Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife

Chapter 200

Gu Qiao seems to act like nothing ever happens between them. She greets everyone and sits down beside Cheng Ru Yu. Cheng Ru Yu finds this situation to be so interesting. He looks at Gu Qiao and glances at Ye Qing Xin and Jing Bo Yuan.

Jing Bo Yuan is very calm, he doesn’t even look at Gu Qiao. Ye Qing Xin smiles calmly and calls her: “Gu Xiao Jie.” She is cold and estranged.

Cheng Ru Yu sighs when he sees this.

If it’s another woman, it should be more interesting as she will not show a good attitude toward Gu Qiao. This Ye Qing Xin is really a good woman, she could act calmly and reasonably.

Cheng Ru Yu finds another target, he looks at Ji Lin Yuan and Song Xian Yu. He jokes: “This is your own charity event, you guys unexpectedly are late.” He raises up his watch and pretends to look at the time. He then shows his watch to Ji Lin Yuan: “Look at this, you are late for three seconds.”

Vinci is Ji family company.

“I had some troubles before.” Song Xian Yu smiles and explains. She shows her dimples.

The event starts. The light is off and a video is being played on the big screen.

It is about a little girl with her hollow eyes, messy hair and messy clothes. She is being bullied by another kid. She is bullied by her own family member, she is even cuffed like a dog. She is sad.

Then the video starts to introduce the project the foundation has established throughout the year.

At last it shows a smile of a little girl in the special school.

Vinci takes part in this charity to help the unfairly treated little girl.

Because of Ye Qing Guo, Ye Qing Xin also feels touched. Her tears fall down.

She feels that Ye Qing Guo is much luckier than that girl, he has love and protection from the family.

After the video, the light is on again. Now it’s an auction time.

The first thing is a contemporary painting. The host introduces it as part of Bo Wei’s director, Jing Bo Yuan’s private collection. He opens the price to be two million.

Every things being auctioned is supported by great businessmen.

Ye Qing Xin is shocked when she sees the fourth thing being auctioned. It’s the pink necklace that Gu Qiao bought with her eighty million. Ye Qing Xin looks at Gu Qiao’s face. She is calm and shows no expression.

She seems to sell it out because she wants to let it go.

The pink necklace bidding price starts from one million.

Shi Ying seems to like the necklace and keeps on bidding for it. At last it is sold for twenty million.

Ye Qing Xin lowers her head and enjoys her tea.

She doesn’t know what Gu Qiao’s feeling now. She bought it for eight million before, now she could only get twenty million for it......

The last thing being auctioned is an emerald jade ornamental thumb ring.

The host describes the ring to be Vinci’s Chief, Ji Lin Yuan. The price starts from 10.000.000.

Ye Qing Xin looks at the thumb ring. Her eyes turns bright, she remembers that Old Madame Jing loves jade.

If Old Madame Jing is awake and she gets the jade thumb ring, she will be very happy.

Ye Qing Xin holds the numberplate.

Jing Bo Yuan notices her excitement and turns his head to see her. “You want to give it for Nai Nai?”

Ye Qing Xin asks back: “How do you know?”

Jing Bo Yuan smiles and says nothing.

She could see his handsomeness under the dim light. She feels he is shinning and attractive. She notices a lot of beautiful women glances at him continuously.

She pouts and shifts her attention to host.

There’re a lot of people feel attractive to it. Ye Qing Xin raises her number up: “19.000.000.”

Then it’s a silent. Suddenly no one raises up the number plate again. She doesn’t expect that this will be so easy.

She looks at Jing Bo Yuan. She realizes that no one dares to fight with her, probably because of him.

“Sao Zi you should say fifty million. Bo Yuan is rich, he should donate more.” Cheng Ru Yu smiles.

“No.” Yqx says: “I am the one that buy it for Nai Nai. I spend my own money. I am not that rich.”

“You?” Cheng Ru Yu narrows his eyes. “You? I don’t mean to look down at you, but you have the money?”

Ye Qing Xin looks casually at Gu Qiao and smiles: “Last time I sold one of my necklace and earned a huge sum of money. It’s enough for that thumb ring.”

“Your necklace is from Jing Bo Yuan right.”

“No, I got it from a friend.”

After the auction, the performance section starts. A lot of singers are performing for free.

Vinci’s charity night is popular and well-known.

Ye Qing Xin wants to go to the restroom. The time she wants to tell Jing Bo Yuan. Song Xian Yu asks her: “Xin Xin, I want to go to restroom, do you want to together? Let’s go together?”

“Okay.” Ye Qing Xin stands up.

Jing Bo Yuan and Ji Lin Yuan stand up together.

“I will go with Sao Zi, you don’t need to go.”

“I will go with Xin Xin, you don’t need to go.”

Ye Qing Xin and Song Xian Yu say it together. Then both are startled and look at each other. They laugh.

“Let’s go.” Song Xian Yu holds Ye Qing Xin’s arm.

Both of them act like they are best friend.

Jing Bo Yuan and Ji Lin Yuan look at each other. They just stand up and follow them.

Cheng Ru Yu looks at both of them with disgust: “I really cannot understand both of them, what are they doing? Their women just want to go to the restroom, why should they go to? Don’t you think that you guys are spoiling them too much?”

Xiao Yan just be silent and unresponsive to his question.

He Ji Fan is also quiet. He seems to be thinking of something.

“Why are you guys are quiet and not responsive to my remark. I am talking to you guys. Every time I ask you guys out to hang out, you guys are always busy. The time we can hang out, you guys are always daydreaming. I can understand Bo Yuan and Lin Yuan, they both have wife. They can busy. But you guys, what happened to you guys?”

Luckily Shi Ying is going to the restroom too so she doesn’t feel hurt for Cheng Ru Yu’s remark.

He Ji Fan and Xiao Yan just ignore him.

Cheng Ru Yu glares at both of them, he then turns his head to look at Gu Qiao : “Qiao Qiao, what do you think?” He pauses and thinks of something. He asks her: “Where is your Tang Ge (Male cousin) Zhao You Jia? Isn’t he used to follow you everywhere? He uses to do everything for you... a good brother like him is hard to find. Qiao Qiao, you should treat him well.”

“But I want to advise him to go to psychologist, to heal his black heart, he should bring a lightning rod when he walks.”

Gu Qiao smiles but her smile seems to be a bit stiff. Although she doesn’t know why Cheng Ru Yu said that remark, but she could understand that he is mocking her.

Cheng Ru Yu finishes his words and she just asks: “Why?”

Cheng Ru Yu smiles: “To take shelter from lightning.”

Gu Qiao is startled and she seems to know that Cheng Ru Yu knows that Zhao You Jia is the one that spread the news that Ye Qing Xin cannot give birth.

But why he will be stroke by a thunder?

“Cheng Ge Ge is really good at joking, what bad thing he has done that he will be stroke by a thunder....”

Cheng Ru Yu laughs coldly: “A bad person does bad things, it will not be easily seen.”

Gu Qiao doesn’t know that Zhao You Jia threatened Doctor Su. If she knows it, today she will not appear, and Jing Bo Yuan will also not let her go.

Gu Qiao knows that there’s should be something that she doesn’t know: “Cheng Ge Ge, do you have misunderstanding with Da Ge?”

Cheng Ru Yu: “It’s not misunderstanding. You should as your good Ge Ge.”

Gu Qiao: “.....”

It’s a silence. She stands up: “I’ll go out first. Excuse me.”

Inside the restroom.

Ye Qing Xin is done, she is washing her hand. This time she hears two rich women are talking with each other.

“Every time Vinci’s charity night, they will get around one hundred million. It should be for their own company.”

“You cannot say it that way. This foundation is established by Ji Lin Yuan twelve years ago for his ex-fiancee that had accident. You should know that these years Vinci group keeps on helping low intelligence girl. I had visited their site and seen those girls are well-taken care of by them.”

“I know. That year Ji Lin Yuan was with his ex-fiancee during the accident. His fiancee suffered brain damage because of helping him. At first he established this foundation by using this story. It touched a lot of people. The first event earned around fifty thousand. Who knows....”

“Who knows... he forgets that woman quickly and be together with a little foxy woman. After his fiancee is conscious, she was shocked and tried to commit suicide for several times. Now I heard that she has migrated..... men always act that way, they can change easily...”

“I agree.”

Ye Qing Xin is surprised to hear that Ji Lin Yuan has that kind of story.

Two of the rich women leave the restroom.

After a while, Song Xian Yu comes out and goes to wash her hands.

“It’s not like what they said.”

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