Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 207 It's All A Dream (15)

‘I can’t see anything… Is this the afterlife?’

Allen thought to himself as he surveyed his surroundings, which were nothing but black. It was like he was in the void where nothing but darkness permeated it.

He didn’t know if he had died or was just having a dream yet again, but he did know that he had fallen unconscious. Because of that, he knew that even if he had died, at least he hadn’t become a slave of the system.

‘I can move? It feels like I am floating in my soul, unbounded by my fleshy body.’

Allen thought to himself as he discovered that he could float around in the void. But what could it do when he couldn’t even see where he was heading? It was as if someone had forced him to wear a blindfold, as he couldn’t see anything in front of him but the color black.

Nevertheless, Allen didn’t give up as he still surveyed the darkness, floating to wherever he could go despite not knowing where he was heading towards. All he had was his perseverance in traveling through the darkness and his determination to see anything but darkness.

Time passed by. He didn’t know how long he was in the darkness. Be it days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, or even millennia. But he knew that he had just to keep on going.

Nothing had yet to impede him in his path, as nothingness was all that surrounded him. He had attempted to count the time he had been traveling in the darkness, but it was as if something had prevented him from doing so since he kept on losing track of his counting.

But despite that, he had estimated the amount of time that he had spent in this void. Even if it wasn’t accurate, he knew that his estimation was near the accurate amount of time that he had spent in the void. You could say he was lucky enough to reach that estimate.

‘If my estimations aren’t wrong, I have been in this void for at least a million years.’

From Allen’s estimations, he had been wandering in the void for at least a million years. He didn’t know the exact estimate, but he did know that his estimation wasn’t wrong since his luck wouldn’t allow him to guess incorrectly.

With that estimation in his mind, it didn’t discourage him one bit; instead, it further motivated him to keep on going. Even if he didn’t know where his destination was, at least he was determined to arrive at where he would end up.

He had already wasted a million years of his time wandering the void, so it would be a waste if he stopped now. He had to keep going or else the years that he had spent wandering the void would go to waste.

With that motivation in his mind, Allen kept on wandering the void. His perseverance and determination never wavered. His willpower became much stronger at the passing years that he had spent in the void of darkness.

Despite that, he still longed for something. No, not something but for someone. He didn’t know who he or she was, but he knew that someone was his lover. And since he knew that he wasn’t gay, then that someone was a girl, his lover.

He didn’t know why, but he didn’t have any memories of his lover.

Was it a side effect of overdosing himself with sleeping pills? Does a sleeping pill overdose cause him to have amnesia?

But from his younger brother’s reaction, he knew that he didn’t have a lover. So did he have a lover in his dream? Or was he currently dreaming and his previous lucid dream was the reality?

Allen had too many questions in his head but little to no answers. He wasn’t that smart when compared to other intellectuals in his world. From what he had known, he was at the level of a genius and was almost a prodigy since he could easily understand what he had learned and he also had a good memory.

And if he indeed had a good memory, why did he even forget about his lover, someone that was so important to him?

Did a higher entity interfere with his life and forcefully erase his memories of his lover? But even so, why did a higher entity even bother to interfere in his life? He wasn’t someone who was special.

Despite those questions in his mind, Allen realized that even if he didn’t have any proof, his heart still remembered the love he received from his lover. Even if his memories were erased, the feelings of love in his heart were still present.

Not only that, in his dream, he remembered that his lover had told him about something and it might be the key to his escape from here.

With that in mind, Allen stopped wandering in the void. There was no point in doing that anyway, since, from what he had estimated, he had at least spent trillions of years wandering in the void.

After halting his steps, Allen sat down, or more like sat in a lotus position while hovering in the void. He started meditating as he attempted to remember the words of his lover from his dream.

But every time he could almost remember her words, he was back to square one as something kept on preventing and hindering him from remembering his lover’s words.

‘Damn it! What were her words again?! I knew it was something important, yet I had forgotten about it!’

Allen cursed in his mind as he tried whatever he could just to remember her words again.

He didn’t know how long he had kept on meditating in the void, but he knew that it was the same amount of time that he had spent wandering in the void. In other words, he had spent trillions of years just remembering his lover’s words.

And just when he was about to give up and wander into the void again, he remembered it!

‘Amor Vincit Omnia’

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