Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 45: The Last Entry

Chapter 45: The Last Entry

(In case you are asking, the spell that will be used here is taken from the movie Harry Potter. I do not wish to take credit for the aforementioned spell.)


Alex and I raised our hands above the prince's personal diary and cast the necessary to break magic seals such as this thing contains.

"Cistern Aperio!" We both chanted in unison.

As the faint white light from our hands began emerging, it started to make its way out of our palms and towards the prince's diary. 

We waited for the next couple of minutes, but nothing happened. It still remained as it is. I wonder what did we do wrong for it not to take effect.

"Did I do something wrong, perhaps?" I anxiously asked.

Alex's eyes remained focused on the diary as he replied to my question. 

"No. It's just that your magical powers are still not ripe enough to even break a simple magic seal." 

I furrowed my eyebrows and wrinkled my forehead. A few seconds later, here I thought he complimented me for being ready to do the breaking spell with him, and now here he is discouraging me once again?

"I thought you said earlier--"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when something bizarre happened just now. Both of us were surprised to see the diary floating from the table several inches above it. A white glow then took place as the front cover of the diary started to flip open, revealing its hidden pages for around a year already as it slowly landed on top of the table once again.

The joy that the captain of the magic army felt was instantly plastered on his face as soon as he saw the diary opened. My mischievous side then did not miss this chance to look at him while my right eyebrow was arched at him.

"What did you just say earlier about my magical powers not being ripe enough?"

"Fine. I'm sorry, okay? And thank you for your help." Alex said with a half-hearted tone and an unwilling expression.

"Your welcome," I smirked.

My companion only shook his head in disbelief before looking at the mysterious diary of the prince. I followed him right behind.

"Should we tell this thing also to Lucas and Lancelot? They are also confidants of the prince, right?" I suggested. 

Something bothers me here. First thing, the prince only showed this place to Alex, and lastly, this guy is the only person who knows the existence of this very important thing that could lead them in finding the missing prince. 

Why the heck did the prince want to keep this as a secret to his royal council, specifically to his two other confidants?!

"Believe me, I also wanted to inform them about this" Alex stated sincerely. "But I made a solemn oath to the prince himself that I will never show these to his other royal council, so that means Lucas and Lancelot are included in that oath I had taken." 

Well, if he insists about that oath thingy, then I guess we don't have any choice then but to keep this thing to ourselves.

"And you as well," I was kinda surprised when Alex suddenly shoved his right index finger towards me. "Promise me not to tell ANYONE about this place, the prince's diary, or whatever we will be learning from this thing later on."

I slap his finger away annoyingly before responding to him. 

"Yes. I promise."


After that brief 'oath-taking ceremony' with the captain, we proceeded with reading the contents of the prince's diary. Since I am really not that close with the prince, nor did I meet him in person, I then decided to not interfere with this heartless, cold jerk as he continues to read the prince's writings.

"If there is any flaw that the prince possesses despite his oh so perfect character, it would be his bad handwriting" I heard Alex complained more to himself than to me. "No wonder he made me a secretary way back when he was asked to write for a speech."

I could definitely see in Alex's facial expression the difficulty that he must be experiencing while reading the contents of the diary. And here I am, trying to suppress my laughter and not to annoy him more.

"What's so funny?" 

Oops, I thought he wouldn't notice.

"The sweat in your forehead " I lifted my finger and pointed at the bead of sweat that surfaced on his forehead. "Is the prince's handwriting really that bad?"

"Shut up. It is none of your business, okay?" 

That was his last statement before he decided to ignore me for the next couple of seconds.

"Okay. If you say so. Just let me know if you have something valuable to share" 

I decided to continue my plans earlier of rummaging through the library to find some good books to read, and hoping I could also find some significant books that could teach me how to harness my magic more that are not included yet in our training sessions.

As I slid my fingers on the books from the shelves that I went into, I immediately stopped when I heard Alex suddenly laugh like a heartfelt laugh that I heard for the first time since I met him back in the subway station.

I wonder what's so funny that made him laugh like this, though I chose not to ask about it because knowing him, I will only annoy the hell out of him.

"I can't believe the prince sealed his diary to conceal his mischievous schemes when he was here living with us." I was surprised when Alex spoke about it himself.

"Like, there was an entry here where he put a pornographic magazine under the archbishop's pillow to -- 'open his eyes from reality.'-- is what is stated here in his diary. I knew it was him who put that thing on Lancelot's pillow." The lad said while also reminiscing the past.

I also can't help but laugh at that. I really did not think that a dignified member of the royal family and the next heir to the throne after being married could do something like that.

"I can't imagine the prince could do something as horrible as that," I said to Alex, chuckling in the process.

"Oh, you would be really surprised when you get to see him in person. He could be really naughty sometimes." Alex responded.

Well, it's a good thing that I'm now hearing Alex sharing his fun experience with the prince that I haven't heard from him before. 

I eventually got tired of finding a book to read and decided to return to where Alex is currently sitting and asked permission if I could read along with him.

"May I?" 

Alex thought about it for a split second before agreeing that I could look at the diary with him. Ha, so he is being nice this time! Seems he is really in a good mood.

He flipped the pages, and here's what I read from the next page.


I really wonder why Alex has been so grumpy ever since I met him and asked to be his confidant. Does he have that girls' thing with him? I don't know what it's called, but I will soon research that if I have the time. But for now, I don't want my first confidant frowning like that all the time like a mad man.


My reading was then cut short when Alex immediately closed the diary in my face. What the heck?

"Hey, lemme read that! I wasn't able to reach the best part!" I complained.

"Nah. It is nothing remarkable for you to know, alright?" he insisted on hiding the diary from my sight.

"Boo. You're no fun." I tried to ridicule him and knowing his temper, it actually worked. Haha!

"That day he did something that you also did just recently." he immediately gives in and sighed.

Oh? I wonder what could it be?

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked.

"He gave me a bag of assorted candies from a candy store in Central Town, the same thing that you gave to me, Lucas and Lancelot the other day." 

I was rendered speechless upon hearing that from him. Well, I did not know about that when I gave them the treats the other day. 

I don't know it just suddenly occurred to me in a spur of a moment.

"Happy now?" he quickly added in an annoyed tone.

Later on, we went back to our main agenda before being distracted by the other things that the prince had written. I must also say that Alex is right. The prince has an awful handwriting indeed, one that must read twice or thrice before you can finally understand it.

"Try to turn to the last page and see what was his last entry," I suggested.

He refrained from talking as he did what I suggested him to do. Upon reaching the last page, we were a bit disappointed by what we have found. We both read the prince's last entry written in three words only

"I must hurry" 

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