Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 156 Wiring The Political Bomb

The campsite was in disarray during the brief battle between Veronica and Haiden.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt took over, causing everyone's existing fears to magnify. Some believed the two women were fighting; others thought they met misfortune from enemy forces.

Some who believed they fought were worried that Evalyn would show up and punish everyone indifferently, and they'd all get kicked out.

Those who believed war was raging outside mobilized quickly or that a Qi Sickness breech organized the self-defense force and posted fighters.

Their mobilization sparked conflict from the people yelling that Evalyn and Kaze would arrive soon and that they shouldn't be causing trouble.

That was the volatile environment in the campsite when Haiden flew into the area at high speed.

THUD! Thud! Thud, thud, thud… thud.

Every member turned their attention to the main area and found Haiden on the ground, her light green shirt torn heavily from her chest, scraping against the rock-studded dirt.

It didn't break past her light blue, half-lace bra, which was now visible.

Veronica didn't hold back when she threw the woman thirty feet into the campsite, so her face was bleeding profusely. Cultivation would heal her wounds in a couple of weeks, but a month ago, she would have gotten disfigured for life.

Everyone was frozen, seeing one of their leaders lying on the ground, wounded and screaming. Nothing positive could follow it.

"Attack! We need to—GaaaahhhHHH!"


The man who yelled there was an attack hit the ground when a bolt of Qi cut through his shoulder, sending him to the ground.

A woman wearing a black t-shirt, matching-colored leggings, and leather zipper boots walked into the area. She had a pitch-black pixie cut and vibrant green eyes.

One's first impression was that she was gorgeous; the second impression was that she was dangerous. Her gaze sent shivers down everyone's spines.

"See, this is the problem with your self-defense force." Veronica scoffed, "No one verified if the Emperor or Ice General showed up to teach us a lesson.

You attacked randomly in a panic because you could. If I were our leaders, you'd be dead."

Everyone shivered, falling silent. However, they couldn't escape the situation.

The cold atmosphere magnified the power of the vicious cries of pain by the two people she threw into the area. It was eerie and traumatizing.

"Let me ask everyone." The black-haired pixie requested, scanning the area with fierce green eyes, "I just heavily injured the wretched people screaming on the ground.

What do you think our leaders will do to me when they see what I've done?"

Many people opened and shut their mouths, conflicted.

"No one?" Veronica asked, "Fine, I'll tell you. They'll likely tell me to pack up—and move back to the mansions."

Bewilderment spread through the area, triggering confused whispers. Many wanted to ask questions, but their trauma, fear, and sounds of paint-stricken screams prevented them.

"That's right." She affirmed with a snide smile, "If anyone has forgotten, Immortal Skye practices vigilante law.

This wretched woman organized a dangerous force and tried murdering me. I neutralized both quickly and cleanly and without further issues. I'm confident I'll get rewarded."

Shocked groans spread through the crowd, hearing her declare that their actions were [dangerous].

"As for the self-defense squad attacking random people… who knows what'll happen to you." Veronica chuckled bitterly, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Since I stopped your actions, I'm confident you won't get kicked out, but it's hard to imagine you won't get punished."

Everyone looked down at the screaming man, realizing that her action [saved] them from attacking someone and getting kicked out.

"We only have a few rules here." Veronica prefaced caustically, "You know what they are, right?

Attend work, keep the campsite clean, curfew starts at 7 pm, keep to your tent, and do not cause trouble—that's all it takes to avoid Meridian City.

It's only been a few days. So why the hell are you decrying Immortal Skye, preparing for war, and attacking others?"

The self-defense members looked away, afraid to meet her gaze.

"I don't know why I'm asking." She scoff-laughed, "I'm not your leader; how they punish you up to them.

However, if the General punishes everyone, I'll protect everyone who wasn't involved."

"Veronica, please don't tell the leaders we started the self-defense force." A man pleaded, "We'll explain what happened to Sam."

Others joined in, many began begging. She listened to all of it carefully, letting everyone speak their mind. Once they finished, she answered them simply.

"I will give them anything they ask for." Veronica promised dryly, "I'm not stupid enough to disobey my leaders' orders. That's the difference between us."

"Veronica, please." A brunette pleaded, "The Ice General is known for punishing everyone without distinction! Just let us explain what happened to the man. We beg you, don't tell her!"

"Don't tell me what?" A hypnotic voice called out from the location of the battle. It was cold and biting but hollow. However, it made everyone freeze and shudder.

Evalyn walked into the campsite and turned to look at two members writhing in pain. The blonde only gave Haiden a slight glance, staring at her facial wound with absolute indifference.

"Will someone care to explain why there are screaming people on the ground?" The blonde asked dryly, showcasing chilling apathy.

"Haiden, the woman on the ground, tried killing me." Veronica replied, "I incapacitated her and threw her in front of everyone to remind them of vigilante justice.

The man on the ground tried attacking me when I returned. He didn't mean to attack me; he's just an idiot for spreading panic and attacking without confirmation."

"Good work, Veronica." Evalyn said, scanning everyone's faces to confirm the story, "I don't know what happened or why.

However, your battle site suggests that you didn't attack more than once but still de-escalated the situation. Same for the man.

I'm giving you 50 RP to prevent an onsite death. You can use one to get this month's housing and food. Would you like to?"

Dead silence. Even the groaning man stopped, unbelieving that Veronica got over four years' food and board.

The atmosphere became tense but only half as heavy as the gravity around the pixie and general.

"I'd be grateful to accept." Veronica nodded, communicating she wasn't needed at the campsite or was forced to retire, "Thank you, Ice General."

Evalyn studied her expression closely and then turned to Haiden and the man. After a moment of thought, she waved her hand, and they both radiated a red aura.

Their wounds healed after thirty seconds, shocking everyone.

"Come with me." She ordered the black-haired woman, who nodded and followed.

Five minutes later, the Ice General returned with a sharp gaze.

"I hear a lapse in judgment occurred today." Evalyn proclaimed coldly, making everyone shudder, "It sounds well-intentioned, but it's not.

If you attacked one of the military members on campus, it could've triggered a war.

Due to the seriousness of the situation, anyone involved with the altercation faces expulsion."

Everyone shuddered in fear and anxiety, including Haiden, who the blonde stonewalled.

"I'll be back tomorrow." Evalyn announced, "I want an official justification when I arrive.

I'm bringing a box where people can submit the names of everyone involved and their roles anonymously, so prepare for that."

She walked away without looking at Haiden again and left the campsite to join Veronica. When they were out of sight, she spoke. "Are you sure that you're unneeded now?"

"I'm certain." Veronica replied confidently, "I've been the voice of law since the beginning.

After triggering panic, affirming vigilante justice, and reaffirming the rules, everyone's hyper-conscious of the rules."

"And you're certain people will cause trouble tomorrow?" The general asked, "Everyone here is traumatized by potential expulsion.

It seems strange that many would cause issues despite knowing that expulsion is the punishment for lesser transgressions."

After a slight nod, the black-haired woman turned to her. "Yes. Some would have snapped, expulsion bluff or otherwise."

Evalyn stopped and turned to her. "Then your job is done. Why put everyone through this stress? Stress this extreme is cruel and unhealthy."

"So we can trigger the rebellion." Veronica replied straightly, "We can choose the members who fall with this approach and the number.

That allows us to prepare and mitigate unnecessary losses. That's worth the stress in my eyes."

The Ice General's eyes widened in surprise. "We'll have that much control?"

"Yes, we will." The black-haired woman replied confidently, "Haiden will make sure of it.

She currently lacks morals and is unstable. So we can be confident she'll wire your political bomb and trigger it without mercy or regret."

Haiden and the other self-defense members sat in a circle at the campsite, trembling. Each was already traumatized by their field trip to Meridian City. Now, they faced expulsion.

"I just wanted to help everyone out." A brunette whimpered, "I wasn't even fighting."

"Right? How many of us were actually defenders?" Another asked, "Four, right?"

"Does it matter?" A man laughed bitterly, "Self-defense was the point. That's not a bad thing; it was common sense. So I can't believe we'd get expelled for it."

Most people nodded or expressed their agreement.

"It's all Veronica's fault." Haiden laughed bitterly, "That cunning bitch saw our self-defense team and used us."

Most people initially ignored her, stonewalling the brunette due to starting the mess. However, they changed their tune after the following statement.

"You see it, right?" She asked, "She got me to attack her in self-defense. Then she threw my body in here to trigger panic and get you to attack.

Now what? She was rewarded as a hero and left this place, leaving us to die without regard for anyone, including her supporters."

Chatter spread through the campsite, debating whether Veronica was at fault. Naturally, her supporters stood beside her, and those in trouble opposed her.

"We must ensure we tell this story in our anonymous voting." Haiden declared with firey eyes, "We need the Ice General to know we were framed and do not deserve punishment."

The self-defense members latched onto the idea immediately.

"That's right!" A blonde yelled, "We do have that option, right? All we need to do is unite, get our story straight, claim it was that cunt's fault, and we'll all get absolved."

A flurry of explosive supporting statements entered the fray.

"Unfortunately, we're the only people that will tell that story." Haiden frowned, guiding the conversation, "Their word is law.

We need their support somehow."

"Then we just have to convince a majority." A man argued, "Let's make deals with them.

We can pay them our excess Skye, letting a number get back into the mansions. We won't need it if we're expelled, right?"

More support rippled through the group.

"And if they try to turn us in for trying to rig the system?" Haiden asked.

The man clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with a murderous light. "We'll do what we must. I don't know about all of you, but I'm not going back to Meridian City."

Whispers of support waved through the area.

Haiden watched everyone with a cold look in her eyes. She had wired the political bomb and was ready to trigger it whenever she wished.

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