Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 95: Twist of Fate

Chapter 95: Twist of Fate

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Watching his own students lose in front of his eyes without even competing left a bad taste in Momms mouth.

But nothing could be done, it was his own fault that he didnt come on time, so even if he loses he cant complain.

Momm made up his mind, he had to get an answer from Harden after the competition, if he actually missed the competition because he was drunk, he would break his legs!

Harden, absent without cause, deemed as forfeit, Lin Xiao wins! Momm announced the result in a loud voice in front of the spectators.

At least the few people that were actually spectating.

Great, that means I won the first round in group E! Lin Xiao rushed downstairs and made a victory sign at Elena, she clicked her tongue and made an expression of disdain.

No one else knew what kind of tricks Lin Xiao was pulling, but how could Elena not know? This guy was way too good at acting.

Momm never expected the first round to finish so quickly, as he was preparing to leave, Lin Xiao suddenly blocked him.

Um teacher Momm? Lin Xiao said with a smile, Since I won the first round because the opponent forfeited, can I continue to the next round?

Ah? Momm was taken aback.

There was indeed a rule like that, after the competition starts, all the contestants must wait at the practice range in advance. Even if it isnt their turn, they cant leave without cause. If something happens like a forfeit, in order to speed up the competition, the next round will be conducted ahead of time.

Which means after Harden forfeited, Lin Xiao can immediately begin the next round!

Are you sure you want to start the next round now? Momm asked.

Although he wasnt Lin Xiaos teacher, he more or less knew this guys character. Lin Xiao was well known for being lazy, he would never do more than he had to, why did he all of a sudden request to start the next round immediately?

Yeah, Im sure! Im in tip top shape, I feel like I can take on ten people! Lin Xiao responded.

Eh, alright let me check who your next opponent is. Momm walked over and grabbed a thin notebook and looked it over, Your next opponent is Hart.

Okay, teacher Momm, can you please quickly call Hart over. Lin Xiao pressed him.

Hmph, dont get too cocky, Hart wont lose for sure! Momm grumbled, then loudly shouted, Hart! Hart! Its your turn!

Group Es second round, Lin Xiao vs Hart, start

However, there was still no response from below the stage.

Strange Hart?

A minute passed.

Hart! Where did you go? Is he in the washroom?

Five minutes passed.

Hey, you guys go to the washroom and look for Hart, tell him that the duel is about to start and to come quickly! Oh right, also check the bar as well, I suspect that those three brothers drank too much yesterday!

Okay teacher!

In a moment of desperation, Momm sent a few students to look for him, unfortunately ten minutes passed and there was still no response.

Um teacher Momm, I believe ten minutes has passed.

Sigh damn brat. Momm was vexed.

Sorry teacher Momm, according to the rules, if my opponent isnt here, then I automatically hehe. Lin Xiao was full of smiles and pretended to be bashful when he spoke to Momm.

You really have good luck, during the actual combat drill you managed to be an S class muddler, and youre still so lucky this time as well? Momm gripped Lin Xiaos shoulders, Winning two rounds without even doing anything not bad!

Because Hart was late, he automatically forfeited, and Lin Xiao obtained another victory in a blink of an eye.

Ehow, ow, ow. Lin Xiao wasnt interested in a muscle mans massage, so he quickly pushed him away, I also want to have a fair fight with them, but they didnt come, what can I do?

Hmph, dont pretend like youre not satisfied. Now youve won two rounds, if you win the next one, youll be top of the group! It was unknown whether Momm was announcing good news to Lin Xiao, or hating his luck.

But it was strange, today was the first day of competitions, yet Harden and Hart didnt come, even if they drank too much last night, it was unlikely that theyre both unable to come.

Momm had a bad premonition, if Harden and Hart didnt come, that means the last of the three brothers

Um it may sound a little shameless, but teacher Momm, I won this round, am I right? Lin Xiao asked.

Yes, its your win! What about it? Momm asked in a bad mood.

Hehe, if thats the case, can I continue to the next round?

What? You still want to continue? Momm was shocked.

It seems like he came to an understanding, in group E, theres only four people, since Harden and Hart both lost, the only one left was Harrison!

Harrison was the strongest of the three, he even had a grasp on battle skills, his mountain splitters power was tremendous, Lin Xiao is no match against him!

Harrison is their brother, he definitely wont be late! Lin Xiao, dont get too confident!

Okay, teacher, then please quickly call him over. Lin Xiao urged.

Since you asked for it Harrison!

The third round for group E, was most likely the last round.

Lin Xiao vs Harrison


Harrison!? Momm couldnt keep it together anymore.

Harrison wasnt there either??? His prided students didnt even have a chance to appear on stage, none of them came, what was going on?

Momm suspected that they got the date wrong, so none of them came.

Looking at Lin Xiaos innocent appearance, Momm was angry but had no where to take it out on, if Harrison doesnt come either, Lin Xiao will win again. The warrior department lost three of their best for no reason, and all by Lin Xiao, the S class muddler. If this got out, Momm would be humiliated.

What can he do?

While Momm was still at a loss, the time slowly passed, one minute, two minutes

Finally, someone ran into the practice range.

Teacher Momm teacher not good! A student gasped for breath as he ran next to Momm.

He was one of the students Momm sent out earlier.

Whats wrong, did you find them? Was it because they drank too much at the bar? Momm anxiously asked.

No, no they, they

Whats wrong, hurry up! Seeing his flustered expression, Momm got nervous as well.

Teacher hah, hahh

What are you panting for? Speak properly! Momm chided.

No, its Harrison, Harden, and Hart, all three of them are injured!

Injured? What happened? Momm was getting impatient.

I heard that they got into a fight with someone last night and were severely injured, and almost died! Now theyre getting treated at the Holy Light Church, so they cant compete anymore!

What? It was as if Momm was struck by lightning.

Those three brats, he let it go that they were unruly regularly, but why did they have to get int trouble at such a crucial time? Whats more infuriating was that, it wasnt them beating someone, but them being beaten with severe injuries!?

Momm has never had such students how humiliating!

Hehe, teacher Momm, your students really like to fight. Lin Xiao awkwardly scratched his head, without any care for anyone else and said, Then, teacher Momm, is it my victory?

You win! Teacher Momm squeezed those words out.

Hehe, thanks for the hard work teacher Momm. Lin Xiao politely nodded, So that means that all my duels are finished and Im first place in group E?


Alright, then Im off teacher Momm!

Lin Xiao happily waved towards teacher Momm and left with his maid under the attentive gaze of the shocked spectators.

Meanwhile, the other groups battles were still on going. Group B, Caesar was beating a pitiful contestant, the coolness of the magic swordsman made the spectators below cry out. Group F, Shen DaiYings movements were still efficient, a quick unsheathe and sheath easily breaking the opponents weapon or leaving a thin red line on the opponents neck, a victory every time in one move, not leaving enough time for everyone to exclaim in admiration.

But as for group E, no one expected that it would finish so quickly and was the first one to determine a victor.

Group E first place, Lin Xiao! After announcing that, Momm was crying tears of blood.

Who would have known, originally for Lin Xiao, group E, with three warrior, was devastating for him, he definitely wouldnt have advanced. But, he not only got first place, he also did it without even fighting!

What a twist of fate!

Meanwhile, Lin Xiao and Elena were chatting away as if nothing happened.

Can the church treat them after you injured them that much? Elena asked curiously.

They should be able to, I heard that the people from the Holy Light Church know a magic called Healing Prayer, and its very effective for external injuries.

Oh, not bad if the demons had that magic, you humans would have been annihilated ages ago.

Hehe, thats not exactly right, you also have a way to heal external injuries.

What? How come I didnt know? The Demon King was at a loss.

Did you forget? Under Elenas curious gaze, Lin Xiao said two words, Your blood.

The Demon Kings blood, Demon King HP Potion, that super effective healing was something that Lin Xiao witnessed!

If I were you, I would take my own blood and share it with my subordinates, then bring along a bottle to every fight, so they can take a sip whenever they get injured Lin Xiao was serious and it didnt seem like he was joking, This way, everyone would have two lives, and your battle capability would greatly increase!

But Elena coldly asked, Wouldnt I get sucked dry?

Ah right, production capability would be lacking.

What are you saying?

Elena felt like he was treating her as if she was a blood producing machine or something strange like that.

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