Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 225 It Doesn't Mean That He Doesn't Need To, He Doesn't Want To

[Supreme Order (Admin): As I have said before, I don’t need anything in return or any payment. So yeah, I don’t mind giving those <Supreme> talents to you.]

Allen replied to Deus and he wasn’t lying about that. And besides, even without his chat group members’ requests, he would still steal all of the <Supreme> talents in his world.

Not only could Allen get the <Supreme> talents he needed to use for the creation of the <Supreme Chaos> talent, but he could also earn favor from his chat group member and improve his reputation in the chat group.

So for Allen, it was like killing three birds with one stone.

[Supreme Order (Admin): Anyone else? No one? So I will go offline now.]

Seeing that Chaos and Seref didn’t request any <Supreme> talents, Allen went offline.

As for giving Axel the <Supreme> talents that he wanted, Allen could only wait for Axel’s mute to be lifted. And although he could just chat with Axel through a private message, he didn’t plan in doing that since if he did that, what’s the point of muting Axel?

Just let Axel reflect on his wrongdoings and then he would let Axel owe him a favor. And from what Allen remembered, the Gods in Allen’s world would give him one wish for one demon lord that the hero group have slain.

So it would likely be that Axel would offer to give Allen one wish from the Gods in his world in return for the <Supreme> talents in Allen’s world. And for Allen, that wouldn’t be too much of a losing deal to him and neither to Axel.

With that in his mind, Allen closed all of the system screens in front of him as he lay on his bed.

Tomorrow would be an eventful day for him since he would finally go to war against the Supreme Academy. Of course, a war against the Supreme Academy would only be possible if the Supreme Academy dared to harm them for not cooperating with their interview.

But if the higher-ups of the Supreme Academy were smart enough, they shouldn’t go up against the Supremes and coerce them into having an interview lest they wanted the Supremes to fight back against them.

After all, not all Supremes were passive such as the Supreme Swordsman and Supreme Martial Artist. If it was a war against the Supreme Academy that included fighting, the two of them would be the most eager when it came to it.

Thinking about what his resistance group’s actions would entail them tomorrow, Allen decided to deal with the result of their actions tomorrow. And with that in mind, he slept peacefully.


Waking up from a wonderful sleep, Allen used his <Supreme Mathematician> to check the time and it was currently 6:02 in the morning. And since their class would start at 8:00 AM, he still had a lot of time to do whatever he wanted to do.

Allen didn’t even need to sleep since his arsenal of <Supreme> talents would allow him to have no sleep for a year and doing so wouldn’t cause any problems regarding his health. But he slept because he loved the sensation of his body resting.

And it might also be because Allen thought of sleeping as a trial of death. After all, one couldn’t deny that sleeping was similar to the state of death but in the case of sleeping, it was only temporary death.

Even after obtaining the <Supreme Order> talent, Allen was still suicidal as ever and such a personality of his was difficult to remove since it was deeply ingrained in his mind.

And if it wasn’t for Iris being his solace and source of strength, he would still be as suicidal as he was before he did not receive the <Supreme Order> talent. Even with the <Supreme Order> talent, as long as Iris didn’t exist in his life, it was likely that Allen would still be as suicidal as ever.

Not that it mattered anyways since it didn’t affect Allen negatively. After all, being suicidal only meant that he no longer feared death. And since he didn’t fear death, he would prove to be a troublesome enemy to his opponents.

After all, no one could deny that having an enemy in a fight that doesn’t fear death and pain would be a troublesome one.

Thinking about that, Allen went to his bathroom to take a shower. Even with the presence of his skill which was the <<Aura Of Cleanliness>>, Allen still preferred taking a cold shower in the morning since doing so would awaken his nerves and reduce his sleepiness.

A hot shower was only for the weak. A cold shower was for the big boys.

After drying himself from a ten-minute shower, Allen snapped his fingers as he was fully clothed in his Supreme Academy school uniform using his <Supreme Fashionista> talent. It was quite a convenient <Supreme> talent for him since it would take some of his time just to put some damn clothes on his body.

Like the fact that Allen didn’t have to sleep, he also didn’t need to eat since he could just use his energy such as spiritual qi, psychic energy, or mana to substitute it for the nutrients that he would get from eating mortal food.

But it didn’t mean that even if he doesn’t need to eat any food, he wouldn’t eat food. After all, like sleeping, eating was also a form of comfort and Allen preferred to eat since there were too many delicious foods that he could eat.

Allen didn’t even need to buy food since with his <Supreme Creator> talent, he could create anything he wanted as long as he knew the structure of what he wanted to create but with his <Supreme Chef>, it wasn’t that difficult to create delicious food.

With that in mind, Allen teleported to the kitchen room using his <Supreme Teleporter> talent. And with his <Supreme Creator>, he created numerous tasty breakfasts for both him and Iris and placed them on the dining table.

“Iris, it’s time for breakfast!”

Allen called out to Iris and after hearing his words, Iris arrived at the kitchen room as both of them sat at the dining table to eat breakfast.

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