Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 142: Venco Druids

  Chapter 142 Wenco Druid

Farodin the Valley Walker was originally an ordinary druid living in Valshara, fighting against transformation druids who are proficient in the power of the wild and balance druids who are good at reconciling the power of nature and arcane power Unlike other druids, he is weak and only has more experience in caring for plants than other druids.

  The explosion of the Well of Eternity 10,000 years ago split the entire ancient Kalimdor into some large or small plates, and the Broken Islands were also one of the larger fragments.

  Druids living in Val'sharah benefit from this woodland most closely associated with the Emerald Dream, and can obtain the blessing of the world tree Nordrassil from the dream world to live forever.

  After the Great Split, many aborigines in the entire Broken Isles went out of their homes to explore the islands that had undergone tremendous changes, and Farodin was no exception.

  However, unlike other companions who found nothing, this non-combat druid accidentally found two strange tree species in the already empty ruins of Falannar.

This discovery surprised Farodin. As far as he knew, those highborne who were obsessed with arcane arts had always sneered at the druid's natural way. He didn't think these proud noble compatriots would suddenly change their temper and run away Study the Way of the Druids.

   Sure enough, after a simple inspection, Farodin found that what these two tree species contained was not natural force at all, but full of arcane energy.

Farodin, who lives on the outskirts of Suramar, did not reject arcane arts like the fellow night elves near Jin Azshalin under the publicity of Tyrande and other moon **** priests. He was originally very interested in plants. These two tree species have produced a strong desire for research.

Searching the entire Flannar, he found some research materials about these two seeds from the ruins. These two seeds full of magic power are called Acandor, which is a new type of energy source researched by the upper elves. .

  If this magical tree called Arcandor can finally be as described in the data, then this magical seed will surely become a new hope for the high elves after losing the Well of Eternity.

However, all the highborne in the Broken Isles have either been cursed by Azshara to become inescapable ghosts because of their rebellion, or they have locked themselves in the city of Suramar. This magical tree species was abandoned before the research was completed. Outside the city, this made Farodin extremely regretful while admiring the research results of the Highborne.

   Farodin, who was itching for new types of plants, decided to perfect Alcandor by himself, so he immersed himself in the research and transformation of these two seeds for a long time afterwards.

Although there are research results left by the high-level elves, he does not have arcane power, and he cannot use the method originally planned by the researchers to ripen the seeds, so he decided to try to infuse one of the seeds with the natural power of druids. In order to balance the power of the arcane and the power of nature in the seed.

A miracle happened. After many research attempts, Farodin finally managed to achieve a delicate balance between arcane and natural energy in the seeds. The improved Arcandor not only has the original effect of providing magic power, but also can fundamentally To cure the high elves from the symptoms of magic addiction caused by their long-term consumption of magic power.

  Research has made significant progress, which made Farodin ecstatic for a while. He couldn't wait to take the completed seed back to Valsharah and hand it over to the archdruids.

  This tree species is not the most important life-saving straw for the highborne who are deeply addicted to magic due to the loss of the Well of Eternity.

However, when he walked out of the Phanaer Temple that had lived for thousands of years, he discovered that there were some skinny humanoid creatures scattered throughout the Suramar area. After communicating, he learned that these poor guys were killed by Fellow night elves exiled from Suramar.

This discovery slowed down Farodin. Out of sympathy, he gradually gathered these nightfallen elves and led them to live in Falanar. After witnessing the transformation of nightfallen into the withered ones several times , he was determined to plant Arcandor in Falanaar to redeem these poor compatriots.

   In the beginning, Arcandor grew up very healthy under the supply of Falanaar's abundant magic net energy, and soon grew from a seed to a towering tree that entered maturity.

  During this time, the nightfallen elves watched the tree of miracles grow up with full expectation, hoping to completely get rid of this maddening addiction.

But at this moment... a tragedy happened. Due to the excessive supply of arcane energy in the mature Arcandor, the arcane and natural forces in the tree could no longer reach a balance, and the whole tree began to emit disturbing breath.

Farodin is just an ordinary druid except he knows a lot about plants. He has nothing to do with this situation, so he can only announce to the nightfallen elves that Arkandor is about to explode and let all the people here evacuate .

  However, his advice did not attract the attention of the night fallen elves. The excess arcane energy discharged by Arcandor recently made the night fallen elves hungrily surround it and **** it to their heart's content. No one was willing to follow him away.

In the end...a huge arcane explosion occurred in the whole of Falanaar, and all those nightfallen elves were transformed into life forms by the wild arcane energy, becoming the Fal'dorei now entrenched in the ruins of Falanaar Spider-Man.

  Farodin, who escaped from birth, blamed himself very much for this. Of course, if he hadn't planted the seeds too impatiently, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened.

After leaving Falnaar, he completely sealed the remaining seed in the Moon Shadow Temple. Filled with guilt, he went back to Valshara to meet his compatriots, and simply guarded it outside the temple to prevent anyone from approaching it. Arcandor.

  Although Fadore has been trying to find this last seed for thousands of years, he has never found this Moon Shadow Temple under the ingenious misleading of the valley walker.

Today, Farodin also led away a group of Faldorei scouts who came out to investigate as usual, but when he returned to the Moon Shadow Temple, he found that he had used the spell of luring animals to lure the big spider to spit out the thick spider web at the gate of the temple. It has disappeared.

   Looking carefully, there was a short elf that had never been seen before standing in front of the steps of the temple, and beside him was a snow-white chocobo.

  ‘Don’t let him take Arcandor away! '

Farodin didn't care too much about it, so he used his unskilled transfiguration spells to transform into a nightsaber with beautiful purple fur, and then he used the crappy ones under the cover of the thick meat ball pads on the soles of his feet. Sneaking and sneaking towards the gate of the temple.

However... Sure enough, this clerical druid is still not suitable for fighting. When he was nervously touching the elf, he forgot to pay attention to the situation under his feet. In the prepared trap.


  Farodin, who was frozen in the ice, was extremely terrified, because he saw that the fierce elf with a scar on his face had turned around, and when he looked at him, there was a distorted and evil smile on his face.


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