Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


Pleasure. It was called pleasure.

It was a word I was still unfamiliar with. In fact, I learned that in the North, if you live in pursuit of pleasure, you will be corrupted. That was what an educator would say.

Kwanach hugged me tightly and stroked me between my legs. I closed my eyes tightly and scratched Kwanach’s shoulders with my fingernails.

“Here… You can touch this place when you do it alone.”

“Ahhh, Kwanach…please!”

My pelvis and lower abdomen were burning hot and painful. At the same time, I had goosebumps on my spine.

My head went blank. Kwanach’s thick, rough fingers moved without mercy, and I could do nothing but grab his arms. My speech became quieter and quieter, and all I could do was moan and moan.


Starlight shone before my eyes. I kept twisting my legs and my bottoms, but it was hard to move because Kwanach was holding on to me with his strong arms…

My mouth opened on its own. The tip of my tongue, exposed to air, went dry. There was no pain or pressure from the touching, just pure pleasure went through me.

Kwanach pressed his lips on my forehead and whispered.

“You are doing well.”

“Haaaa…yes. …but it’s scary……”

“It’s not scary. I touched you yesterday, you just didn’t know it.”

In the midst of my mental breakdown, the only place I could hold on to was Kwanach. I clung to him and moaned.

I had never heard of such pleasure before. Does everyone live with this kind of experience? Why wasn’t it mentioned in those many books I had read?

It was an unfamiliar new world. I was submerged in a rush of pleasure. My eyes, which were tightly closed, became watery.

“ah, ah, ah!”

Eventually my whole body felt like it was being penetrated, my toes got hard, but my back stood up on its own.

Kwanach withdrew his hand, clasped my chin, and kissed me hurriedly. A busy tongue entered my mouth and dug all over it.

I was gasping for breath and reeling.

It was a sensation that climaxed and dissolved. I had felt it several times yesterday, but the climax that came without connecting bodies was different.

Moans escaped from our engaged lips.

Kwanach kissed me roughly, holding my chin in one hand and the back of my head in the other. His hot tongue dug deep down my throat.

When my mouth was stinging, Kwanach pulled away and looked at me. My body, which had passed its peak, was exhausted and sobbing.

“Did it feel good?”

I sobbed. Kwanach wiped my tears away with his thick thumb.

“This is not unusual, Usphere.”

Kwanach gently kissed my forehead.

“Get used to it. From now on, you will experience this every day.”

“…. every day?”

Ignoring my dumb question, Kwanach grabbed the cloth again.

“Let’s wash first.”

I squirmed on Kwanach’s thighs. His arousal was still unrelieved.

In the middle of my struggle, I asked him.

“Kwanach….you are….”

“Don’t worry about it. I will solve it in my own way. I’m not such a bad person to jump on you again.”

Actually, I almost said I would do it again. I was even hotter than before under the rush of excitement.

“So you, too, do ‘that’ alone?”

Is there any way for a man to do it alone as Kwanach did for me earlier? It was a question that arose out of pure doubt.

Kwanach’s hand, which was wiping my back with the cloth, stopped moving. He coughed a few times and then said.

“Of course….if I didn’t do it alone, how could I have endured it with you by my side until now?”

“Ah, I see…….”

“Do they really don’t tell the women in the north anything?”

“The commoners may be a little different, but I didn’t know.”

“Oh my God. It must be a long way to go. Let’s learn together.”

“Didn’t you learn everything? Do you still have more left?”

“Of course. We’ll learn enough for you to tempt me.”

“That….. I’ll try my best.”

I bowed my head from embarrassment. Kwanach smiled low and rubbed his lips on my ear.

It was a long and dizzying bath time.

* * *

Around the time when  a couple was immersed in happiness at a very late dawn. Far away in the north, Diaquit shouted in anger.

“D*mn it!”

It was right after he heard the news that Roman was unable to cross the border of the Radon Empire and was inevitably caught by Kwanach.

“He said he was confident in his escape!”

Diaquit punched his office desk. Then he immediately covered his hand and scowled. He had learned swordsmanship as a child, but he had neglected his training, so his hands were as soft as a woman’s.

He didn’t believe Roman like an ironstone when he saw Roman’s real face when the transformation magic was released.

When he asked if Roman was a b*stard child of the Pernen royal family, Roman didn’t reply, only smiled bitterly.

Although he received no confirmation, Diaquit was almost certain. Roman must be the child of that mad royal family.

Still, it was a dynasty that had ruled the South for centuries. Diaquit decided that if he joined forces with Roman, he would have something to put forward politically in many ways. Besides, Roman was a very powerful wizard. And with the experiment he had planned.

But it all came to a crashing halt.

“It’s because of Usphere. That girl!”

Diaquit’s face was red with anger.

Where in the world did it go wrong?

Diaquit was troubled. It was not by any means that he was going to send Usphere to the Radon empire as a bride.

“Should I have gone along with the original plan?”

At first, he thought about assassinating Kwanach on the day of the wedding. However, Kwanach had survived hundreds of assassination attempts so far.

It was an extremely unlikely plan, and if it failed, every arrow would come back to the kingdom of Achaia. With the stigma of having cowardly broken the alliance, it would have been difficult to rally the allied forces.

So the next best thing was to kill Usphere. He pretended to be a caring brother, who had regretfully lost his sister, and acted the part.

If successful, the honor-conscious Northern monarchs would join him in his war against the Radon empire. Diaquit decided that if he could grow the Northern Force large enough, the odds were in his favor. And he had Roman behind him.

But it looked like Roman’s experiment was a long way from being completed by the time of the wedding. He spent his time preparing Usphere to be a spy.

He considered using Usphere to his advantage. For he never dreamed that she would betray her country, her brother.

“The faithless traitor!”

He was the one who did the dirty tricks behind the scenes, but blamed Usphere for his failure.

If only there had been no Usphere!

If she had not proceeded to the border area, Roman would have escaped the empire safely.

What Usphere did at the border spread to the North. The magic of greatness.

It was a time when magic was disappearing. All people were enthralled by mythical tales. Like a heroic tale, the story of Usphere spread quickly across the continent.

‘I’m sure they have exaggerated it.’

Otherwise, how could that weak girl split the ground and make plants soar to the sky? She wasn’t that powerful when she was in the kingdom of Achaia.

How could she be so powerful in an empire so far away from the Silver forest?

“I don’t know what the hell you did, but you ruined everything, Usphere. But you put our homeland in danger.”

Diaquit hated hai sister terribly. Just picturing her pale face in his mind made him shake with anger.

When she was a little girl, he didn’t hate Usphere as much as this. No, when their mother was alive, they were quite close siblings.

However, as time passed, the twisted emotions in Diaquit gradually increased their volume.

Usphere was an Awakener, born one per generation in the Catatel family.

The inferiority complex over the fact that Usphere took the power instead of the eldest son, was the beginning of the dirty feelings.

Why did the Silver forest choose his weak sister instead of him? He asked the question every night as he gazed at the forest with sadness. No matter how many times he thought about it, he could not understand it.

Moreover, since her awakening, Usphere had changed somewhat.

Originally, both Usphere and his young brother Jenner had listened to Diaquit obediently. They would shrink their shoulders when he shouted loudly and obeyed his words.

But the awakened Usphere was different. Despite the fact that Diaquit had replaced their father as regent, she still talked back.

She must have been elated because she was an Awakener. How dared she ignored him! That girl was always like that, ever since her awakening. How dared she looked at him with those calm eyes!

Diaquit clenched his fists, shaking with anger.

“D*mn it, d*mn it…….!”

Roman was caught. He might reveal the truth. Then it would be over.

The credibility of the Achaia kingdom will fall to the ground and Kwanach will not forgive Diaquit. Now he had to do whatever it took, since he was standing on the edge of a cliff anyway. He could not just die with doing anything like this.

Diaquit worked his brain, his reason half paralyzed by anger and anxiety.

“No matter what happens…even if my head flies off, I will take you with me, Usphere.”

Diaquit had no intention of forgiving his sister for ruining his ambition to dominate the continent.

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