Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife

Chapter 188

Old Mister Jing’s words makes the atmosphere suddenly turns cold. It’s even more silent than the previously when everyone knows that Jing Bo Yuan will not appear.

Every members of Jing family are confused, except Jing Zong.

Old Mister Jing looks at everyone confused stare and anger, but he just braces himself to finish it: “As for the engagement, for the moment it’ll be cancelled. Qiao Qiao, return me your engagement ring, later on Ye Ye will give you prettier one as a compensation......”

Old Mister Jing feels that moment is the most embarrassing moment in his life.

“What do you mean? At first you guys as Jing family mentioned to us about this engagement. This kind of simple engagement, for our daughter’s happiness, we just endure it. Jing Bo Yuan, the main actor, doesn’t appear and you asked his Mama to give the ring to our daughter, now you want to cancel the engagement, are you regarding us as monkeys? I cannot accept this!”

Huang Wei Juan is so furious. She slaps the table. “Don’t think that your Jing family is so great that you can bully us. Today you need to give us a satisfying explanation, if not I’ll not let this go!”

This time Gu Xing De doesn’t stop Huang Wei Juan, it’s clear that he is angry too.

Gu Qiao’s family members also show their sour face.

The engagement just happened that it’s just being cancelled. It’s not only humiliate Gu Qiao but also the family.

“Lao Xian Sheng (Old Mister), your action is wrong. Our Qiao Qiao is a good and reputable woman. Today how can she be treated in this kind of way. Jing family indeed is a rich and powerful, you guys think highly of your reputation but if this news spreads outside, I’m afraid it’ll cause a great sensation.”

“Yes, if you don’t want this engagement to happen, why you plan this? Are you joking?”

“If you do something like this, what will happen to Qiao Qiao in the future, you should give us a satisfying explanation.”

“Right, you should. Gu family is not as powerful as Jing family, but we also have our reputation.”

Old Mister Jing indeed is wrong this time.

He maintains his calm and let Gu family members talk with each other.

The atmosphere turns serious.

Jing family members are also a bit confused about the current condition. They don’t know what should they do or talk.

After a while of silence.

Jing Zong stands up and raises his glass of wine. He says politely: “No matter what is the reason. The engagement today is cancelled. For this matter, indeed our Jing family is wrong. We will not avoid to take responsibility. What compensation are you looking for, please tell us directly. As long it’s not excessive, Jing family will try its best to do it.”

He simply means that no matter what the marriage will not happen, he wants Gu family to say their conditions.

Based on Jing family’s high position, they can get lots of benefits.

Gu family members are looking at each other, they start to think.

Huang Wei Juan’s anger face starts to calm down. She starts to think and turns her head to look at Gu XIng De. She says coldly: “Our daughter’s reputation in a single day just suffer a great damage, tell me how will Jing family compensate us?”

Gu Qiao lowers her head and doesn’t say anything. Her body starts to tremble when she hears her mother’s words.

Zhoa You Jia could feel sadness on her aura. He hates himself that he cannot hug her to comfort her.

Qiao Qiao......

Jing Zong understands Huang Wei Juan’s intention. He smiles: “The thing has ended this way, what do you think we should solve it?”

Huang Wei Juan glances at Gu xing De again, Gu Xing De drinks his wine. Then he speaks up: “We are Gu Qiao’s father and mother. Today Gu Qiao receive a great humiliation. We as parents, have also experienced something as if it had happened to ourself. Let’s think in our position. If it’s your daughter that is played during her engagement day, what is your feeling?”

Gu Xing De is reasonable.

Jing Xong looks at Gu Xing De and looks at Gu Qiao: “Qiao Qiao, you always someone that is sensible. You know your place well. You are a good kid, but our A Yuan has no good fortune to deserve you. Don’t worry this break off an engagement, I believe everyone here will not spread it out.”

“Of course.” Someone says it.

Jing Zong smiles and continues: “Qiao Qiao, I think you understand A Yuan’s feeling.....”

Gu Qiao suddenly stands up. Her eyes are full of tear. It falls down drop by drop.

“Jing Bo Bo (Uncle Jing), don’t talk anymore. I understand, I really understand. It’s just my own wishful thinking. It’s my karma of my own action. It’s unrelated with anyone. he doesn’t like me, I also know it. Today let’s think that there’s no engagement, this never happens. I have nothing to do with him.”

She says it and raises her wine glass. She looks around and says her apology: “I, as a junior, ask forgiveness for my wrong, I’m sorry that I waste your half day.”

She finishes her wine. Then she takes off the ring and places it on the table. Then she pushes her chair and just leaves without even wearing her coat. She just runs away with her sleeveless short dress.

Along the way she keeps on bumping into several waiters.

Zhao You Jia follows her and stops her on the roadside. He drapes his coat on her shoulder.

Her face is full of tear, she starts to struggle.

“Qiao Qiaok, don’t be like this!”

Gu Qiao loses one of her shoe when she runs. She then falls down to the ground. The weather in Jing City is so cold now. Her skin starts to turn purple, yet she doesn’t feel cold. She just sits there and cries silently.

Zhao You Jia carries her up and takes her to the parking area. He puts her inside his car and opens the heater.

Gu Qiao just sits down there with his empty stare. She is quiet.

“Qiao Qiao...”

Carlton hotel, private room.

After Gu Qiao leaves, the other family members of Jing and Gu family starts to leave successively. Except Jing family internal family and Gu Xing De and his wife.

Before they leave, Jing Zong orders them to not spread this thing out. Everyone agrees and promises him.

Then Jing Zong speaks without reservation: “Everyone is sensible person, I think I don’t need to talk beat around the bush. The matter is in this step, I think you should think of how to get benefit. I think you are smart.”

Huang Wei Juan is sitting there and looks at Gu Xing De.

Though Huang Wei Juan is strong and bossy but in every critical moment she still needs Gu Xing De’s idea.

Gu Xing De smokes his cigarette and thinks about something.

Then after a while, he says: “I have holiday village project but because a condition, I cannot carry it out.”

Huang Wei Juan’s eyes turn bright when she hears about this. Yes, she forgot about this. If Jing Zong is willing to help, it will easy to implement it.

It’s just the capital needed for that project is huge amount of money, Jing Yan can give it out, but if they can get it from Jing family, it should be beneficial for them?

Huang Wei Juan feels that that is a brilliant idea.

Gu Xing De continues: “Er Luo bay is not easy to get.”

Jing Zong smiles. As long as they mention about a condition, what happens today will be solved.

“That land is not within my and Lao San’s jurisdiction. It’s a bit hard......” In negotiation, he always believes that he shouldn’t agree at the first time. If not it will make the the other party become more arrogant and he will fall into a trap.

Jing Zong is skilled negotiator.

Gu Xing De laughs coldly: “why should you be so modest, with your three brothers’ name even one of your name, who is dare to not follow your wish to get your favor, it’s just a matter of one call.”

Jing Zong smiles: “Brother Gu, you are not in official circles, you don’t understand about our difficulty. We cannot be careless because a mistake will make a great loss. I have seen a lot of officials are losing their position because of this. I think brother Gu should hear that for this matters is not only a simple call.”

Gu Xing De notices his intention and snorts. He doesn’t say anything else.

After a moment, Ji Zong seems to think of something. He says: “But I remmebr that I have an older male cousin that works there, perhaps I can help you to ask aroudn. As for whether it will be successful or not, I am not sure.”

This simply means that he agrees to help.

Gu Xing De’s face turns a bit calmer.

Old Mister Jing sees that his son has successful solved this matter. He is impatient to leave: “Since we has agreed one something, then let’s leave. I also need to go to hospital.”

“Wait.” Huang Wei Juan says, “As for what happened today, shouldn’t A Yuan be someone that takes responsibility, shouldn’t he appear and explain to us?”

She is an clever old foxy so everyone could guess what she wants to do .

“If you have any other request, please be frank.” Jing Zong is impatient.

He already promises that nothing will be reported or published to the public about this matter. He also already agreed to help Jing Yan get that land. Huang Wei Juan still doesn’t want to let it go. It shows her greediness. Jing Zong hates that kind of person.

Huang Wei Juan says honestly: “We can let it go, but the holiday village needs at least two hundred million capital.”

“You want to ask A Yuan to give two hundred million as the capital?” Jing Zong couldn’t help but to laugh: “as for this matter, though it’s our Jing family’s fault. We also has admitted our wrong, but as the proverb says, a hand cannot make a noise. For this matter, you also have responsibility. A Yuan’s attitude, I think you know it clearly. You know that he is unwilling and he is opposing Old Mister’s wish. Agreeing to an engagement without any his presence, shouldn’t it a chance for you to break off the engagement?”

“What do you mean?” Huang Wei Juan is unhappy, she smites the table and jumps up in anger: “so for today, it’s a humiliation that we look by ourselves?”

Jing Zong: “you shouldn’t be a greedy one in life. You want me to help you to get that land, then you also want my son to give you capital. Then shouldn’t we be the one that invest on a holiday village, why should we give it to Gu family?”

“That land, if you still want it, I will help you to find a way to get it. But if you don’t want it, then just let it be. Anyway this thing has happened and the one that suffers the loss is not only Jing family. Later on I need to go to visit my ma, so I’ll not keep you guys accompany again.”

Jing Yan looks that Jing Zong wants to leave, he immediately holds Ji Yi’s hand to let her stand up: “Just in time we also want to visit my Ma, let’s go together.” He then looks at Gu Xing De and Huang Wei Juan to bid his goodbye. They follow Jing Zong to leave.

There’s only Old Mister Jing left. He is scolding his two sons inside his heart. Then he clears his throat and says to both Gu Xing De and Huang Wei Juan: “That... I also want to visit Ke Yin. You guys will go home too right? We..... let’s go home too.”

Huang Wei Juan is furious. She says coldly: “we have no right to leave with you.”

Gu Xing De pulls her hand and says to Old Mister Jing: “Jing Shu Shu, please don’t be angry. She always acts like this. She has no bad intention. You can go first. We have things to handle first then we will leave. Oh right, this ring, you should bring it home.”

Gu Xing De takes the ring and passes it to Old Mister Jing. Old Mister Jing knows that it’s not good to take things that he already gave. But he wants to avoid any problem in the future.

He takes the ring and passes to Qu Zheng. Then he says: “This time it’s my fault. Later on I will go and give Qiao Qiao’s a huge present as my apology.”

Gu Xing De shakes his head: “Jing Shu Shu, no need to blame yourselves. But I jut have a question, why do you change your mind?” He remembers Jin Zong’s phone rang before. “Was something happening?”

Old Mister Jing laughs and doesn’t really answer it. He says: “Your Qiao Qiao deserves better.”

Old Mister Jing leaves, he takes the elevator downstair with Qu Zheng. “Lao Xian Sheng, I also want to know, what makes you change your mind? You clearly....”

Old Mister Jing thinks of what Jing Zong says. Ye Qing Xin that young woman is pregnant with triplet. He couldn’t help but to laugh happily. He just replies ambiguously: “In the future you will know it.”

“......” Qu Zheng notices Old Mister Jing’s happy face. He is dumbfounded because of it. In his mind, Old Mister Jing has a bad temper and very stubborn man. He rarely laughs. Most of the time it’s Old Madame Jing that can make him laugh happily. What is happening?

This should be a happy thing.

Thirty minutes ago.

Ye Qing Xin and Jing Bo Yuan arrived at the hospital, they entered Old Madame Jing’s sickroom. Old Madame Jing was still in the same condition.

Today it was Jing Xian Xian’s turn to take care of her.

Ye Qing Xin sat down on the sofa and waited until the nurses were done with the massage. Then she came over and sat down beside Old Madame Jing.

Jing Bo Yuan asks Jing Xian Xian and the nurses to go out.

“Nai Nai, let me tell you a good news.” Ye Qing Xin holds Old Madame Jing’s hand. “You will be Tai Nai Nai (great grandma).”

She says it and pulls down the zipper of her jacket and lifts up her clothes. She places Old Madame Jing’s hand on her belly.

“The doctor said that I have three babies inside me. Nai Nai, am I great?”

“Nai Nai, you’ve been sleeping for a month. You should wake up now. We all miss you, Bao Bao (baby) also miss you.”

Ye Qing Xin talks to her for a long time. She remembers that the doctor told them to bring her the thing that she longs for to stimulate her to wake up.

The room turns quiet. Jing Bo Yuan sits down on the sofa. He is watching her.

Suddenly, she is surprised. She notices a tear falls down from Old Madame Jing’s corner of eyes.

“Bo Yuan! Bo Yuan! Nai Nai...”

Jing Bo Yuan hears her yelling and stands up. He comes closer and also sees her tear. He immediately presses the bell.

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