Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 178: five years in a hurry

  Chapter 178 Five years in a hurry

  After a few words about the tauren, Emeril briefly talked about his experience.

  Actually, Charlemagne can probably figure out some of her next moves from the words of the two big druids in the Emerald Dream.

It was nothing more than returning to Hyjal Peak and telling Fandral and Tyrande the news of the Burning Legion. Fandral then entered the Emerald Dream and told Malfurion the news. It is likely that the leaders of the night elves are discussing What about this thing.

   On the contrary, Emmoreel's experience of traveling around the world is more interesting. With her super mobility, she has traveled to Kalimdor, the Eastern Continent, and Northrendla to attract many races.

Of course, Emeril's actions were not all smooth sailing. She was treated coldly in the Seven Kingdoms of mankind. Although many hunters among the people were willing to join the secret passage, her warning about the Burning Legion was ignored by the Seven Kingdoms. Generally ignored.

Apart from Dalaran, she couldn't even meet the kings of the other six kingdoms. Only Antonidas met her out of curiosity about the ancient race of night elves, but the old mage also talked about the threat of her Burning Legion. Didn't take it seriously.

Recently, the chairman of the Kirin Tor is worrying about his favorite disciple. Kel'Thuzad, whom he is extremely optimistic about, has been reported recently. It seems that he is conducting some dangerous magic research, but the old mage's repeated inquiries, whether explicit or implicit Couldn't get an answer.

   Fortunately, the mages did not do all kinds of deadly research once or twice. Anyway, Kel'Thuzad didn't cause any major troubles, so Antonidas simply didn't bother to care about it.

  However, recently this disciple's attitude towards him has become a little cold, which makes the old mage who almost treats Kel'Thuzad as a relative feel a little sad.

  Though the travels in the human kingdom were not smooth, Immeril, the land of dwarves and gnomes, was a good treat.

"King Magni is a very generous man. Although he was dubious about the invasion of the Burning Legion I proposed, he still sent a lot of mountain patrollers to join the hidden passage and promised that if the Burning Legion really invaded, the copperbeard dwarves would definitely help. confrontation."

  Emeril spoke well of Magni, but then she mentioned that it seemed that the bronzebeard dwarves were fighting another group of dark iron dwarves somewhere to the south.

   Charlemagne suddenly became alert when he heard this, "At war? Ms. Shadow Guard, do you know the specific situation?"

  Emeril nodded lightly. "I asked King Magni, and he said that the main reason is that the two sides are fighting over an ancient ruin. King Magni sent his third brother, Brian, to sit in charge in person."

   Charlemagne frowned upon hearing this, and quietly began to communicate with Tyre, "Tyre, could it be..."

   "Well... The goal of both parties should be Uldaman, but I don't know why this war started. I'm afraid you need to find a time to send me back to Uldaman."

   "Okay, I'll go to Uldaman after I finish dealing with domestic affairs, and learn about the specific situation by the way."

  It has been about 7 years since Charlemagne and Tire left Uldaman. The temporary body that Azadas made for Tire should have been completed, and it is almost time for Tire to return to his partners.

  Later, Charlemagne caught Charlemagne's attention by a word that Immorel casually mentioned when talking about dwarves.

   "It's strange to say that I actually found a high elf in Gnomeregan, and looking at the attitude of the surrounding dwarves towards him, it seems that some of his views are affirmed by these mechanical engineering experts."


  At this time, Charlemagne thought of the arrangement he had given to Lisson before he left last time. Probably this high elf mixed among the dwarves was Taronicus who was sent by him to study in Gnomeregan...

The dwarves who have been friends with the copperbeard dwarves for generations also sent a lot of people to join the hidden passage like the dwarves. Gelbin also kindly sent the rotorcraft he developed to send Emeril to Borah, the capital of Kul Tiras. Les.

  …But according to Emmoreel, her flight journey is something she will never forget.

Afterwards, the agent leader of the secret channel went to Northrend again on Corey's ship in Boralus, met the local furbolgs in the Grizzly Bear Hills, and successfully persuaded the group of giant bear demigods believer.

   "I went to find the yak people you mentioned in Northrend, but the distant relatives of these tauren didn't want to participate in the turmoil of the mainland after ten thousand years of living in the north, so they finally didn't agree to my solicitation."

   "...In addition, I also met some local Vrykul people. I originally wanted to communicate with them in a friendly manner, but they didn't listen to my explanation and called me directly."

Speaking of this, Emeril was obviously very unhappy. After getting in touch with the vrykul in Stormheim, she thought that the vrykul all over the world had similar tempers, but the dragon-slaying tribe of Northrend gave She slapped loudly.

  Charlemagne learned about the situation of many countries indirectly from Immorel, such as the birth of Prince Arthas of Lordaeron last year and the birth of Queen Jaina Proudmoore of Kul Tiras this year.

He also probably has some understanding of Corey's recent situation. After several years of struggle, the captain bought the icebreaker with the approval of Lor'themar, and at the same time bought several ships with the support of the territory's output. There are two ocean-going ships, one of which is dedicated to the route between the eastern continent and the night elves.

Just as Charlemagne expected, the old captain Corey opened up this route after the first friendly contact with the night elves under the guarantee of Immorel and others. In the past few years, he has traveled between the two continents. It really brought a lot of income to Theron family.

In addition, about the current situation of Alleria and Quel'Thalas, which Charlemagne is most concerned about, Emeril said that she only knows that Alleria has been busy improving her strength and managing the Theron family's territory in recent years, except for the two times a year. Apart from visiting the sleeping Charlemagne at Lora Hill, he spent most of his time in the country.

This communication with Emeril gave Charlemagne a lot of understanding of what happened in the past five years. If you calculate the exact time, it is about 3 years before the Black Gate, which is about 3 years away from Medivh and Gul'dan. The time to cooperate to open the Dark Portal is getting closer.

"Ms. Shadowguard, then I'm going to return to Quel'Thalas to see the situation. There should be a high-level meeting between the high elves and the night elves in Astrana. I hope you can do the same." Come and participate."

  With Immorel's help, Grandma Tai would not be too aggressive. Of course, Charlemagne sincerely hopes that Tyrande will not attend this high-level meeting...

  Emeril smiled and nodded in agreement, "Okay, you go, Alleria has missed you very much these years, don't make her wait any longer."

  Charlemagne nodded resolutely, and then took Farodin, who had been serving as a melon-eating crowd, to the flight controller of the secret passage, borrowed the giant eagle, and flew straight towards Suramar.


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