Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 165: show you big baby

  Chapter 165 Show you a big baby

  Although Li Reza felt a little headache for these two old friends who had not changed at all, she actually missed the reunion with her friends very much.

   "The last time we got together was more than ten years ago, right? You two are really heartless, just leave me alone to clean up the mess."

Eleanor gently took Li Reza's hand and followed the footsteps of Jialinde in front, "Hehe, after all, Jialinde and I are the kind of people who can't stand it, let us continue to stay in the country and watch His disgusting face, we really can't do it."

  Thinking of the ugly war back then, Li Reza’s eyes were full of sadness, “Hey...sometimes I really want to leave everything and wander around like you, but unfortunately...I am not as free and easy as you are bound by the family.”

   "Hee hee, who told you to marry into the windrunner's family, you have to bear the consequences of the choices you make!"

   Li Reza knocked on Eleanor's head angrily, "You have the nerve to say, if you really want to say that you are the windrunner, I'm just a married outsider."

The old Eleanor stuck out her tongue cutely, "How can a married female elf still use her old surname, but it is thanks to you that the Windrunner family can continue to maintain its influence over the past ten years, thank you, My dear sister-in-law!"

   "Still so naughty!"


   This Eleanor was originally a member of the Windrunner family. I don’t know if the Windrunner family has been cursed for generations. Every generation of males is just a single lineage, but there are many sisters.

  Blessed by this, the Windrunner family has had many offshoot families throughout the generations, and Eleanor is the daughter of a married Windrunner from the previous generation.

  When the two sisters-in-law came to the training ground arm in arm, the battle between Charlemagne and Galinde had already begun, and he had roughly grasped Galinde's strength in the initial probing.

  ‘Is it an intermediate hero...Although it is a bit tricky, it is not completely impossible to deal with. '

   After all, Charlemagne is in his hand. Although Garinde's Phoenix Sunfury Longbow is considered a very high-quality weapon, it is still a long way behind Solidar.

  The two completed dozens of shots on the field at an extremely fast speed. The rangers around all watched the battle between the two masters with wide eyes, hoping to learn some useful experience from it.

In fact, the ranger's battle is just like what Garinde said, it's rather boring... Both of them are extremely flexible types. Dodge the opponent's shooting.

Of course, when avoiding arrows, you have to be careful not to know when the trap will appear under your feet. In terms of experience, Charlemagne is still inferior to the veteran hero Garinde. Once, he almost stepped into the frost trap. Fortunately, Finally escaped.

  However, this evasion was not without cost. He couldn't make adjustments in the air when he jumped backwards. Garinde seized this opportunity precisely and pulled out a standard shot.

  Although Charlemagne also used aimed shots to collide with him accurately in the air, the impact point of the energy burst from the shooting of both sides is relatively close to him after all, so this round of confrontation still caused him some small losses.

   "Haha! Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect you to be able to do this at the first hero level. You really deserve to be Li Reza's valued son-in-law. Come on! I'll try your melee combat again!"

  Garinder, who obviously had a tendency to be a bit of a battle maniac, was full of excitement. After testing Charlemagne's guerrilla skills, he took out a... two-handed giant ax from the magic bag!

   "Hey! Aunt Jialinde, you are right! Is the dagger hanging on your waist a decoration?"

Originally thought that the opponent was a ranger's typical dagger-type close combat, but suddenly saw the opponent take out such a big treasure, Charlemagne was really taken aback, he turned his head to look at the instructor outside the field, wanting to Make sure this aunt is not kidding herself.

   Li Reza covered her face with one hand at this time and looked ashamed. Eleanor, who was beside her, gave him a thumbs up with a smile. The meaning was obvious, and Garinde was not joking.

   "Don't call me auntie! I'm still young, get ready, my big ax is hungry!"

  Women are usually more sensitive to their own age issues, even the carefree Jialinde is no exception. At this moment, she retorted unhappily when she heard Charlemagne's address, and urged him to quickly take out his weapon.

  Charlemagne looked at the double-sided ax in Jialinde's hand and thought,'I'm afraid it's hard to parry such a big weapon with two knives...There's no way. '

Although he didn't intend to hide it originally, Charlemagne didn't want to take out the artifact to show off. At this time, apart from the three Windrunner sisters who had stopped training and came to watch the battle, only Li Reza vaguely heard a few daughters mention it. Through his disciples, he obtained a new artifact.


  As Charlemagne took the Eagle Claw out of the magic bag and instinctively danced a brilliant gun flower, all the rangers around looked at the long weapon in his hand in surprise.

   "This is? When did Brother Charlemagne switch to long weapons? Didn't he use two short knives before?"

   "I don't know, and this spear... doesn't look like Fanpin, the energy flowing on it is so strong!"

Under the influence of the Sunwell, the high elves have some arcane talents. At this time, the powerful energy emitted from the eagle's claws surprised the rangers. Compared to Sasdora, doesn't it?

   "Hahahaha! Is it true or not? You even have a melee weapon that is an artifact. Where are you the Chosen One?"

  Garinder was also stunned for a while when Charlemagne took out the eagle's claw, but she, who was well-informed, quickly realized that her expression now was even more fanatical than before.

   "It seems that I can play a game to my heart's content today, let's take it! Charlemagne Theron!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Jialinde immediately rushed towards Charlemagne, and the big ax with a strong sense of presence also struck down after entering the distance.


At this time, under the pressure of this senior, Charlemagne no longer used the usual cheap tricks to stir up her already extremely high emotions, and raised the eagle's claws to block the axe. In this blow, he was regarded as It roughly estimated the strength of Garinde's attack.

  ‘Although this should not be her maximum effort, the upper and lower errors should not be too large. '

After judging the strength of the opponent, Charlemagne immediately entered a counterattack posture. The opponent's use of heavy weapons will inevitably have the disadvantage of being slow to attack. After flicking away Galinde's big ax with a little force, he relied on the use of the divine weapon transmission method of the day to activate it decisively. The power of the artifact contained in the eagle's claws.


  Following a substantive howling of an eagle, the spear of the artifact pierced countless afterimages in a blink of an eye under the swing of Charlemagne at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye.


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