Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 192 A Public Execution Of Pigs

"Fuck it; I'll give her a go!" A burly bearded soldier laughed, triggering snickering from those around him.

"Ah, what the hell, Trent, I will too!"

"I'll do it because I'll be the only one that doesn't at this rate."

Sixty-six men lined up to get an hour of sexual fulfillment from Mary Remarts, who was only looking for enough RP to get private classes. Now, she couldn't back out by contract and was genuinely afraid.

"This is basically a gang bang at this point!" Trent yelled disgustingly, triggering more snickers.

Mary was mortified, scared, and wanted to cry. Unfortunately, that only made the worst people come out.

"Damn, look at that face. She knows she's about to get wrecked!"

"Yeah, she'll be powerful--if she can ever stand again!"

Thunderous laughter broke out, making the blonde start tearing up. She quickly put on her black thong and clammed up, trying to avoid their pugnacious expressions.


"Kaze, aren't you going to do something about this!?" Carmen cried, turning to him with a vicious gaze, "She's terrified. If this keeps up, she'll be traumatized for life by next week!"

"I'm curious, too, as you still haven't answered me." Sage smiled from the other side, her expression clashing with the police chief's panic.

"Do you two think me a man who would allow a woman to suffer unwanted economic gain?" Kaze scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I've already accounted for this barbarity, so I needn't do anything.

Effective policies make perpetrators punish themselves."


"Is... there anyone else?" Kylie winced, looking at everyone with an embattled expression. Just asking made her feel disgusting. "Okay, we're going to start the priority bidding--"

Thunderous laughter rang out in the ballroom, making tears trickle down the blonde's cheeks. She wanted it to end.

The brunette cringed and continued. "We'll start with first--"

"My apologies, Kylie." Jake announced abruptly, walking onto the stage with the auction booklet, "Since it's the first night, I want to ensure you haven't forgotten about Article 6 about sex work auctioning."

"Thank you for checking...." Kylie said, flipping to the rules. Her eyes lit up when she read the passage, and she turned to Mary with a bright smile. "My apologies, everyone.

I forgot to explain a rule that I'm certain everyone will be grateful for.

Only the exact number of people necessary to fulfill a service, including priority bidding, is required to commit.

Those who pre-ordered can express their desire to drop out. If they do, they will not be charged if the auction brings in enough RP to cover the service.

In this case, most people can back out. As long as you aren't the top bid, you can raise the back side of your sign to express your desire to back out."

A flurry of whistles from the men called out, reacting positively to the statement that [most people can back out]. However--

"Don't worry, Mary." Kylie whispered, grabbing her hand with a strange smile, "Kaze Lexicon is a monster, but he's on your side."

--the men frowned when the brunette whispered something, and Mary's eyes lit up with hope.

"Let's get started, everyone!" Kylie announced with vibrant enthusiasm, "There are sixty-six men who want to sleep with Mary Remarts this week--who wants to be first before the line?"

A wave of dread washed over the men when they heard her words. They all realized the horrifying situation that they had gotten themselves into.

Everyone had paid a massive amount of RP, and if people didn't drop out, someone would be paying 20 months of rent--to be the sixty-sixth man who slept with a sex worker that week.

To prevent that, they'd have to back out or shovel RP in Mary's pockets. Both would humiliate those who mocked her. It was an absolute disaster.

"Bidding for first place starts at 1 RP--you may begin!" Kylie announced enthusiastically.

"5 RP!"

"10 RP!"

"20 RP!"

"21 RP!"

"23 RP!"

"30 RP!"

"50 RP!"

"51 RP!"

"52 RP!"

"53 RP!"

"54 RP!"


"74 RP!"

"75 RP!"

The ballroom fell silent when they saw Trent, the sadistic bearded soldier reveling in her pain, holding his sign with a rapidly beating heart. He hadn't fully processed the situation until Kylie called his number and asked if anyone would bid higher.

His stomach sank when he saw all the women snickering at him, not understanding the full extent of his action.

"First place goes to... Trent Phillips!" Kylie announced brightly, "He'll be the first to spend an [hour] with Mary for a striking 95 reputation points!

You alone have almost fulfilled her goal to take private classes. I'm sure she'll be [equally] enthusiastic about your [hour] together."

Mary's eyes widened, processing the situation for the first time. Originally, it made her sick when she learned she'd be sleeping with the sadistic pig reveling in her fear.

However, after hearing that she'd bleed the man dry, stealing all his opportunities in one go, she didn't mind. She almost looked forward to it.

After all, Kaze was personally overseeing the first day, and if Trent tried to take out his frustration on her, the emperor would rip his limbs off. It was satisfying.

The thought made the blonde regain some of her characteristic confidence, smirking at the man.

"I-I didn't know how the auction worked." Trent said, "I-I'm not sure what's going on!"

All the women in the area booed his words.

"We've already held two auctions." Kylie smiled professionally, communicating her satisfied vindication with her eyes, "You're also holding the rules in that booklet.

As you pointed out earlier--Mary can't back out. So you shouldn't be surprised you can't either."

A woman cheered, and an explosion of female applause shot into the room, picking up steam with the men, who were excited to keep the ridicule train churning.

There was a satisfying reversal in an instant, and the area became the town square for a public execution of pigs.

"You could've had a private room for that much money!"

"Shit, I think you could've had room in the Executive!"

"That's like, five points away from private classes with Kaze, right?"

"This is beautiful; men are paying to fuck this girl, but she's fucking them instead!"

"That's basically the same thing."

"Not when it comes to money, honey."

The women burst into giggles, throwing their arms in the air. Now they were having the time of their lives.

Countless people enjoyed watching Trent, who took pleasure in the woman's suffering on stage, getting berated mercilessly to the same extent.

No, it was worse.

While Mary was about to get everything after an hour of sex, he lost everything. He could call her a whore all he wanted, but she was the winner, and he was the fool.


"Hoh?" Kaze mused with a ridiculing tone, "Does no one seek to berate me for my cruel and unjust policies against women?"

Sage giggled, watching the police chief's expression crumble in disbelief. "You'll get used to it."

"Get used to what?" Carmen asked, whipping her bouncy ponytail to meet the woman's gaze.

"Kaze being right." The redhead smiled.

"He's talented and knows it." The beautiful black police chief said, "I know it as well; there's no dispute here. So why are you making him sound infallible?"

"He's not infallible." Sage smiled, turning to her with a venomous smile, "He's just better at playing this game.

The sooner you figure out that Kaze is a powerful, [experienced] man, not a teenager, the sooner you'll stop losing."

Kaze glanced at the redhead in amusement. "I lack the words to label such a remarkably loaded statement."

She complimented his skill, called him powerful, noted his sexual experience, boldly declared speculation as fact, and insulted the police chief in two sentences.

"Then allow me to label it." Sage said with a sly smile, "Facts."

He smiled slightly, narrowing his eyes at her. "I look forward to learning what you want."

"I'll save you the trouble." The redhead said, glancing at him with her beautiful green eyes, "I want everything.

Power. Prestige. Riches.

I want to live out my dreams; once I do, I want to live the dreams of others.

So long as it follows your laws and desires, I want to do whatever I want when I want--to buy anything or anyone for any action I desire."


"Third placement goes for 53 RP!" Kylie announced, making the women giggle, "That puts Mary at 247, breaking Mackenzie's record with one less person!"


"For freedom of desire?" Kaze asked, amused and curious, "Power? Or do you find strange sexual gratification from the pain of others?"

"None of those options." Sage replied magnetically, "I enjoy ruling people through [their] desires, not authority. To chain them to their greed and make them dance for it--that's what I desire."

The emperor's eyes changed, expressing fascination and expressing a lethal warning.

After interacting with humans for over five thousand years, he had met countless people with immeasurable greed. However, her greed was infinitely [darker] and more dangerous than the carnal desires of others.

Sage wouldn't become corrupted with power and abuse the desperate. On the contrary, she sought that corruption in others and found pleasure in exploiting it.

She enjoyed abusing people who didn't [need] but desired. That way, she could see their faces when she reminded them that they [paid] or begged her to hurt them.

Sage Harrington made positive [consent] a harrowing concept. She was a truly terrifying individual.

Kaze discerned her desires instantly, noting that he needed to keep her under watch. After all, she was sophisticated and didn't break any rules--that was what she enjoyed.

Immortal Skye wasn't a democracy with a legal system riddled with loopholes. If she were dangerous, he would imprison or kill her.

However, she was a competent, sophisticated ally he could benefit from heavily if he kept her restrained. Her confession seemed to say: [good luck controlling me, Emperor.]

It left Kaze cautious but excited about the game.


"Before I continue, I want to remind everyone that if no one initiates a fifth-place bid, no one can back out." Kylie warned, "If that happens, the service provider, Mary, chooses your spot.

So if you want to back out, we recommend you do so now. Waiting to see the price of the fifth placement may not be an option, let alone the tenth."

The brunette's words instantly create an icy panic in the room, with every pig realizing they'd be dead last if they didn't bid high or back out.

Mary watched with a strange expression. While she was happy to be rich, she was still lined up with dozens of people that made her feel sick. RP wasn't the problem.

However, Kylie's strangely optimistic words played back in her head, stuck on repeat, haunting her like a broken record.


[Kaze Lexicon is a monster, but he's on your side.]


As if prophetic, her words were a powder keg that exploded after the warning.

"I'm out!"

"Count me out!"

"Please drop me."

"Sorry for wasting your time."

"I've changed my mind."

"I'm bowing out, but you can keep the RP. Consider it asshole tax."

The floodgate of men backing out abruptly stopped when a man openly admitted he was wrong.

"Redeemed!" A woman chimed loudly, sending a wave of giggles crashing through the ballroom.

"I agree!"

"At least one of them is alright!"

"Wow, that's refreshing!"

"Hey girl, forgive him!"

Mary blinked twice in confusion, looking at the embarrassed man who didn't want the attention. "Ummm... I don't know what to say... I didn't think he was rude."

The man had laughed with everyone but didn't make rude statements or revel in her pain.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeew!" A woman whistled, "Ten-four! We got a decent guy in this cesspool!"

An explosion of cheering went out.

Soon, over a dozen men donated their RP to cheering women and laughing men, enjoying the [simp donations].

As for the rest, they were ridiculed mercilessly for being assholes [and] not making donations. It was a reputation execution.

Lastly, those who were waiting to see how many more people would back out before making a decision--

"Okay, we're down to 12 men!" Kylie announced brightly, "Who would like to bid on the fifth placement? If a person bids and another doesn't follow, they get it for the minimum price. You may begin!"

"10 RP!"

"11 RP!"

"12 RP!"


They were drawn in by human desires and economic incentives to start and remain bidding. As a result, they ended up in the same place as the first bidders.


"Wow...." Kylie said, looking at the books, "I doubt the placement cost will exceed 20 RP.

So with 410 reputation points from priority bidding and pre-orders and 280 in donations, Mary will leave with around 603 reputation points after the 10% tax.

That will likely make her the richest citizen of Immortal Skye for 7 hours of work."

The audience gasped when they heard the final statement.

Somehow sixty-six people pre-ordered her service for 20 RP a piece, totaling 1,320 RP, yet she got 690, more than half, for having sex with seven people.

It was the most absurd thing imaginable.

Mary cried tears of joy at Kylie's words, moved beyond words that she wouldn't get maliciously used as a toy for sadistic male pleasure.

She looked to the skybox and bowed slightly, praising the man who always protected people like her, even from the shadows, with his policies and institutions.

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