Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 139: Darkan

  Chapter 139 Darkan


A pure white chocobo running on the vast field of Suramar couldn't help but let out a cheerful call, its high-pitched call infected another fat companion beside him, and the two chocobos immediately A concerto was played.

On the back of that pure white chocobo was riding a male elf with long silver hair. The long scar on his face added a touch of bravery to his handsome face. He ignored the cheerful mood of the two chocobos, and still lowered his head with a pensive expression.

On the back of another chocobo beside him was also riding a female elf with picturesque features. She was wearing a green ranger light armor with a bumpy figure, and her slender legs were wrapped in a pair of strong leather of the same color. Among the boots, a small section of snow-white thigh exposed in the absolute field between the leather ranger skirt and the boots is extremely eye-catching.

At this time, the female elf looked at her companions with worry on her face, and finally couldn't help but comfort her, "Charlemagne, don't take it too seriously, at least His Majesty has agreed to notify the Tirisfal Council to be more vigilant, right? "

The male elf who was awakened by his companion's words smiled wryly and shook his head, "Yeah...but I didn't expect the evidence to be so obvious in front of my eyes. That guy Darkan would still refuse to admit it. If it wasn't for the strong support of His Majesty and Uncle Osis, I'm afraid it will get worse."

  The two high elves riding on chocobos in front of them are Charlemagne Theron and Alleria Windrunner who have now left Quel'Thalas through the portal and returned to the Suramar area.

   Several Quel'Thalas executives basically affirmed Medivh's betrayal after watching the holographic image that day. Clicia, who didn't understand the situation, also understood the seriousness of the matter under Charlemagne's explanation.

  However, when Charlemagne proposed to share this news with all nations and take this opportunity to mobilize the army to prepare, Darkan immediately jumped out and expressed firm opposition.

  This eloquent guy used various excuses to evade and question the authenticity of the video content, and firmly opposed domestic military mobilization and information sharing.

   At first, Charlemagne was very surprised by this. The evidence is all in front of him. This guy actually opened his eyes and told nonsense. Does he really think everyone is an idiot?

  But then the other two radical congressmen, Corona and Firemark, who had wavering attitudes, also expressed their opposition successively. In the rebuttal of Osis, Charlemagne, a political novice, finally figured out the reason.

  Darkan and the others were afraid that after the army was mobilized, the Sun King would hold the general power in his hands and attack them.

  The army of Quel'Thalas is roughly divided into two parts. One part is the regular army mainly composed of ranger troops and legions such as Sunfury, Fire Wing, and Morning Herald.

  This kind of army model is actually not uncommon in the Middle Ages or in various fantasy worlds. The nobles who have great power in their own territories will never hand over the command of their leading army to the king except during wartime.

  Once the mobilization order of the whole army is issued, Darkan must hand over all the private troops raised in his own territory to Anasterian. How could this guy who had a ghost in his heart allow this to happen.

As for the two members of Corona and Fire Emblem, they are purely for their own interests and safety. In recent years, the two of them have made trouble for the royal family. Once the Sun King really wants to take revenge, they will be the first to be purged just like Darkan. batch of people.

  Three councilors firmly opposed it. Osis voted for it after considering it for a while. The two moderate councilors were a little hesitant, and finally chose to abstain. Three to one, the proposal failed to pass in the parliament.

   Now Charlemagne can still remember the regretful expression on Anasterian's face and the frowning of Prince Kael'thas. Obviously, these two members of the royal family are also very dissatisfied with this result.

But this dual system of political system was established by the former king of Dath'Remar after all... To be honest, although Dath'Remar's pioneering and enterprising spirit is very admirable, this dual system of power division is really very difficult. well.

   This is like the partisan dispute in Charlemagne’s previous life. The two parties can supervise each other to some extent to promote social development in peacetime, but in wartime…

  Once you encounter that kind of party leader who does not distinguish between public and private, it will be a disaster for the entire country.

It just so happens that Dar'Khan is a typical representative of this kind of caring only for his own interests. In addition, the Sun King himself tends to be conservative in his policies towards humans and other races and countries. Same slow running speed.

Charlemagne was very disappointed and angry about this result. Although the Sun King said that he would notify the elf members of the Tirisfal Council for further investigation and confirmation, if the three shit-stirring sticks headed by Darkan are not dealt with, unless Maddie Wen directly jumped back, otherwise no matter how much investigation and evidence collection was done, the final result would not change in any way.

   Somewhat disheartened, Charlemagne declined the invitation to the Sun King's banquet, and after saying goodbye to Clicia and Osis, he would teleport back to Taquilin with his family and friends.

  Once the Guardian Medivh is in his mage Tower Karazhan, except for two good friends, Lothar and King Ryan, there is no chance for other mortals to kill him.

  According to the latest information of the Sun King, Medivh showed extremely terrifying strength in the battle between the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Gurubashi trolls in Stranglethorn Vale. It seems that his guardian power can basically be used freely.

  Other people may not be clear, but Charlemagne knows that Medivh has begun to be eroded by Sargeras' thoughts at this time, causing him to become more suspicious of everyone around him, and gradually began to have a tendency to destroy the world.

   "Forget it... Do what you should do. I can't get involved in political issues. I can only see if His Majesty and Uncle Osis can figure out a way."

Charlemagne sighed depressingly, and with a bitter face, he headed into the distance under Xunyu's excited gallop. The two chocobos had already grown impatient after being held back for half a month in Aluneth, and they were about to let go. He ran with big strides.

  Before he left, he officially took over his fiefdom, and appointed Valeira's father, Lisson Sangunar, as the chief administrative officer of the territory, and entrusted him to lead his subordinates to maintain the normal operation of the territory's administration.

  Since Lor'themar has led the Farstrider and the mages of the Tower of Morning Star to meet with the Dawn Herald Legion and prepare to clear the Amani tomb, the supervision of the territory is temporarily handed over to Charlemagne's sister-in-law Vereesa.

  Valeira, the little girl, also moved to Lissen's new home on the banks of Lake Arendal, watching with interest the Far Traveler camp that was under construction not far away.

It stands to reason that Charlemagne, the lord, shouldn't have left at this time, but he was depressed and didn't want to stay in the country to deal with those nobles who came to seek relationships. In addition, the goals of the trip to the Broken Isles had not been fully achieved, so he simply He continued his journey with Alleria, and it was time to come out to relax.

Alleria understood Charlemagne's depressed mood very well, and she deliberately smiled and replied in order to divert his attention, "That's right, it's rare that His Majesty the Sun King initially approved the planting of Alcandor, so let's get down to business first." Bar."


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