Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 184 Special

"Is that all you got!?" A scrawny brown-haired man asked from an Immortal Skye sentry post, "Well, that sucks for you, cuz I'm about to skuuuuuuuull fuuuuck yaaaaa! GET SOME, BITCHES!"

Larkin released a battle cry and swung his hand, sending a large slash of raw Qi cutting through a dozen zombie-like people running at the wall.

While he was sweating and panting, symptoms of his Elemental Qi withdrawal, his actions weren't frivolous. On the contrary—

"Yeah! Get some!" Another man yelled, releasing a slash onto the fence, cutting down another sick and taking a few with it.

"This is Immortal Skye!" A woman yelled angrily, "Do you this, you freaks even stand a chance!?"

BOOM! Boom, boom, BOOM!

—Larkin's boldness was exactly what the Immortals needed.

"Arrogance! You're all so fucking arrogant!" A sick woman in ripped civilian clothing yelled, running at the wall, covered in blood, "I can't stand it!"

"Oh yeah!?" Larkin yelled, "Well I can't stand lousy Karens. And guess what, Karen!? Neither can my people!"


Another battle cry went out, and someone sent a Qi slash to cut through them.

"South 27 degrees!" A female soldier yelled out, "East 12 degrees!"

"Got it!"

Ratatatatatat! Ratatatatatat!

Machine guns fired in the background. A drone was overhead, with a team yelling the coordinates of the sick before they arrived to kill the sick strategically.

Despite their effectiveness, the soldiers were almost out of ammo, and everyone fighting was running low on Qi.

"Tch." Veronica clicked her tongue; things were getting dire. She looked at Kiera in the background, healing people on the verge of death on the northside wall. "I wish we could use her power."

Everyone else had the same thought, watching the teen use Divine Stitches to heal people. No one understood how much Qi she used or what type of mental and physical strain it had on her.

"Veronica, we need that woman's help!" A brunette Immortal cried.

"We're not going to die." Veronica said, gritting her teeth in frustration, "We only need to hold out for another ten minutes until our leaders return."

"We can't wait that long!" A male followed, "The soldiers are almost out of ammo, we're almost out of Qi, and we don't know if our leaders will get delayed!"

"I said no!" The black-haired pixie snapped, "Go get the thousand-plus people who haven't used a single technique to fight!

We shouldn't use up a unique resource when countless people haven't fought. If people don't want to die, they should fight!"

"Most won't budge; we don't have the time to get through to them while the sick are knocking on our door!" The brunette yelled.

"Give us a moment, and I'll whip up fighters." Jake said calmly, "We'll make it happen. So spread the word."

"With all due respect, you can go fuck yourselves." The male scoffed in disdain, "There's no point in that woman saving people's lives if we all die!"

He and the woman started turning to storm away, but a hand reached out at ghostly speed and grabbed the man's throat.

"Excellent point, Keaton." A redhead wearing a straight ponytail said with a cold smile, "There's no point in doing anything if you're dead.

That's why your defiance of the Emperor's leadership is pointless, right? Because once we kill you, you'll have no choice but to follow."

"Sage." Kylie snapped, grabbing the woman's hand, "There's also no point in killing a rule breaker if it creates panic. The rules prevent that. So while your mindset isn't wrong, this action is counter-intuitive and is."

Sage scoffed and released the man, who gasped for breath with hatred in his eyes. Vindicated by Kylie's words, which seemed to say [her actions were wrong], and his [weren't necessarily wrong], he stormed away to demand Kiera's help.

"Let's rally troops to fight." Veronica said to Kylie; we could use your public speaking skills. God knows, the slang riddler doesn't have them."

The pink-haired teen's nickname amongst the management was the [slang riddler], which was pre-approved by Kaze, who felt it was a just punishment.

Kylie smiled wryly and turned to Sage, annoyed, and got a nod before they set into motion with Jake, spreading out with different roles.

Kiera stood before a line of ten bodies with her eyes closed, sweating. Each body was glowing green with warping Qi twisting with its own special dance.

A dozen people stormed up to her, prepared to grill her. However, the six in the front stopped completely when they saw intestines and blood getting pulled into the bodies.

It was a gruesome sight but also strangely satisfying, world-defining, and divine.

Those that saw it knew at a glance that what she was doing was vastly different than Minor Healing. So their enthusiasm got snuffed out in an instant.

However, those that hadn't seen it didn't lose their enthusiasm.

"Hey!" A blonde snapped, "We need help. You [need] to come help us!"

Those watching saw the green light waiver and the reversal process nearly halt. They panicked and turned around.

"W-Wait! We need to wait until she's done!" Keaton said, trying to stop them.

"Fuck that, Keaton!" A man yelled, "If we had time, we would've waited ten minutes until the leaders showed up! We're falling!"

The light faded more.

"N-No!" A woman yelled, "We need to leave her be!"

"Get the fuck out of the way!" An angry man said, "Hey, Kaze's girl! You're here to save lives, right!? Well, people will die in droves if you don't use your power to help us!"

"Yeah, there's no point in you healing people if hundreds die because of you healing them!"

Another dozen people rushed up, demanding the same thing.

Kiera finished the puzzle in her head to a minimal degree, and the people watched in awe as the bodies exploded with green light, stitching limbs together and closing wounds at rapid speed.

Then she turned to everyone with a crazed look in her eyes.

"If I didn't just waste twice the necessary Qi, these people would've fucking died!" She yelled viciously, making the yelling people shudder, "I need this Qi to do something complicated.

You, by contrast, still have half your Qi reserve to do something children can do. Why the fuck aren't you using it, you thrice-abandoned cockwomble?"

While her message should've made the man feel shame, her rudeness really got under his skin.

"Simple!?" He yelled, "You haven't fought at all, but you're going to call it simple!?"

"Yeah! You hadn't even seen death! So who the fuck are you to say it's simple!?"

"If you think it's simple, you do it!"

If your life feels pointless, live for mine, as it's not.

"Shut the hell up, you muzbots!" Kiera screamed, making everyone stop. However, their emotions reversed, and they prepared to cut back, but the slang riddler released her cultivation base, dropping them to their knees. "Wish granted!

But when Kaze gets back, I'll make sure to explain I wasted all my Qi because a mob of people who haven't fought demanded me to do their job!"

"W-What!?" The blonde stuttered when she released her base to walk away, "Don't make up lies! We've fought!"

"Ye-Yeah! Don't start trouble because you don't want to fight!"

"I can see your cultivation!" Kiera yelled angrily, stomping away, "Go find any elite here, and they can do the same. It's a basic skill proving a person's useful and not an entitled Becky!"

Without discussion, she strode to the north rampart, pushing through a crowd waiting for Kylie to speak.

"We got this!" Veronica yelled in terror, watching her walk up, "We just got people together to give a speech! Go back to healing."

"Yeah, Kiera, we got this!" Kylie yelled on top of the wall, standing before the people.

"And do what!?" Kiera yelled, "Accidentally kill myself and the wounded when mobs of useless, able-bodied people who haven't fought scream in my ear!?"

Silence washed over the area, cutting into people's bones. The people running after Kiera, trying to get her to return in regret, stopped when seas of people turned to them.

Everyone knew who was responsible due to the guilt and fear on their faces.

"Yeah! That's right, people!" Kiera snapped at full volume, "I got sent here because the technique I'm using would kill anyone here if they attempted it.

Yet half the people blocking my path right now still have Qi. Why the fuck are we getting overrun if people still have Qi!?"

Most people cringed in the crowd, whipped up by the leaders.

"Kiera…." Jake said in a conciliatory fashion, "People are just scared. Try to have some tact; we have this, so please wait until things calm down."

"Get out of my way!" She snapped, pushing past more people to the stairs. "If I don't, people will hate on Kaze for not bringing me here first!

They'll say people died because he didn't use my power. That I'm his girl, and thus he tucked me away cozily. That he has a talent for favoritism! Blah, blah, blah!

Well, I'll do my share before I let Kaze know of their pathetic behavior! That way, no one can bitch when they face reality!"

People panicked and tried to stop her, but she released her cultivation base and dropped people to their knees, pushing fallen people out of the way or walking over them.

Her tyrannical showcase of power stressed her body and mind, but she didn't care. She wanted to send a message.

Kiera got to the top of the wall and overlooked the area. Only three dozen people were facing hundreds of sick, sweating, panting, and throwing Qi attacks.

She turned around to face everyone. "We have a good fuckin' sophist in the midst that can whip the weak into a frenzy, but I'll put it bluntly!

The people saving your lives right now are [already] out of Qi and will low-key DIE if they keep fighting. Yet you're chillin', lining up for a speech for save-yourself orientation.

If people die tonight, it's because you're fucking pathetic!

When I kill some shit in five seconds, remember that I saved people's lives, followed Kaze's orders, AND protected this place. So there's no excuse for you to feel okay with yourselves!"

Kiera turned around to the sound of hundreds of weak, fearful, and traumatized people crying, groaning, or falling as their stomachs sank.

She ignored them, overlooking the sea of sick people before shutting her eyes and swallowing nervously. "If I'm afraid, develop confidence for Kaze.

If I can't face the world, face it for Kaze.

If my life feels pointless, live for Kaze's, for it isn't."

The pink-haired teen summoned his words like a mantra before snapping her eyes open.

"Hey, listen up, protector peeps!" Kiera yelled, gathering their attention, "Despite carrying bot city on your back, you've done well tonight! You're the GOAT!

Since you need to fight for a bunch of ungrateful people, I'll give you the secret sauce! It's called Qi control! Make sure to practice it, so you don't die holding up the fort!"

She analyzed the hundreds of people running at her with a rapidly beating heart, slowed down by her fear, anger, and stress.

After her analysis concluded, she pulled back her hand and started swinging it at lightning speed, seemingly erratically.


Thud, thud, thud, boom! Thud, thud, thud!

Everyone watched in disbelief as the slang riddler shot three dozen raw Qi slashes into the sea, cutting through sick people's necks in droves.

Crimson flowers bloomed in the sky by the dozens as single slashes cut through a dozen at once.

What separated them was that most people's slashes were about six to eight feet wide and thick, while hers were two to four feet wide, changing sizes, and thin.

She used the minimal amount necessary to cut through everything in sight.

"Fuck. You. All. For. Doubting. Kaze. Despite. Everything. He's. Done. For. You!" Kiera screamed at full volume, getting heated.

Thud, thud, thud, boom! Thud, thud, thud!

"Kiera!" Jake yelled, running to her.

"He. Showed. Up. Bloody. As. Fuck!" She screamed loudly, "Hurt! He. Was. Fucking. Hurt. And. Qi. Deprived. Yet. Ya'll. Treated. Him. Like. He. Was. Chilling!"

THUD! Boom, boom, boom! BOOM!

"KIERA!" Kylie screamed from the other side, tackling the pink-haired woman.

Jake hit the ground and pinned her hands down.

"What are you people doing!?" Kiera screamed.

"You're running on adrenaline!" The blonde-haired director yelled, "You lost control; if you had kept that up, you'd have run out of Qi and died!"

"You're really low!" Veronica cried, running up, "We tried to say that when we saw you running up, but it was too late."

"Oh…." The pink-haired teen said, feeling her vision go hazy. "I… fucked up, didn't I? Do you think that Kazey will hate me?"

"No, he won't hate you." Jake replied confidently, "He cares about you a lot."

"Even though I was acting like a tyrant?" Keira asked with teary eyes, "Even though I ruined morale?"

"Of course not." Kylie laughed, "You got the job done. He might not be entirely happy for hurting morale, but he will be proud of you."

"He cares about you like... destructively." Veronica chuckled, "I'm not sure why, but he cares about you for real, like Evalyn. He's starting to care about people more, but right now, that's an achievement. And moderately terrifying.

So don't worry. I'm sure you could've murdered everyone, and he'd be okay with you.

Now get up and take a break; we'll take care of this."

Kiera's eyes welled with tears, and she looked to the nighttime sky through blurry water before Jake reached out his hand and helped her up.

He quickly turned her around to prevent her from seeing her damage and helped her sit on the wall's edge, facing the sea of Immortals.

She sat there mockingly, kicking her legs like a child, overlooking everyone's shocked faces.

The sick were mostly gone, and many of the most injured were dead or healed. As a result, it was finally approaching quiet, and it was nice.

Meanwhile, the people behind her were shocked, trying not to gasp and attract the teen's attention.

"No wonder Kaze values her." Veronica whispered in disbelief, "She's used her divine technique on thirty people before this. Just how much Qi does she have?"

While Keira started by cutting through a hundred people with ultra-precise strikes, the attacks she used after losing control were the size of Rein's, but there were fourteen slashes in two seconds.

As a result, the area got decimated, with 90% of the remaining sick dying in the attack.

"Less than this." Sage replied confidently, "I'm not sure how, but she's using Qi in the atmosphere as part of her attack. So these strikes only took a third of the Qi.

I haven't even seen that with Kaze. I'm not sure what's up with this girl, but she's not normal. I'm not sure how, but I know she's special."

Everyone looked at her strangely before a sharp sound snapped them out of their trance.

"What's going on here?" Kaze asked in a booming voice, making everyone turn.

Kiera's heart pounded, fearful of the situation. She didn't know how to explain her actions. "I…."

"Kiera had to capture everyone's attention to get them to calm down." Kylie announced boldly, making some cringe and others sigh in relief, "So she used a technique.

Then she healed almost everyone and helped us defend Immortal Skye."

He turned and looked to an area to the east with a frown. "So can someone explain why there are still injured people if she had enough Qi to defend Immortal Skye? Over half of you still have Qi."

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