Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 1146

Meng Li came to this world, actually did a lot. First of all, all aspects restricted the development of Yun gaocen.

When Yun gaocen is not as powerful as the plot, Meng Li, the emperor, can easily trap her to death.

Just Meng Li didn't expect that Yun gaocen was pregnant earlier than in the plot.

Probably because of Lian Tingying, it's exciting.

Yun gaocen is waiting on the Empress Dowager again. In fact, she is very worried that the Empress Dowager will notice that she is pregnant. She has to force herself not to show some reactions during pregnancy.

But the taste was not so bad.

Since his rebirth, Yun gaocen felt that he was suffering.

Yukang had planned that the emperor would take his ministers to the royal temple to pray every year, and the day was nearly two or three months away.

Although a little anxious, but now imminent, yungaocen's stomach does not wait.

Two or three months later, Yun gaocen's baby should be three or four months old, and it's not easy to be found.

A little later is obvious.

Xinzhi whispered in Meng Li's ear, obviously saying something he didn't want others to listen to. After listening, Meng Li showed a strange smile.

There is a worry in my heart.

Two or three months passed, and it was time to go to the royal temple every year to pray. Meng Li took Yun gaocen, got on the sedan chair, and set out.

The sedan chair is very spacious. Meng Li glances at Yun gaocen's stomach, but he can't see it.

Meng Li thinks that Yun gaocen is really brave. In this case, he dares to have a child in his stomach.

Clearly know that she found out between them, but fearless.

Meng Li is also convinced.

Cloud high Cen see Meng Li staring at her stomach, flash a flustered, palms are sweating, she lowered her head, dare not face Meng Li.

Meng Li said:

"I think the queen is very nervous."

Yun gaocen's heart thumped and said:

"no, No."

In fact, if she fails this time, she will be broken to pieces.

Yu Kang said that it was very secret. Even if the emperor had been staring at them, she could not find it. She hoped so.

Meng Li takes a deep look at Yun gaocen, hooks his lips, and doesn't speak any more.

When we arrived at the royal temple, we simply put some incense on it. The blessing ceremony could not be held until the next day, so there was nothing to do at dusk.

Meng lisuo went to listen to the eminent monk.

Yu Kang and Yun gaocen met secretly.

With sweat on his forehead, Yun gaocen said to Yu Kang:

"are you ready?"

Yu Kang took out his handkerchief, wiped his sweat to Yun gaocen pitifully, and said:

"don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Yun gaocen said with some remorse:

"it's all because of me that you take such a big risk. I'm guilty."

"No way."

Yu Kang's eyes were deep and soft.

Meng Li, who is listening to the Buddhist monk, sees Xinzhi coming in. She waves to Xinzhi not to disturb her. Xinzhi has to stay aside.

The monk with the beads opened his eyes and looked at Meng Li, then closed his eyes and continued.

Finally, the eminent monk said:

"the holy one respects my Buddha, and my Buddha sends a word to the Holy One."

Meng Li: "let's talk about it."

"Fear chaos." The eminent monk only said these two words, and he stopped saying them.

A face of mystery.

Meng Li pondered for a moment and just said thanks to the eminent monk.

It's a bit of a skill.

Whether it's in the plot, the palace chaos, or the next chaos, it's inevitable.

She got up and went out. Xinzhi said in Meng Li's ear:

"the queen has met Prince Kang."

I'm very interested.

If she didn't release the water on purpose, did Yun gaocen really think it was so easy to see Yu Kang?

If she had not deliberately let the palace to strengthen defense at that time, Yu Kang thought that he was so easy to sneak into the palace?

Please come into the urn.

In the end, uncle Huang, she needs a legitimate reason, so that the world can not dispute the reason to solve.

By the way, some people were shocked.

On the second day, the blessing ceremony began. Meng Li followed the rules. The emperor said the most. While praying, Meng Li swept a large area of the black area below, including some ministers, princes and nobles.

And the bodyguard who's in charge of everyone's safety.

However, a general outside the temple suddenly rushed over and knelt down with a dignified face. He had to interrupt Meng Li, who was praying to heaven, and said in a loud voice:

"Your Majesty, we are surrounded, for fear that there will be disorderly subjects and thieves."

Meng Li was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time"What?"

She stood there motionless as if she were a fool.

Standing next to Meng Li, Yun gaocen, dressed in heavy and cumbersome clothes, feels that his opportunity has come, and immediately takes out a dagger from his sleeve. This is the closest person to Meng Li, and has the most convenient conditions. Yun gaocen successfully puts the dagger on Meng Li's neck, and Meng Li is helpless:

"queen, what are you doing?"

Yun gaocen didn't expect that he could succeed so easily. Then he comforted himself that the Emperor didn't have time to respond.

There was a strong sense of pain and pleasure in her heart, and she said:

"Your Majesty, I have no other meaning, but you should not have become a king, now it's time to abdicate."

The minister at the bottom looked at Yun gaocen in shock. He never thought that the queen should

Someone wanted to save Meng Li, but when Yu Kang waved his hand, even some bodyguards in the royal temple listened to him and surrounded the ministers, while those bodyguards who Yu Kang did not command formed a confrontation with Yu Kang's people.

I dare not act rashly.

Meng Li's expression was very subdued and said:

"what do you mean? Why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't I inherit the great rule from my father?"

It was the first time for Yun gaocen to see the man in front of him so subdued, and she was very happy. She said:

"no, at that time, it was Lord Kang who inherited the great rule, but the emperor used the means, so your majesty, you should return to the original owner!"

Anyway, there is only one way to say that there is nothing wrong with the emperor. There is no tyranny, no heavy taxes, and no war. We can only start from the throne.

People are dead, posterity say what they want, as long as they win, no one dares to question.

They all accept it.

Meng Li looked at Yun gaocen in shock:

"you are my queen. Why do you want to help others win the throne?"

She looked at Yu Kang in shock again. She was so angry that her hands trembled and said, "you, you say, what's your relationship with my queen and how do you cooperate with her?"

Yu Kang: "Your Majesty, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, but there is one thing your majesty should understand. I'm afraid today's Imperial Palace is under my control. Few of these ministers are willing to give up their lives for you."

"Another day, when my minister ascends the throne, all those who help me today will be rewarded."

Meng Li asked in a very idiotic way:

"do you want to usurp the throne?"

"How dare you

Yu Kang

Can't you see that?

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