Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 172 Hidden Feature- Achievement

[I Love Mathematics: It is likely Allen’s doings.]

[Idle Zenchillionare Tycoon: I also think so. Since the time I have been part of this chat group, I have learned that when in doubt, always ping the administrator.]

[Idle Zenchillionare Tycoon: @Supreme Order (Admin), do you have anything to do with inviting the new member of the chat group?]

Deus decided to ask the Admin himself since he knew that if it was any issue regarding the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group, there was no one more knowledgeable about the chat group than him.

Deus also knew that if Allen wasn’t online, he could still ask the second most knowledgeable person regarding the chat group which was none other than the Moderator. But since he saw that Allen’s status said he was online, he pinged Allen, waiting for his response.

As for Allen, he knew that he couldn’t lurk anymore now that Deus had specifically asked him about him inviting Twin-Tail Goddess into the chat group..

[Supreme Order (Admin): It is indeed my doing. I have invited her into the chat group. If you have any questions or even problems regarding it, feel free to tell me about it.]

Allen admitted that he was the one who invited Twin-Tail Goddess into the chat group instead of lying that he didn’t know anything about it.

After all, if he lied about it, it would pose problems for him, in the long run, considering Iris’ identity was his lover so it wouldn’t take a genius to know that he had something to with her being invited to the chat group.

And lying to his chat group members would make his chat group members lose their trust in him if he was caught lying. He also didn’t see any reason to lie about it considering he planned to introduce Iris to his fellow chat group members.

[Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse: So you are telling us that you found a way to invite anyone into the Alternate Multiverse Chat Group without the need for the completion of the Main Task? If so, can you tell us about it?]

John didn’t hesitate to ask Allen about that since he wanted to invite his younger sister into the chat group so she can become more powerful and therefore, she can protect herself a lot better during the zombie apocalypse in his world.

John knew the horrors of the zombie apocalypse especially when the apocalypse in his world was divided into six phases and every phase increase only meant that the difficulty in his world became a lot higher than before.

And that was why he wanted his younger sister to be part of the chat group so that she could benefit from the chat group because even completing a Minor Task and receiving its rewards was better than nothing.

Since Allen didn’t plan to keep it a secret from his fellow chat group members, he outright told them how he had invited Twin-Tail Goddess into the chat group.

[Supreme Order (Admin): I indeed have found a way to invite anyone without the need of the Main Task completion and the protagonist requirement.]

.ᴄOᴍ [Supreme Order (Admin): I don’t mind telling all of you about it but you all should know how difficult it is to invite someone into the chat group without the usual means.]

Before telling them about it, Allen reminded them of how difficult it was so that his chat group members wouldn’t expect that it would be that easy since more often than not, expectation hurts.

Hearing Allen reminding them about that, they knew that it wasn’t as easy as they had thought considering even Allen himself who was the Administrator said it was difficult so what about them who were just members of the chat group?

Because of that, their expectations of inviting their close ones into the chat group weren’t as high as before and they waited for Allen to tell them about the method he had used to invite someone into the chat group.

[Supreme Order (Admin): I have completed an achievement from the chat group and it rewarded me with an artifact known as ‘Blank AMCG Smartphone’. From that artifact name alone, you already know that it can be used to invite anyone into the chat group without the Main Task completion and protagonist requirement.]

[Supreme Order (Admin): Also, the reason why I got it as a reward for my achievement was because of my Admin status so even if any of you complete the same achievement that I have completed, you won’t receive that item.]

Allen mercilessly told them about that as he extinguished their hope of getting the Blank AMCG Smartphone by completing the same achievement as he did.

[Time Manipulator Of The Apocalypse: That’s unfortunate.]

[Self-Proclaimed Genius Goblin Hero: Wait, there are also achievements? I thought we only have Minor Tasks, Major Tasks, and Main Tasks including the hidden variations of those tasks.]

Axel was more shocked about the fact that there was an achievement feature rather than his inability of obtaining a Blank AMCG Smartphone.

After all, unlike John, Axel still didn’t have any close ones he could invite into the chat group since he was currently just chilling with the heroes in his world that he had met but none of them had yet to earn his trust.

So it wasn’t that urgent for him to get a Blank AMCG Smartphone assuming that it was even possible to get one considering that he wasn’t an Administrator.

[Supreme Order (Admin): There is indeed an achievement feature but it is a hidden feature that is only known by me and Seref who has the Moderator status.]

Allen didn’t hide that information from his chat group members. And the only reason why he didn’t tell them about the achievement feature was that even he didn’t know what the achievements were.

He only knew about the existence of the achievement feature but not the list of achievements that he needed to complete to earn certain rewards. As he had said to his chat group members, it was a hidden feature of the chat group.

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