Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 190: How Dwarves Communicate Their Feelings

  Chapter 190 The way dwarves communicate feelings

   Initially received an affirmative answer from Uther. The two of Charlemagne agreed with them to meet again next year, and then bid farewell to the Big Three of the Silver Hand, opened the portal again and teleported directly to the gate of Ironforge.

The sudden appearance of the portal startled some merchants walking around. The guards outside the gate of Ironforge are not surprised by this. The appearance of such a portal usually means that a mage will come out of it .

  Besides, due to the recent forging competition, there are quite a lot of nobles who come to Ironforge to watch the excitement. Opening the portal through a mage is undoubtedly the fastest way.

  However, the two people who came out of the portal surprised the guard captain who had been confidently betting with his colleagues before. The ones who walked out were not mages but two high elves dressed as rangers.

  Aurelia, who had just walked out, shivered immediately when the cold wind from the snow-capped mountains blew her away. "Phew...Dun Morogh is really cold in November."

Charlemagne thoughtfully took out the runecloth cloak given to him by the Sun King from the magic bag, and put it on his girlfriend. This cloak was solidified with constant temperature and self-cleaning magic, and it was used on the female elf at this time. It's just right.

  Aurelia felt her boyfriend's pampering, and hugged him tightly with a happy face, "Thank you Charlemagne, but what do you do if you gave me the cloak?"

Gently kissing Alleria on the forehead, Charlemagne tapped the armor on his left arm, "Did you forget that I still have this? With its energy support, I can always solidify the constant temperature magic for myself, without worry about me."

   At this time, Charlemagne was very grateful that he had also studied the mage profession. This profession, which has been passed down among elves for tens of thousands of years, really has many useful small spells.

  For example, in the current situation, if you don't want to be wrapped into a ball with heavy clothes, constant temperature spells are the best choice.

   "I didn't give you the silver arm armor to make you flirt..."

  Tyl's voice of complaining sounded in the minds of the two at the right time. Charlemagne and Aurelia were taken aback at the same time, and then they laughed crisply together.

   "I'm sorry Tyr, but since the silver arm armor is still in my hand, I always have to make the best use of it."

  Tier laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I'm just joking, since it's handed over to you, you can use it as you please, and the power of order is supposed to be used in this way."

  This topic was briefly mentioned by Tyre last time. Charlemagne raised his eyebrows and asked, "Isn't the power of order closer to the holy light? How can it be so integrated with arcane art?"

Tyr smiled mysteriously, "Hehe, you misunderstood this, I'll explain it to you in detail when you leave Ironforge for Uldaman, don't you still have something to go to find that man named Liang?" Hammer blacksmith?"

  The old dwarf of Bright Hammer didn't find Charlemagne when he returned to Tarquilin. He only found out after asking the reception elves in his blacksmith shop that this guy ran back to Ironforge to participate in the ten-year forging competition.

  Charlemagne shrugged, put his arms around Alleria and walked into the city together. "Okay, let's find that old dwarf to help me strengthen my dual knives. I hope his skills have really stabilized now."

Alleria smiled softly, "How could it be unstable? After all, it has been five years since you left last time. In recent years, Brighthammer's blacksmith shop business has become more and more prosperous. Even Liadrin That warhammer came to Taquilin specially for him to order."

  Behind the two Charlemagne, the captain of the guard just now took out a few silver coins from his pocket with a painful face and handed them to his smiling colleagues.

  ‘Goodbye, my dear Thunder Spirits…’


When Charlemagne and Aurelia came to Ironforge, the forging competition that attracted many people to watch some time ago had come to an end. According to the news they heard in Ironforge, it was finally the King of Ironforge who came to Ironforge. A narrow margin won the championship.

   It is said that Bright Hammer was very unconvinced that day, thinking that Magni took the status of the king and got a sympathy vote.

  Two old dwarves with a height of 1.3 meters immediately punched each other **** the podium, which made the audience very lively.

People of all ethnic groups who often deal with dwarves know that dwarves have this kind of personality. Anyway, after the fight, they will still go to drink together shoulder to shoulder. .

The fact is exactly as everyone expected, Bright Hammer and Magni, two old dwarfs who have known each other for hundreds of years, went to the tavern to drink together as if nothing had happened after the fight. Magni, who had just received the bonus, was still in the tavern The cheers of the dwarves indicated that he had invited the wine of the day.

   Magni woke up from under the table the next day and realized that his bonus was just enough for the group of dwarves who drank with their stomachs open. For this reason, the tavern owner sent goats to the winery three times to bring back wine.

  His Majesty the King didn't care about this, he readily paid for the drink, woke up Bright Hammer, who was also sleeping with a chair, and went back to the big forge to exchange forging experience together.

  For a blacksmith, being able to win the championship in this competition surrounded by strong enemies is the biggest reward. For money and so on, Magni said it was drizzle.

  Charlemagne and the two did not find Magni on the throne. Fortunately, Muradin, who had just returned from Northrend, informed them of the whereabouts of his elder brother.

   "Most likely to go to the big forge in the center of the city again. Ever since Brighthammer came back, my elder brother often left state affairs and went to forge iron..."

Apparently, the dwarf prince was very displeased with the king who went to blacksmith but dragged himself to top the tank. He dragged Charlemagne and Aurelia and began to complain. The extremely fast but strangely accented common language made the two of them hear it differently. dizzy.

After finally getting rid of Muradin's naughty attack, Charlemagne and Alleria shook their drowsy heads and walked towards the central forge. It was no surprise that they found two shirtless old dwarves here. .

   "I've said it all! You need to use the folding forging method here, you old **** @#¥%@#;"

   "Fart! This place must be quenched first, you are really %¥#@*#@"

As soon as they approached, Charlemagne and Aurelia heard two old dwarves who are over 1,000 years old and swearing at each other. When they got excited, they rolled up their non-existent sleeves and looked like they were about to fight .

  The other blacksmiths around have long been accustomed to the conflict between the two, and they are still striking iron there calmly. Occasionally, a few melon-eaters who stop to rest watch their quarrel with interest.

  The corner of Charlemagne's mouth twitched as he looked at the two shapeless dwarves, and had no choice but to step forward to interrupt their confrontation.

   "Eh...Although I'm sorry to interrupt your exchange of feelings, but I have something to ask Bright Hammer."

   "Who do you think communicates with this dead dwarf (old scorpion)?!"

  Charlemagne: "..."

   Thanks to the book friend "Devil King Luluxiu & Witch CC" for their support.




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