Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 196 "Interrogation"

"Will I betray you?" Sage asked in faux shock, "My heavens, I would neverrrrYyaaaahhHHHhhhHHHHHhhhHHh~!"

Kaze had many inconsequential questions, but he wasn't joking about that one. So he cranked up the voltage on his divine technique and ran his fingers up her lower thighs and back, sending pleasure shooting through her body.

The redhead thrashed around, moaning, twitching, and kicking, trying to stay sane.

"It depends!" She cried at full volume, making him reverse his fingers with a greyish aura that mildly suppressed the pleasure.

"Depends?" The emperor scoffed, "The willingness to betray someone for any reason is an omission that you're willing to betray them."

"W-Wait!" Sage cried, feeling his fingers trace into her inner thighs, "I-It depends on your definition of betrayal! I can't speak to your expectations!"

He smiled, hearing her astute answer, and pulled his hand away.


Kaze slapped her lingerie-laden bubble butt, making it giggle gloriously as an ominous, curse-like aura overtook her body. "Now we're on track. What is your definition of betrayal?"

"I-I create impartial terms of cooperation for [everything] I do." Sage stuttered, "Anything beyond the scope of those terms should've been in our agreement."

"I find that preferable." He continued, tracing her inner thighs without a technique, "Concerning the law and loyalty?"

"I-I get off on wearing my intentions on my s-sleeve." She explained between sharp breaths, "If someone didn't know I was leaving or counter-striking, they deserve to be betrayed."

"That's understandable." Kaze mused, mulling it over, "I don't mind mercenaries, as their loyalty is impartial and tied to something predictable."

Mercenaries kill people for money; they'll kill their past employers for enough money.

The emperor didn't mind such people, as they wouldn't betray him, so long as he paid them enough, and he'd know if they might attack if he didn't.

They were predictable and reliable, something he appreciated.

"I-I'm glad that someone here is rational." Sage said with an ecstatic smile, "I've suffered my whole life listening to nonsense from people my age.

Well, I suppose you're not my age, but that doesn't matter."

Kaze chuckled and patted her butt playfully, making her stop talking and shudder. "Let's get my other important question out of the way.

[Are you seeking to use me for non-equal benefit like you are for the Scavengers leaders?]"

"What kind of question is that?" The redhead laughed, "I wish to use you mercilessliiiiiiie~"

He tapped her clit through her panties for a fraction of a second [without a technique]. However, the pleasure had built up so much that her voice cracked like a pubescent teen giving a falsetto.

"What was that?" Kaze mused.

"Y-You're no… fun." Sage swallowed, taking a sharp breath, "I'm an equal benefit to you as I will be to Rick and Haley of the Scavengers.

Our relationship benefits them heavily; if they fall victim to their greed, that's their own fault.

You're not an exception. I'll build your economy in exchange for wealth and power; I won't apologize if you fall victim to material or sexual desires during that time."

The emperor smiled in amusement, fascinated by her viewpoint. "That's fair."

So long as she followed his laws and their agreements, anything happening outside of that was his problem.

The emperor took pride in avoiding traps and refused to blame other people for his incompetence. If she trapped him, he deserved it.

"Good, now… are you gonna start again?" Sage asked with a broken voice laced with strange enthusiasm.

"Are you already so eager to resume?" Kaze chuckled in amazement.

"How… do I explain this?" She giggled like a lunatic, "It's… the worst experience I've ever encountered. However… it's still pleasing, right?

As soon as that pleasure's gone, I want it again despite knowing it'll harm me. Is this… what addiction feels like?"

"I imagine it is." He frowned, hearing her thrill, "However, something this mild will wear off by the conclusion, and I'll wipe your pleasure channels, normalizing them after. So you needn't worry of addiction."

"Oh, I'm~not worried." Sage said, touching her fingertips to her lips, "Neither do addicted people. That's the problem, isn't it? How exciting."

Kaze smiled and shook his head, taking a deep breath. "The only good thing about that warped mind of yours is knowing it would survive excessive trauma."

Unwilling to refuse her request, he lit his fingers in radiant light and examined her pleasure channels before lowering her fingers.

"S-STOP!" Sage screamed, kicking her legs and squirming, rolling on his legs, "K-Kaze, KAY~ZE, S-Top~it."

"If you seek relief, you have a special word I forced you to give me." He commented with a hypnotic, half-sadistic tone, "Since you insisted on the theme, you must repent for your poor decisions."

The redhead was in agony and telling him to stop. However, pain is the valued feature of a sadomasochistic sexual experience.

While most people would never understand what would drive someone to derive sexual pleasure from pain, maltreatment, or abuse, masochists do.

Kaze stopping on her request could ruin her sexual experience and desires. That is the purpose of creating a safe word, an unambiguous phrase that says [stop]. He'd cease the operation and cleanse her body if she said that word.

Since she didn't, he continued playing the sadist, telling her that she'd have to use her safe word, [sorry], literally. His actions were solely for the sake of roleplaying.

"I-I don't say that worrRRrRrr~deh!" Sage screeched, kicking around as he glided his fingers around her shoulders and down her arms, sending sensitivity to her nipples.

"Such is the nature of a safe word." Kaze smiled viciously, "You wished to engage without an out, yes? That's why you created a humiliating word.

Now, you must abide by your ill-judged principles and have no out or admit to being a brazen fool, reveling in your feelings of sexual superiority."

"I-I can't do that!" Sage screamed, kicking her legs, "P-Please… K-KaaahhHHhhaaZzeEe~!"

Kaze lifted his hand high and—


—Sage's entire body spasmed when a black aura engulfed it, sending a wave of static electricity jolting through her brain.

The redhead's body fell limp for a moment, her eyes trembling in disbelief.

"W-Wh-Why?" She murmured dolefully, "Why… stop?"

He chuckled in amusement and pulled away his hand, allowing her to recover for a moment.

"While I'd love to oblige your new interest in masochistic pleasure for hours, I do not have all night to feed your insatiable hunger." Kaze smiled mockingly, "Instead, there's one last question I wish to know before I put you out of your misery."

Sage shivered at his word choice, letting a cool sensation wash over her body. "And that is?"

"Do you wish for me to save you through enslaving you to your desires for me?" He asked magnetically, "Answer my question thoroughly, or there will be consequences."

Kaze glided his finger up her thigh, pushing his finger into her black panties, soaking from becoming overstimulated. He glided his finger over her labia and held it with an eerie stillness, a moment away from pushing and opening her lips.

The redhead's eyes rolled to the back of her head, trying to process the situation. Even the slightest indication he might give her sexual fulfillment sent a wave of hope over her.

At the same time, the pleasure was a gateway to suffering in the situation. So she was equally torn, considering that his consequence could be overbearing and complete.

Lastly, she enjoyed the thought of all of it.

"Why not?" Sage asked, "It wouldn't be the worse thiiIIiiiiEeeEinG~!"

She shut her eye and screeched with a rollercoaster tone, moving in and out of audibility as she smashed her face into his bed.

The pleasure she experienced from him entering her lips with his technique was so extreme that she couldn't imagine him touching her clit.

However, that was the warning he was giving her.

"H-Hey!" Sage snapped, "What's wrong with my answer!? Must everything have a concrete response? Sometimes a person just wants to… experience…."

Her eyes widened when she realized he had moved his fingers out of her body, and the pleasure disappeared without his counter technique.

"What's… going on?" The redhead asked, turning to her left to look at her interrogator in confusion.

Kaze met her with an amused, mocking smile laced with poisonous ridicule. "Hoh? Did you honestly think I'd give you [what you wanted]? Such insanity has no place in this room."

"I…." Sage's eyes widened when he called out for asking for the excruciating suffering, "You really can read people's sexual desires like a book."

"I can." He smiled, "Now then, answer my question, and I shall give you intense sexual pleasure you've never experienced and give you release from that suffering so divine that it will bring you closer to enlightenment."

An abnormal desire stripped her of her breath, piercing her lungs without mercy.

"I… don't concern myself with things that I cannot control." Sage replied thoughtfully, "So, assuming you're capable, I cannot control whether you'll enslave me.

I will give you my body if you desire it and refuse to trust anyone, least of all concerning my physical, economic, or mental freedom.

I've made my choice, and I can't control the consequences. So whether you enslave me or not is irrelevant in my eyes."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Kaze chuckled, clicking his tongue, "I'm asking if you [want] it, not whether it matters."

"Are you honestly answering such a pointless question?" She groaned, laying her head on the red silk sheets, "Would someone become a harlot to rid themself of depression?

Would someone give up their voice to rid their crippling back pain?

Would someone kill themself if it guaranteed them moving to the afterlife with their lover?

Everyone wishes to eliminate depression, back pain, loss, and loneliness. However, achieving it through another affliction runs the risk of ending up in a worse place."

"So you wish to be free of your sadistic desires?" He smiled, satisfied he successfully mined his real answer from her.

"Not at all." Sage chuckled ominously, "My affliction is not being able to have a relationship with you. If you rid me of these thoughts, I can do that, yes? The alternative is whether a relationship with you is worth my freedom.

Either way, that decision isn't in my control. I'm excited to see what you do."

The emperor's eyes widened in amusement. "Is that so? Well, at the very least, I'll make you feel loved by fulfilling your desires—mercilessly."

"P-Please do." The redhead begged.

Kaze smiled, grabbed the elastic of her black lingerie, and pulled them down, baring her perfectly shaped peach, meticulously waxed before she dressed. "As you wish.

Just remember that you begged for my [tyranny]."

Sage shuddered when she heard him assume her role, declaring he'd take pleasure in abusing her after she begged him to. While she didn't get off on that concept in general, hearing it from Kaze Lexicon filled her with a boundless thrill. "I-I didn't understand my actions."

"Is that what your playthings say?" He mused magnetically.

"It is." The redhead smiled.

"Fascinating." Kaze smiled chillingly, "Do you know what people deeming themselves my [playthings] say?"

"WhaaaaAHhhHHhhhHHHH~!" Sage moaned uncontrollably, groaning like an animal, "KaYyyyyyyyyaaahhHHhh~! WhhaahHHHhhH~!"

She thrashed around as he spread her labia and inserted his finger, triggering a cultivation technique to increase sensitivity within her.

"Nothing." Kaze declared with a malicious smile, "If someone deems themself my [plaything], I refuse to let their full submission get met with even a lost second of pleasure."

"AhHHhhhHHhhHhh~!" Sage screamed into his bed, feeling him finger her perfectly, playing with her body like a flute. Her thighs were dripping, and her clit was throbbing.

He wasn't overwhelming her with painful pleasure. Instead, he was giving her natural pleasure that was equally intense but moving toward a climax.

"K-KayYyy~ahH." The redhead stuttered, trying to speak but failing. She tried multiple times but gave up, experiencing multiple rolling orgasms simultaneously.

When she was approaching a climax—


—her eyes shot open when she felt him slap his bare hand against her ass with considerable force.

"YEiiAH!" Sage screeched sharply, feeling the intense shift from pleasure to pain, "WhAHhhhHHhahhhH~!"

As she tried to ask about the situation, he stopped her by resuming his fingering, not letting her say a word—as promised.

The only word he'd accept was [sorry]. Beyond that, she wouldn't speak.

"I… I… IIIIII~!" She screamed, edging toward a climax again.


"GahhHHHhh!" Sage groaned, feeling another lost orgasm. It was a very different type of torture she was experiencing.

The redhead wondered if Kaze was resetting her brain by making pleasure desirable again—or if it mattered. She had never felt so sexually confused. It almost felt like anything he did, good or bad, nefarious or knightly, was equally good.









As time progressed, his orgasms retained the same intensity, but his spanks lessened in force. Despite that, just the slightest touch became unbearably pleasurable.

It was a reward that increased significantly, twisting her mind until a lackluster spank triggered her body, and she exploded with a violent orgasm.

Her body twitched uncontrollably in his lap.

"I…." Sage gasped, breathing heavily on his body, "I… feel like I'd do [anything] for you right now…. Does that mean… that you made me your kitten?"

Kaze chuckled in amusement, watching her exhausted expression. "No, that feeling will fade. I wouldn't chain someone to their pleasure for me unless they truly desired it."

"Can… huuuuuh." She began, exhaling deeply with a sweaty body, "I change my mind…? I… wouldn't even mind… calling you master."

"That's the sex talking." He smiled amusedly, "But I will use you for fellatio. I haven't had this level of sexual facination in a long time."

The redhead's mind lit up like a firework show when he said he'd [use] her. She immediately pushed on the bed to get herself up, but her arms buckled, and she smashed into the bed.

"It'll take a moment." Kaze announced charmingly, "Just enjoy that feeling for me, as pleasing women is what I desire most."

Sage closed her eyes in bliss, grateful that the thoughts that plagued her had stopped for a moment and looking forward to the session that awaited.

The redhead opened her mouth above his monstrous cock, remembering the last time she went down on him.

Back then, she was driven by a desire for his reputation. Now, she had his [power] but genuinely wanted to please him. It was strange.

That was the thought she had as she inserted his penis into her mouth and closed her mouth tight, sucking passionately, trying to please him.

Kaze watched her with a mysterious expression, feeling genuine physical pleasure, proof of his excitement.

The emperor watched her bobbing her head, wondered what flavor of hell awaited him and whether he'd have to kill the dark and twisted woman pleasing him.

While he didn't like that idea, that was her game, and it genuinely filled him with excitement.

He thought about it, eyes closed, laying on the bed while enjoying the sexual gratification their night led up to.

Kaze let her continue until she was worn out, feeling overused before climaxing and letting her naked body fall to the bed like a broken doll, satisfied beyond comprehension.

While she looked damaged, he could see gratitude and relief on her face, free from the constant, intense desires that drove her actions.

"I wonder if you'll ever truly want to live a simple life." Kaze mused, lifting her after she fell asleep, creating a rift to her room, and placing her on her bed. "If she did... I wonder what I'd do about it."

Then he went back and returned with her red dress and underwear, placing them into a hamper before leaving with a strange smile.

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