, but by contrast what about Shen DaiYing?

She didnt even do anything, just a few words made Lin Xiao hover between life and death. As expected of a princess, she really knew how to deal with men!

This was the disparity.

Strange, how was she able to captivate Lin Xiao?

There were still many things in the human world waiting for the Demon King to learn, seducing men was one of them.

Elena didnt understand, she was also beautiful, and definitely wouldnt lose to Shen DaiYing, so why wasnt she able to captivate Lin Xiao?

Should I perhaps try to imitate her?

Lin Xiao was still kneeling on the ground, but on the other side Elena was minding her own business and began imitating Shen DaiYing.

First was her slender legs, Elena tried closing her legs, stood on her tiptoes and made a sexy pose.

Next was her graceful posture, Elena perked her breasts and lifted her head, hugged her chest and fully displayed her beautiful body.

Last was her affectionate eyes, Elena half opened her blood red eyes, squinted and tried making a charming smile.

Is this enough? Oh, wait, theres still the tone, the manner of speaking is also important

She tried making her tone not as cold and more soft.

Erhmm Hi, Im princess Elena, Im counting on you all from now on~~

She faced the air and played out a comical play.

Hearing a sweet voice, Lin Xiao weakly turned his head to take a look, coincidentally Elena was also looking at him.



Staring at each other, they both froze.

Elena was too into it and forgot Lin Xiao was still there!

Lin Xiao had a shocked face, like he just saw a ghost!

Princess, Elena?

He repeated Elenas words in a daze.

No I didnt Im not I

Elenas face turned red in a flash, just as she wanted to explain herself, what Lin Xiao did next infuriated her.

Princess Elena? How disgusting bleh! Lin Xiao held his stomach and almsot vomited.

She had facial nerve paralysis, why did she have to imitate princess Shen DaiYings charm, how could she look similar?

Lin Xiao!!!

Elena walked next to Lin Xiao, and raised her leg without holding back. She couldnt care about the slave contract or whatever, she was thinking of only one thing.

Die, scum.

She planted her feet onto Lin Xiaos face.

Ah, is it white today

Before he lost consciousness, Lin Xiao saw a flash of white under Elenas skirt.

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