Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 259 The Scheme Of Alisceon's Royal Siblings

With the presence of the soul contract, the possibility of betrayal was zero.

That was why Allen trusted Alisceon to some extent, since even if she was planning on scheming against him, it was impossible with Allen’s <Supreme> talents that he wouldn’t notice such actions from Alisceon.

With that thought in his mind, Allen gazed at the uneasy expression on Alisceon’s face as if she was already expecting what question he would ask her.

“Where are the inhabitants of the mansion?”

Asking that question to Alisceon, she knew that she didn’t have any choice but to answer Allen’s questions since doing so would not lessen his trust in her. Not to mention, it wasn’t a secret anyway, so it was best for her teacher to know about it from her instead of him inquiring about it from outsiders.

Just like Allen did to calm his nerves, Alisceon picked up the teacup and sipped tea. After her nervousness and uneasiness were alleviated, Alisceon decided to answer Allen’s question.

“All the maids and workers of the mansion were fired since I don’t have enough funds to pay for their monthly wage. As for my butler, he accompanied me on my journey in the Mystic Forest, but he was the first to die because of an unreasonable old man.”

Remembering the death of her most loyal butler who had taken care of her when she was still a child, Alisceon was trying her best to prevent her tears from leaking as she clenched the skirt of her princess dress tightly. She unconsciously lowered her head since she didn’t want her teacher to witness the weak expression on her face.

When Allen heard about her mentioning an unreasonable old man, his interest was piqued. After all, who would dare kill the first princess’ butler?

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that Alisceon might have treated her butler like a blood relative more than her royal siblings. So it was no wonder that she was devastated just recalling that memory of hers.

“Who was that old man? And how did you offend that old man?”

Allen further inquired for more information from Alisceon. If he knew what happened and her situation at that time, Allen might offer his help. He wouldn’t dare claim Alisceon as his student if he couldn’t even help her as his teacher.

“The old man was known as the Old Mage Of The Mystic Forest. He is at Highest Realm Initial Stage, and he was registered as a 6th Circle Mage, but he was rumored to have the ability to be on par with a 7th Circle Mage.”

“Philip, my butler, accompanied me in my journey towards the lair of the Old Mage Of The Mystic Forest along with the royal knights and royal knight commander. The purpose of our journey was to meet with the Old Mage and persuade him into accepting me as her student, but from what you have already known, it didn’t go well as we have thought it would.”

“The Old Mage Of The Mystic Forest, also known as Sirius, didn’t want to accept me as her student. His reason for his refusal was that he didn’t want anything to do with the royal lineage and noble lineage lest he get caught up in the kingdom’s politics.”

“Sirius didn’t take my status as the First Princess seriously and he treated it as if it was nonexistent. And because of that, he wouldn’t allow us to leave his lair if we didn’t compensate him for wasting his time.”

Alisceon explained to Allen as she told him about her purpose for her journey in the Mystic Forest, along with meeting with the Old Mage Of The Mystic Forest.

From what Alisceon had told him, Allen could already guess what happened, but he let Alisceon continue retelling what happened to her journey as Allen acted like her Supreme Counselor.

Alisceon paused for a while as she regained her composure by sipping on her tea. After that short pause, she continued retelling what happened afterward.

“Sirius didn’t accept the gold and jewelry that we offered to him since he said that he didn’t need it. And that was when he made an absurd demand. He told us that he was nearing a breakthrough in his magic and what he needed left was the soul of someone filled with loyalty.”

“The royal knights and royal knight commander offered to sacrifice themselves, but Sirius didn’t accept their souls since he said that it wasn’t ‘loyal’ enough. And because of that, Philip sacrificed his soul to Sirius so that Sirius would allow us to leave safely in his lair.”

“Although Sirius kept his promise and allowed us to leave, Philip’s life was sacrificed because of that incident. Not to mention that afterward, we encountered a magic beast that was at High Realm Intermediate Stage, and that magic beast took the lives of the royal knights and royal knight commander.”

Allen already knew about that since he and his chat group members were observing Alisceon and her royal knights.

But when Alisceon retold that to Allen, she became uneasy, as the more she thought about it, the more she had the suspicion that her encounter was too much of a coincidence.

Meeting Sirius, who didn’t take their visit kindly, and at the cost of visiting him, her personal butler’s life and soul were sacrificed. And just a few minutes after leaving Sirius’ lair, Alisceon and her royal knights encountered a magic beast that overpowered her group.

Not to mention that when Alisceon arrived with Allen and his group at the entrance of Gaia Kingdom, the guards were acting as if they didn’t expect that she was alive, which only meant that they expected her to not return to the kingdom at all!

She was well aware that those guards were hired by her royal siblings, and for the guards to expect that she wouldn’t return to the kingdom meant that her royal siblings had schemed for her death!

Sirius might have also been paid by her royal siblings to indirectly kill her, and the magic beast that Alisceon had encountered must have been Sirius’ summoned beast.

What she had encountered wasn’t a coincidence at all and was her royal siblings’ scheme to eliminate her from the battle for the throne!

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