Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 148 Asty's Crush, His Determination, And Motives

Asty: I admit that I indeed have motives for telling you all about the future and one of them is to prove my ability as the <Supreme Clairvoyant> so I can contribute to the resistance against the Supreme Academy.

Asty: Another motive of mine is for me to reveal the features and failsafe of the telepathy chat group so that all of you will know about it early on. Don’t get me wrong since Allen did reveal it in the future but he only revealed it when you all ask or if it was necessary to reveal it.

After saying that, Asty paused for a while before continuing what he was going to say.

Asty: But… I bet you didn’t know my main motive for this.

Asty spoke mysteriously and as what he had said, his classmates didn’t know what his main motives were other than the motives that he had revealed.

They also didn’t think that it was because Sophie was his classmate since when Hildegard had said that to Asty, he didn’t retort his words which likely meant that he agreed to it..

They also knew that Asty wasn’t the type of person who would tell them about his foresight so that they could avoid a bad end because they knew that he was the type of person who didn’t want anyone to ruin his peaceful life unless he did it for something in return.

Seeing that none of his classmates could guess his main motive, Asty decided to tell them since it didn’t bother him even if they knew about it.

Well, Asty wasn’t entirely wrong but he also wasn’t correct since Allen already knew about his main motive.

Allen knew that most intelligent people tend to overthink and that was the case in thinking about Asty’s main motive which was quite straightforward.

But Allen knew that Asty would reveal his main motive because he knew that it was one of Asty’s motives, to begin with.

Asty: Well… my main motive is pretty straightforward if I say so myself.

Asty: I admit that as the <Supreme Princess>, Sophie is very beautiful. And because of that, I admit that I have a crush on her.

Asty: So my main motive for telling you all about Sophie’s bad end is to prevent my crush’s bad end. I don’t want anyone especially the <Supreme Rapist> to soil her purity and if I have the power to prevent that, I would have already done so without asking you guys for help.

Asty: My other motive is to ask you all for help in helping me prevent Sophie’s bad end since I know that I am not enough to do so.

When his classmates heard Asty’s words, they noticed that Asty sounded like he was loathing himself for being weak which was the case for Asty as he knew that he was weak.

Asty: Sigh… I know that Sophie is out of my league. But it does not mean I would give up on earning her love! If asking you all for help will prevent Sophie’s bad end, then I don’t mind doing that even if it brings me shame.

When Sophie listened to Asty’s resolute voice that was filled with determination, she didn’t notice that she blushed and only Hildegard who was always right by her side noticed that.

Hildegard knew that Asty moved Sophie’s heart and as long as Asty kept pursuing Sophie’s love, it would only be a matter of time for Sophie to fall in love with Asty.

If Sophie did fall in love with Asty, Hildegard could only wish her happiness. Hildegard wasn’t going to prevent Sophie from being together with Asty just because Asty was a commoner since she supports every decision of Sophie.

As long Asty was sincere with his love for Sophie, then Hildegard would support him in his endeavor in winning Sophie’s hand in marriage.

And besides, it was not like the Nevermore Kingdom prevented the royalties from marrying a commoner since it wasn’t a secret that Sophie’s grandmother was a commoner and not a noble.

Also, Sophie has the full support of her people so whatever decision she made, they wouldn’t disagree with it as long as it didn’t harm the prosperity of the Nevermore Kingdom.

Sophie Nevermore wouldn’t have been the <Supreme Princess> if her charisma wasn’t that high. So it was a given that the majority of the population in the Nevermore Kingdom supported every decision of hers.

Carrion: So from what Asty have said, the Supreme Academy male staff must likely have the footage of the female <Supremes> in their bathrooms doing whatever stuff they could do there. And through unknown means that even the future Asty didn’t know about, the <Supreme Rapist> obtained those footages of Sophie and the rest is history.

Asty: Yes, that is the summary of what I have just said.

Carrion: Then, we only have one problem left and that is… How the heck are we going to prevent the <Supreme Rapist> from blackmailing Sophie?

Carrion: We haven’t even recovered the footage that the <Supreme Rapist> has so how are we going to prevent him from blackmailing Sophie.

When Carrion said that to his classmates, they thought of ways to solve their problem but before they could even think for a minute, Asty decided to reveal more of his foresight.

Asty: You don’t have to worry about that since, in the future, that problem was already solved. The only problem was, that it was solved too late. If we had solved that problem a lot sooner in the future timeline, Sophie wouldn’t have suffered in the future timeline.

Asty: Why do you guys think that I respect and trust Allen? And why do you think I agree to join him in the resistance against the Supreme Academy? It is because he solved all of those problems although as I have said, those problems were solved too late.

Asty: And it is not Allen’s fault as he didn’t know about that.

Asty: I know that some of you are confused as to why so I might as well reveal more of my foresights.

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