Prodigy With Alternate Multiverse Chat Group System

Chapter 294 The King And Queen Have Arrived!

Chapter 294 The King And Queen Have Arrived!

For the sake of the completion of the Main Task, Allen dared not create a bad reputation for himself in this world. Because of that, he couldn't kill those he wanted to kill without providing any righteous reason or something like that.

The Heretic Gods wouldn't sit still if he ran rampant in this world. If he made an enemy towards everyone in this world, he would be labeled as either the demon king or an evil god.

With that outcome, those Heretic Gods wouldn't miss the opportunity to promote their religion by lending their aid in killing an evil god.

Allen could use others, but he wouldn't let others use him. Naturally, he wouldn't allow the Heretic Gods to use him.

As the Supreme Hidden Boss, it was his job to use others and treat them as his chess piece, not the other way around

It wasn't within Allen's interest in killing the nobles and royalties in the Monthly Royal Gathering and causing a scene that would not only ruin his reputation but also make trouble for Alisceon.

Allen's love for Alisceon ranked fourth in his heart. The first was without a doubt Iris which was followed by Asther.

As for the third one, it was Seref since he had met Seref earlier than Alisceon. Allen could discern from Seref's expressions that he truly treated him as his sworn brother. Because of that, he also regarded Seref as his sworn brother, which made Seref only rank below Asther in his heart of people he cared about.

Of course, sworn brother or his real brother, none of them mattered when it came to his lover, Iris Aria. She would always be the number 1 in his heart.

Nonetheless, Allen still cared about Alisceon even if she was only ranked fourth in his heart. After all, Alisceon was the only little sister in his life.

Because of that, Allen wouldn't treat her poorly. He would help her as much as he could even if it would be at the expense of his pride and such.

Obviously, Allen wouldn't tolerate the mere royalties and nobles in the royal ballroom that had evil intentions toward him. But for the sake of Alisceon as well as the completion of the Main Task, he would lower his pride and just take his revenge against them in the future.

Allen wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of him. And since those royalties and nobles wanted to take advantage of him, he wouldn't be polite. Only Iris Aria, his lover, could take advantage of him!

After entering the ballroom and having their presence announced by the doorman, Allen followed Alisceon as she went toward the dining table that was designated for her group.

That was the time that Reid parted ways with Alisceon as he headed towards the dining table that was assigned to him.

Alisceon's dining table, which was quite small compared to the other royal siblings of hers, was enough to accommodate Alisceon and her group. One could already notice that Alisceon was being targeted by her royal siblings despite her status as the first princess.

Alisceon was also aware of her royal siblings' actions but she had already gotten used to it. Because of that, she ignored it and just sat quietly on her chair while Allen and the rest of them sat on the remaining seats.

If it weren't for Allen's <Supreme Tolerance> talent, he would have already beat up the royal siblings of Alisceon that wronged her. Their impudence couldn't be tolerated and Allen was holding himself back from teaching them a lesson on why they shouldn't provoke someone who had the backing of the Supreme Mage.

All of them had already settled on their seats but the event hadn't started yet.

From Allen's observation, only one table was empty and he noticed that it was much grander compared to the other tables. Even the first prince's and second prince's tables were slightly worst compared to it.

And since they were waiting for the occupant of that table to arrive before they would start the event, it was easy to guess the identity of the person that they were waiting to arrive.

With that piece of information, Allen could already guess that all of them were waiting for the king and queen of Gaia to arrive. After all, the two of them were the hosts of the event.

The purpose of the Monthly Royal Gathering was to show off the progress of the princes and princesses every month. The purpose of that was for the king to determine who was capable enough to inherit his position as the ruler of the Gaia Kingdom.

To be honest, Allen could care less about a mere piece of land in this world much less being the ruler of that piece of land. After all, if he wanted to, he could have become the overlord of his home world since he had enough power to do so.

Not to mention, Allen's charisma and talents in ruling far surpassed anyone that wasn't a god whose divinity was related to charisma and ruling.

He was also aware of the huge responsibility of becoming a ruler of the world, much less a kingdom. If he was one, he would have no time to spend with Iris which was unacceptable for him.

Allen became bored as he waited with Alisceon for that damn old man to arrive along with her hag.

If the kingdom's people knew about what Allen had referred to as the king and queen of Gaia as they would without a doubt attempt to execute him. But alas, he was powerful enough to insult everyone in this world without having to worry about them being powerful enough to retaliate against him.

Unless Gaia herself was summoned by the king and queen, no one could retaliate against Allen in the Gaia Kingdom.

With those thoughts in his mind, Allen waited patiently for the Monthly Royal Gathering event to start. He didn't have to wait that long since he noticed that the doorman opened the door.

After the entrance to the ballroom opened, the doorman was extremely well-mannered as his posture stood still and he then announced the people who entered the ballroom.

"Your majesty the king and queen have arrived!"

After the doorman announced the two people who entered the ballroom, the royalties and nobilities' attention shifted toward the two people.

The king nodded at the doorman after hearing the doorman introduce himself as well as his wife. Afterward, the king strode elegantly toward the table that was assigned to him with the queen following beside him.

The king sat on his seat with the queen beside him.

It was worth mentioning that the queen beside the king wasn't Alisceon's mother but her stepmother. The first prince and Alisceon's mother had already passed away so as the king, the king had to remarry to create more carriers of the royal bloodline.

The second prince, Reid Vale Gaia, was the first child of the king and Alisceon's stepmother. So Alisceon and Reid weren't completely blood-related as siblings.

After the king remarried and had more spawns, there were a total of nine children that the king had. There were a total of four princes and five princesses.

Alisceon had to compete with the eight royal siblings of her. Although, if she married the second prince, then she would only have to compete with seven of her royal siblings.

After all, whether Alisceon won the battle for the throne or not, she would still become the queen if she married the second prince.

Allen as the Supreme Matchmaker and Supreme Wingman was interested in making Alisceon become lovers with Reid. He didn't want Alisceon to become one of those thirty-year-old women who didn't have a husband.

Not to mention, Allen had already judged the true personality of Reid and he deemed that Reid was worthy of becoming the husband of Alisceon.

Of course, if Alisceon wasn't interested in marrying Reid, then he wouldn't force her to do something she wasn't interested in doing. But as Alisceon's elder brother, he always wanted the best for Alisceon, so as long as Alisceon didn't dislike the idea of making Reid her husband, Allen would help Alisceon and Reid become lovers.

With that in mind, Allen focused his attention on the king and queen of Gaia while secretly seeing through them to find out their true personality and hidden motives.

It wasn't long before Allen found out that the king and queen didn't have any hidden motives for the battle for the throne.

The queen was acting like her true personality but Allen found out that the king was a ruthless, cold, and calculative person deep inside which contradicted the benevolent, forgiving, and kind facade that he wore.

And from what Allen has found out, the king didn't have that much love towards his son and daughter. The king didn't dote on any of his sons and daughters but from what Allen observed, the king didn't care who would succeed to the throne as long as it was someone worthy and capable of ruling the Gaia Kingdom.

After finding out the true personality of the king of Gaia, Allen already formulated his plans on how to deal with the king!

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