Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 182: reunion five years later

  Chapter 182 Reunion after five years

   Not long after Charlemagne flew to Silvermoon City, Sean, the broadcaster, already told Charlemagne's relatives and friends the news of his return by relying on arcane messengers.

   When Charlemagne finished his business and teleported back to Tarquilin, before he recovered from the dizziness of the teleportation, a soft and fragrant body had already thrown into his arms.

   "Welcome back, Charlemagne!"

   Even without opening his eyes to recognize it, Charlemagne immediately knew her identity just by smelling the familiar body fragrance of the female elf in his arms, and immediately hugged her with a gentle smile.

   "I'm back, Alleria."

  Although they have been separated for five years, the tacit understanding between the two has not weakened in the slightest. The young couple completely ignored the large number of melon-eating people in the teleportation room, and warmed up like no one else.


   Charlemagne and Aurelia, who had entered the world of the two, came back to their senses until an unpleasant lip smack sound came from the side.

  However, the female elf didn't feel shy at all. After leaving her boyfriend's arms, she hugged his right arm naturally, and turned around to accept everyone's mocking gazes.

   Turning his attention away from his girlfriend, Charlemagne saw his friends and relatives in the teleportation room, first of all, Sylvanas who stood at the front with an unconvinced expression.

  Looking at the position and movements of the second young lady, it seems that she also wanted to rush over just now, but she was taken a step ahead by her own elder sister. The unpleasant smacking sound just now was probably made by her.

Cirvanas's beautiful appearance has not changed from five years ago, but like Alleria, after she breaks through to the hero level, her sense of oppression becomes stronger, and she gradually begins to have some impressions of Charlemagne's previous life. Queen Xi's aura.

   Followed by Vereesa and the smiling Valeera who still looked at him with a familiar unhappy expression. It seems that these two little guys have not changed much in the past five years.

Beside them are Li Reza with a faint smile and Lilas standing beside her like a quail, but looking at the mischievous expression of this little Windrunner boy, it is obvious that he is not like his outside. The actions in the performance are as docile and obedient.

   Lor'themar... that's the one standing in the corner and Halduron next to him stealing the scene, but judging from his temperament, he seems to be more calm than five years ago.

  In addition to Sean who was standing a little far behind everyone, Charlemagne's family and friends were almost all members except Garinde and Eleanor who were traveling, and Liadrin who was stationed in the Dawnguard Corps.

   Surrounded by everyone, Charlemagne walked out of the narrow teleportation room with a happy and satisfied smile. A group of relatives and friends were very curious about Charlemagne's experience in the past five years, and surrounded Charlemagne to know the details along the way.

  Although Li Reza also wanted to know the experience of her most valued disciple over the years, but she had a duty, so she could only leave a group of juniors to reminisce about the past, and returned to the barracks alone.

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Charlemagne stretched out his left hand and scratched his face in embarrassment, "Eh... Let me tell you first, it has been five years for you, but my subjective feeling in the Emerald Dream is only five days That's all."

Sean waved his hand first and said, "We have heard Aurelia say this, we want to know what the legendary Emerald Dream looks like, who invited you to the Emerald Dream, and what have you experienced in the dream in the past five days? "

In desperation, Charlemagne could only briefly tell what he had seen and heard in the Emerald Dreamland. When he heard the elf dragon and the dryad, the eyes of the three little guys, Valeira, Vereesa, and Lilas, all lit up. I can't wait to see these novel species with my own eyes.

To be on the safe side, Charlemagne and Alleria chose to hide things about Tire temporarily. Just like the excuse of fooling the Sun King, Charlemagne told everyone that he was invited to the Green Dragon Queen Ysera to talk to him about the Burning Legion. The problem.

   Immediately, he took advantage of the opportunity to tell the relatives and friends present about his meeting with the two Archdruids and the decision of the high-level meeting of the two races.

   "A high-level meeting... I didn't expect those Kaldorei cousins ​​to propose this meeting. Don't they hate us, the descendants of the high elves?"

  Alleria sighed a little after hearing what Charlemagne said. She still remembers how the sentries treated them when they first arrived at the Marksman camp.

Cirvanas, Vereesa and the others also nodded. They have been to Eagle Claw Peak more than once in the past five years. How could the estrangement created by the high-level night elves' deliberate propaganda over the years be so easily eliminated.

Charlemagne gently stroked Alleria's smooth hair, and said with a smile, "The night elves are the ones who know the Burning Legion best. After all, they experienced that devastating event 10,000 years ago. War of the Ancients."

"Although the gap between us won't disappear so easily, under the pressure of foreign enemies like the Burning Legion, it's not surprising that Archdruid Malfurion, a wise man who looks at the overall situation, would make such a decision. "

  Aurelia held her boyfriend's hand tightly and asked, "So you will go to Kalimdor soon? You can't leave me this time, right? I want to go too!"

  Charlemagne dotingly kissed the stubborn Aurelia on the face, "Okay, I will definitely not be separated from you this time, and we will set off after I get things in order in the territory!"

   "I'm going too!" "Me too!"

Vereesa and Valeira both raised their hands at this time. The two naturally active little girls were curious when they heard that they were going to Kalimdor, where the night elves lived. They wanted to see those elf dragons and trees with their own eyes. demons.

   Cirvanas had a long mouth, but in the end he let out a depressed sigh considering his responsibilities.

  However, Charlemagne shook his head and rejected the self-recommendation of the two little girls, "Not this time!"

   "Hey? Why!"

  Vereesa yelled in dissatisfaction, the expression on her face seemed to be accusing Charlemagne of being biased, while Valeira was more clever, running over to hold Aurelia to act like a baby, trying to take the curve to save the country.

Charlemagne helplessly reached out his hand to signal the two to calm down, "It's not that I don't want to take you there, but this time I'm going to discuss the specific meeting time with the night elves. I won't be able to stay there for long, or the next official meeting will You guys go with me again?"

  The two little girls looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, they finally nodded in agreement. Seeing that Charlemagne had coaxed them, he breathed a sigh of relief under Aurelia's funny gaze.


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